Endurance Test For The Lewd 2

"What the hell is this!?"

"Sorry, it looks like I bought the wrong set... they weren't supposed to be perverted..."

Erika bopped her head with a full fist and apologized. It's obvious that she's not truly apologetic... She most certaintly picked these cards intentionally.

King's Gambit... it blatantly sounds like a copy of a game that existed in my previous world. I remember playing that game in mixers before, only for it to ruin the atmostphere and making everything awkward. Although, this one seems to be more straightforward and out of control of the players, so it might actually work better.

"But enough of that! We already started the game, so we need to finish it."


Kai and Harry complained, but Erika shut them down both.

"There will be punishment for the losers, so be prepared!"

"Punishment? And that is?"

"I don't know... We'll decide when the game is over!"

It looks like Erika won't be backing out now. She orchastrated this game after all, so she's persistent to play it.

"U-um... Eria, please convince her to stop... You don't like to play this game too, right?"

Kai, who's sitting right beside me, whispered quietly to my ears. However, it seems Erika noticed him, and she stared at me with pleading eyes to counter his intentions.

"Uuu..." she whimpers.

"I think... I'll play..." I relent, "But only if we start again from the beginning..."

I just cannot refuse Erika when she's looking at me like that. However, I feel like I'll be in a disadvantage if I continue with the card I got, so I only accepted with the condition to restart.

"Umu! Okay, I'll shuffle the cards again!" Erika gave a satisfied nod, before shuffling the deck again and handing us each another card.

_Command: Hold hands with number 3 until the cycle ends.

Oh? This is much easier than the first one... As I thought, the commands in this game seem to be pretty tame. Compared to all the things I've done and experienced until now, they're child's play.

This might be an easy win for me, specially against inexperienced youngsters like Kai, Erika, and Harry.

Because of my past experiences with mixers, I became competitive with games like this. That's why, I can't help but get excited.

"Tsk!" I heard Erika click her tongue, she seems to be unsatisfied with the card she got. "Then, let's start... Since I'm number 1, I'll start first," she declared.

Without a warning, she leaned over towards Harry and kissed him on the cheeks. Since she colored her lips with lipstick, a faint kiss mark was left on Harry's skin.

"There, I did my turn."

"Y-you surprised me..."

Harry complained with a slight blush, but as if nothing had happened, Erika simply ignored him. She turned towards me instead with an excited look on her face.

"It's just like that...! Okay, it's your turn, Eria! What did you get?"

"Well then, please excuse me..." I apologized, before I deliberately placed my hand in front of Kai to urge him to hold it.


"Fufu... I see..." Erika playfully laughed at Kai's reaction. "Take it, Kai," she urges as well.

Kai's just going to have to hold my hand, so it should be easy enough for him to do. Although, I can understand if he's embarrased about it. Like I mentioned before, he appears to be inexperienced with the opposite sex after all.

"A-are you really okay with this?" he consciously asked.

"It's just holding hands."

"I-is that so...?"

"By the way, if you don't do it, it's Eria who will lose her turn."

"What...!? That's dirty!"

After complaining, Kai turned to look at me with a guilty expression on his face. It seems Erika was properly able to manipulate him to consider doing the deed. So with a nervous gulp, he surrendered and reluctantly held my hand. Now we just need to continue holding hands until the cycle repeats.

"Hehe... you look so tense, Kai."

"Shu-shut up!"

Next up, it was Kai's turn.

"U-um... it says here that I should tickle number 3, but..."

"Number 3? If that's the case, then you get a free turn," Erika explained.

I see... Because he's number 3 himself, he won't be able to follow the command and he gets a free pass instead? That's reasonable.


Without saying anything, Harry took off his vest and put it on the table. It looks like he got the card I had earlier.

"Then, it's my turn again! This time, we'll pick a card each after every turn instead."

"Can't we just take each all at the same time like before?"

"No, let's pick one by one... There'll be more tension that way."

So the reason why we got to have a card each all at the same time in the first round was so that we can understand the rules more clearly and warm us up? After that, the real game start where the tension is much higher, since we'll have to pick a card ourselves one after another...

"Here I go! Guh!"

Erika forrowed her brows as soon as she saw the words on her card. Reluctantly following it, she stood up and lifted up her skirt.


Harry voiced in amazement. Kai had a faint reaction as well, but nothing too much. It didn't seem he's interested in Erika really. Erika has a pretty face and a modest body, so I don't know what he doesn't like about her. I thought that boys in his age would be attracted to just about every woman they meet...? I know I was before...

"If you're a man, remove your shirt; if you're a woman, lift up your skirt," Erika read the command out loud, before then going back on her seat with a regretful look on her face. "It's your turn now, Eria," she said with a much lighter tone than usual.

"Umu..." I nodded.

I was about to pick a card from the deck, but then I realized that I was still holding hands with Kai. When I reminded him of it, he panicked and hurriedly moved his hand away with an apology.

"Here I go..." with a small declaration, I took my card from the deck.

_Command: Suck on number 3's fingers for at least 10 seconds.

Huh? This is quite a jump from the previous commands...

Feeling a bit reluctant, I showed my card to Kai, who again was my unfortunate partner.

"Eh...!?" he exclaimed.

"Come on now, it won't take long," I encouraged him.

"What? How lucky!"


Erika and Harry comment from the sidelines.

"Just how did it come to this...!?" Kai desperately complained, sounding as if his life was about to be taken away.

"Remember, it's Eria's loss if you don't do it," Erika chided.

Kai's face contorted into a desperate expression. Being pressured by his two companions, and also being expectantly stared at by me, he withdraws back from his seat for a moment.

"If it's that necessary...!" as if he was a hero who just found the courage to defeat his most formidable enemy, he grumbled and lifted up his hand towards me.

"Well then, please excuse me..."

I turned towards Kai and leaned over to him. My short hair covered a small portion of my face as I did, so I brushed it to the side of my ears. With eyes closed, I opened my mouth and I proceed to lick on his fingers.


I can hear enduring moans from Kai as I start to wet his fingers with my saliva.

I did not half-heartedly lick and suck on them, of course. I'm not going easy on him. I masterfully used my tongue, just as I'm supposed to do. While on it, I also deliberately produced some indecent sounds.

I can feel Kai's hand shake and tremble with my tongue. His now saliva-coated fingers were withdrawing from my mouth, seemingly afraid of being devoured and sucked on any longer.

Curious, I opened my eyes and looked directly at Kai. His eyes met mine, and he immediately turned away with a blush. Suddenly being conscious, he turned and covered his mouth as well.

Well, this is certainly fun...

"Okay...! Stop, stop! That's it!" Erika announced, waving both of her hands to get our attention.

"Uh? Un..." I half-mindedly nodded. It seems I got too much into it that I reacted a bit late.

"I-is that so?" Kai was late to react as well.

With a cough, I slowly fixed my composure and I went back to proper position on my seat.

"Thank you for going along with it, Kai," I thanked Kai, who's still cherry-colored on his face.

"N-no! It's only natural for me to help!" he shyly replied.

"Fufu... did you have fun?"

I'm not entirely sure who Erika was speaking to, so I just ignored her and let Kai answer to her question alone.



Witnessing her laugh so much, I realized that Erika was really the one who's having the most fun of us four.