Chapter 38

When I went back to the inn, I saw someone I didn't want to see. It was Julian. He was standing there at the entrance of the inn with his arms crossed and his feet tapping the floor. The moment he saw me, a grin appeared on his face and he came to me right away.

"You're back later than I expected. Did the guild work made you that busy?"

Just how much free time does this guy has?

"Why are you here?"

After knowing him for three months, I finally caught up to his antics and I slowly became casual with him as he was with me. It could even be said that we became friends, even though our treatment of each other was a bit strange.

"Don't be like that, I just wanted to see your face."

"Why are you always so creepy?"

"Most women could only dream of me to approach them, yet you're pushing me away."

"That's because you're creeping me out."

"Fufu... I do like that you're honest. Is this what it's like to be close to someone? Unlike anyone I know, you're not holding back when you talk to me like that at all." he said and made a strange gesture with his hands.

He was as eccentric as ever...

"I admit you're good-looking, but you shouldn't act like that. You look stupid."

"I see..." he mumurs, putting a finger on his chin as if to think.

Mm? Is he really considering my criticism?

"So you admit that you're attracted to my appearance."

I should've expected he would say that.

"Ugh... Enough. Why are you here? Please don't say you're only here to harass me again."

"Not at all!" he waved his hand and explained, "I came here for a personal request."

"A request?"

"Umu... my father is launching a subjugation campaign on a wyvern that nested near the city. With me on the lead, it will help me spread my name as a swordsman and as the next ruler of this city to the people. I will need all the help I can get... the adventurers too."

Wyverns in this world are unbelievably strong. They can grow up to 10 meters tall, and they can shoot fireballs from their mouths. Just as what you would expect from a relative of the dragons, they are tough to deal with. The guild would usually send multiple high ranking adventurer parties to handle them, but if they were an active threat to the city, then the knights will be dispatched.

"I will be hiring you as an adventurer, so it will help increase your rank in the guild."

"But I'm still at the lowest rank, I don't think I'll be allowed to accept that kind of quest."

"Personal requests are an exception to the rules. It's your choice whether you accept it or not."

"I see..."

There's really no reason to refuse that request... Beating a wyvern will really help increase my rank... I might get promoted immediately. It's not like I'm on a rush, but that would save me some time. I'm also curious what it would be like to fight a high class monster.

"Fine... I accept."

"Good, it would be three days from now. You'll have a lot of time to prepare."

"Umu..." I nodded.

"Then, let's get to the next subject."

"Hm? Which is?"

"What else? Dinner."

Just from that one word, I understood what he meant. Scratching my head, I nodded again and walked passed him.

"I'll get change."

I'm not good with anything too fancy, but the food at the expensive restaurants Julian takes me to were just too irresistible. The sweets were great too. After becoming a woman, my pallets also change to prefer more flavorful food. Tempted, I couldn't refuse his invitation.

After changing, I came back at the lobby of the inn and met again with Julian. I changed my adventurer garb to a suit tailored for social events. The open shirt I wore inside was white, but the suit itself was light purple. Like the shirt, the last buttons of the suit were not fixed and my chest area shows a bit of skin. It has a simple style. It was not as decorated as Julian's suit, but it looked good nonetheless.

The first time Julian and I went out, I looked extremely out of place. Everyone was well-dressed, so I decided to buy clothing for social gathering in case I went alone to the same establishment in the future. I have a few dresses in my time at the elf village, but I didn't want to wear them.

"I noticed it right after we first met... but are all your clothes for men? I never see you wore a skirt like any woman does. You also never change your ponytail."

"Shut it...! I just prefer men's clothes, and I can't really style my hair."

"Well, your suit still gives off a different charm. It looks good on you," Julian compliments.

"Mm? That's somewhat of a cheap compliment compared to what you usually give."

He would usually give exaggerated and over the top compliments I cringe to, so I was a bit surprised he finally gave a fairly normal one.

"Oh? Are you seeking my affection? Fufu... don't worry, I just didn't want to repeat myself over and over. I think you look good in any outfit you wear."

"Seeking your attention? You're dreaming."

"Fufu..." he chuckled. Then with a pause, he spoke again, "You liked that gambling house we went to before, right? How about we visit there again?"

"Wha-what!? I didn't like it at all!"

"I thought it was cute how you so reluctantly try to bet the cheapest amounts and then cry when you lose..."

"You...! I was not crying! I just teared up a little."

I'm not a big spender, so when I got caught up in the wave and lost a hundred gold coins worth of chips on a single bet, I lost it and ended up tearing up.

"Don't worry about it, I'll buy you a larger amount of chips this time. I told you, gambling is but a hobby to me."

I realized then just how absurdly rich this guy truly was. He was randomly betting hundreds of gold coins without hesitation, and he does not even blink an eye whether he win or lose. I believe him when he says it was just a hobby for him.

"No...! I've had enough of it."

To be honest, I'm just afraid I might get addicted to it, so I don't want to go back there anymore.

"Come on! It's my treat!" he chuckled again as he went to my side and put an arm over my shoulder. "I know you're holding yourself back on me since it's my money we're using! But you're really just coming with me, and you're only betting in my place. We'll cut the money anyway in your wins."

He's talking about it so casually like he's merely treating me to a movie.

"Grr... don't complain when you lose more than you earn."

"Good! Let's go!" he smiled at me so innocently. He was clearly having fun.

With that, he let go of my shoulders and walked ahead. I followed behind him. With both of us in suits, it felt like we're some sort of gang members ready to head into battle.