Chapter 33

Amazing! So this is what a human city in this world is like? As expected, it's so fantasy-like!

The city I went to is a city governed by a human nation. Beyond its walls, it was encircled by tall buildings of different designs. Most of those designs corresponds with the business they represent, like a restaurant with hallow walls to allow viewing inside, or a bank with thick walls and towering pillars. Each structure appear very distinctive, and they collectively show a very appealing sight.

The people around varies in appearance too. While it is a city governed by a human nation, its people consists of different races. Among humans, there were other humanoid races as well, like the beastmen and dwarves, and some rarer ones, such as the lizardmen and demons.

"The demon race, huh? So they co-exist with humans too..."

They're usually treated as villains in games and stories, so I was surprised to see them casually walk the streets here. Anyway... they seem to be rare, but even more so than they were... The elves... I feel like I'm the only one around.

"Mm... strange..."

With that thought in my mind, I start to tour the city. Right away, I was awestruck by the things I saw. There were so many different things to see in this city, it's unbelievable. I feel like a countryside bumpkin who has never been in a city before. Well, I am, considering the fact that I lived my whole life in an isolated town of elves.

With a humongous backpack on my back, I shopped for anything that I took interest in. I picked up new clothes that fits the theme of the city and switched to those. I also bought a sword since the one I had was worn out already.

When I got hungry, I ate in an expensive restaurant. As expected, the food was great. After that, I rested on a small bench and continued my stroll around the city once again.

"Come! Witness the pride of our city demonstrate his unmatched swordsmanship for another fight!"

Out of nowhere, I heard a loud announcement coming from the large plaza nearby, where a bunch of people seem to gather. Curious, I went and took a look at what's happening.


"Is that all you got?"

"No... not yet!"

There, on a small stage in the middle of the plaza, two people were currently dueling with swords. The fight was pitiful and one-sided. It didn't really seem like a duel, but more like a performance to show-off the skills of the person dominating. The "city's pride" it seems was the tall and handsome blonde man that was slowly cutting down his enemy.

"And! We have the winner! Julian Veinfield!" the announcer declared and raised the winner's arm.

Julian Veinfield? What a weird name...

With a glance, you can tell that he was a nobleman. His glamorous looks and eccentric clothing are obvious clues, but the emblem on his shoulders gives it away.

"Now! Is there any more challengers out there who wants to test our champion? Anyone?"

Ugh... that arrogant smug on his face is irritating. The way he looks at the pretty girls crying for him on the audience is making me boil too. Is he actually following the same troupe of an arrogant and asshole noble in every fantasy story there is?

"Oh! We have another challenger! Please do better than the last one, our champion is still unsatisfied!"

Again, they start another battle. His opponent this time looked strong, so I stayed to watch him cut that noble guy up. That's right, unpopular-looking random guy! Destroy him!

"Another tremendous victory! What's this? The champion wants more! One last fight, and he's asking for an even stronger opponent!"

He went down even faster than the last one... he was so weak... after I raised my hopes up on him, he's going to disappoint me like this?

That's it... I've had enough of this. Time to turn around and go. I'll just pray for someone to win against that noble guy and humble him.

"Yo-you there, miss!"

Miss? Now he's taking on a woman? What a joke.

"Please wait, miss!"


"The one with the big backpack!"


Why do I have this feeling that the announcer was calling for me? Eh?

"A-an elf...!?"

"Are you talking about me?" I turned around and asked the announcer, who also seem as confused as me about the situation. Beside him, the noble guy has his arms crossed and is looking down at me with a smug expression on his face.

"The champion... sir Veinfield is asking you for a duel..."

"Me? A duel?"

"That's right..."

"Eh... sorry, I don't want to... please ask somebody else..."

"He said that you can't refuse."

"Huh? Why can't I?"

"Eh... seriously, sir?" with the noble guy whispering like the devil to his ears, he continued, "H-he says that he'll throw you out the city if you refuse..."

"What!? Are you serious!?" I complained, raising my voice as loud as I can.

"He's serious... he says..."

Hearing that, I glared hard at the noble guy who was still looking down at me with a stupid look on his face.

"Are you for real!? Asking a random stranger to a duel, and threatening him to be thrown out of the city if he refused!? Are you stupid or what!?"

"He-hey, miss elf! We can't just let you talk like that to our city's pride!" the announcer suddenly changed his tone of talking and yelled at me.

"That's right! He's our hero, you can't just talk to him like that!"

"You might be a beautiful elf onee-chan, but you can't be disrespectful!"

Following the announcer's rebuke, the audience also turned at me and voiced their complaints.

Is this really happening right now? What is wrong with these people?

Looking up, I saw the noble guy move to his side of the stage. Then he grinned at me and gestured me to go up.

This guy... he's toying with me...!

"Fine! I'll accept your challenge! Just don't complain if you get hurt!"