Chapter 62

After the battle, Eria-sama congratulated me and praised my efforts, but she also criticized my mistakes and pointed out the weakness in my style. I often forgot because of her seemingly naive attitude, but Eria-sama is actually a master in the art of combat, and not just in the duel of swords, but also in magic. Her words are not to be taken lightly.

"You should move around more... don't just stand around doing nothing, waiting for your opponent to come to you," she says with the strict tone I rarely hear her use.

"I see..."

Mages often always stand in the back in battles. We're always protected by frontline fighters, so we don't have the need to move much around. And in my personal experience, I never actually encountered a monster until now that can survive my attacks and close the distance between us, the thought of maneuvering on my own never occurred to me since I always defeated my enemies in a single shot. Granted, all the monsters I fought before as a student are merely weaklings, the academy can't afford to test us with monsters that can get to us after all.

But now that I think about it, being able to constantly distance myself from the enemy can greatly improve my potential in one on one duels. It certainly would've been a useful skill to have against that troll I just fought.

"Well, that's about it..."

"Thank you for the insight, Eria-sama."

I'm very much fortunate to receive Eria-sama's teachings, I cannot waste this opportunity to learn.

As we went on our way back to Root, Eria-sama continues to teach me her ways. After pointing out my mistakes and weaknesses, she then resumes to teach me techniques and tactics that will help me improve in battle. It seems she got fired up as well, and she did not stop talking and showing even though I could barely keep up with her. I find it amazing how she can form thoughts in her head that are seemingly absurd, but fundamentally genius.

"Have you ever taught students in an academy before, Eria-sama?" I couldn't help but ask.

I know Eria-sama have taught people before, but from what I gathered so far, they were not academic students, but were close friends, party members, or even kids she somehow ended up taking care of. I was surprised when I heard she has taught both a demon child and a beastkin before.

"In an academy like yours? No, I'm not really the type that gets along well with people... specially when they're younger than me..." she chuckles.


Eria-sama has been the most extroverted person I ever met. She's so outgoing and confident... I just can't believe when she says that she don't get along with people well.

"I did train a few knights in regards of swordsmanship before... but they're not students anymore, but the top fighters of their country."

"I-I see... as expected of Eria-sama..."

In the hundreds years Eria-sama has lived, she must've experienced a lot of things already. She told me that she has't seen much of the world yet, but travelling into three continents in such a large world is a feat not many people have accomplished.

Eria-sama... As an elf, she will live for hundreds of years more. People around her will get old and perish, yet she will remain alive and young. Me as well...

"What's wrong, Fin?"

"Uhh... it's nothing..."

I'll be leaving Root soon to continue learning in the academy, that means I have to part ways with Eria-sama. If only I didn't have so much responsibility as a noble, I will choose to continue to journey with her. As a noble family's first born son, I need to graduate, inherit my father's role, and remain as a servant of the nation for the rest of my life.

I want to remain with Eria-sama more than I want to inherit my father's name, but... I don't get to choose.

I can take the risk of asking Eria-sama to marry me, but I'm not even confident of doing that. Eria-sama is not the kind of person who will choose to be tied down, not when she wants to see and venture the entire world. I'm positive as well, that Eria-sama has been proposed to by people with even better position than me in the past, and yet here she is. No one has succeeded to take her hand yet. How can I think I'll be able to do so?

Deep in desperate thoughts, I didn't notice our arrival in Root.

"Oohh! Eria! Finral-sama! You're back!" the guards happily welcomed us to the gates.

"We're back...! Thank you for welcoming us as always."

"Keke... We're always waiting here for you, Eria! And we're always worrying if you will come back safe or not..."

Have they still not figure out that Eria-sama is a high-ranking adventurer? How can they be so stupid?

"As I said before, you guys don't need to worry. I have Fin with me after all."

"Of course! Finral-sama must be really strong. As expected of noble blood... Geh..."

"Let's go, Eria-sama..." I calmly said, bumping shoulders with one of the guards as I attempt to walk forward.

I'm not exactly in the mood for casual talks with mere city guards. I don't like seeing Eria-sama bringing herself down to their level to converse with them as well. It's frustrating.

"Well, then..." Eria-sama followed as I walked away, all the while waving at the smiling guards.


These guards are the worse of people... Just how can they be so obvious when they stare at Eria-sama's backside with those nasty grins on their faces!? Until I am gone from this city, I'm the only one allowed to savor that sight...!