We went back home after Chester finally regained consciousness.
I do think I went too far, but I was planning on showing my magic anyway. It doesn't matter if I used it as retaliation for what Chester did, what matters is that he learned his lesson from it.
As expected, he was finally acting well-behaved. He was still talking in a sarcastic manner, but he was not blatantly antagonizing me. In fact, I think he's avoiding me now.
Was he frightened that much? Fufu... Serves him right.
Still, it surprises me how little he seems to care about the magic I showed him. The spell I casted was supposed to be mythical in its origin in this world. How was he not asking me about it?
Log, on the other hand, was overly excited. He just keeps on complimenting my magic skills, even if he doesn't seem to understand what they actually entail.
With that said, it would be a good thing for him to finally take interest in subjects other than me or swordsmanship. He would certainly struggle because of his race, but I will also be teaching him some basic magic in the future. It's necessary if he wants to become a top adventurer.
"Hmph... I'll see you later," Chester said as he went towards his room.
"Call me if you need anything."
"I'll do that."
With that, Log and I went to our room as well.
Well, that was underwhelming. I didn't think we'll end the day this early...
Looking outside the window, I can see that it's still early in the noon.
Unless we're doing a quest, I would usually train Log in swordsmanship around this time. The only reason we're not doing that now was because I prioritized Chester too much to plan anything else for the day.
No matter, Log rarely get to rest these days, it's better for him to rest his body and recover every once in a while.
Come to think of it, unlike Log, I haven't trained my magic or swordsmanship for a while. I've been completing a lot of quests in the guild, but they don't count as they're far too easy. The last challenge I actually had was when I fought Jonah, a small battalion commander I met when I was with Fin. Back then, I disallowed myself to use magic enhancements for my swordsmanship, so I struggled a bit. Even then, I won pretty convincingly.
I wonder... Did I get far too strong? Even the hardest challenges in this world seem so easy to me. I can behead a basilisk in a single slash and I can even blast away the toughest golems in one blow of my magic.
If you were to apply RPG mechanics in this world, I'll surely be around level 90, or at least close to it. The only people that might rival my prowess would be the heroes. Above that, there's the demon king and the Dark king.
Until I met Fin, I wasn't actually keeping up with the world. I was constantly travelling, but I only cared about my own interests. For that reason, I'm not entirely sure if the same heroes I knew have already retired. What's certain is they're not at the same level of strength now as they were before. A new generation of heroes might have appeared as their replacement already, but frankly, I have no interest in them.
Meanwhile, the demon realm had already chosen a new ruler. He's apparently as strong if not stronger than his predecessor, but since I haven't seen neither of them for myself, I have no way of telling his true power.
Similarly, I only ever heard and read of stories about the Dark king ever since I came to this world. I'm not exactly sure what were real or fabrications among them, so I also keep a relatively open mind about him.
What's certain is he's a necromancer that lived for hundreds of years. He was there when the humans and demonkin were still mortal enemies. They eventually allied themselves to prevent him from conquering the world, since he was said to be even more powerful than both the heroes and the demon king. What's worse was that he has more dangerous intentions than any corrupt humans or evil demons.
I'm aware of my own strength, but I don't know if I'll be able to match him in a fight. He's been the most powerful force in this world for centuries. I'm certain there's a good reason why that is so.
Again, in RPG terms, I estimate the demon King's level to be around 95, while the Dark king to be the peak level 100. Together, they're the final boss and the secret boss.
In conclusion: sure, I'm much more powerful than most people, but this world is vast, someone even stronger than me is guaranteed to exist somewhere.
It might be a wise choice to strengthen myself even more...
I left the bath and felt refreshed once again.
I searched for Log and saw that he was already taking his afternoon nap. He was laying on the couch with drool drooping from his mouth.
He's been working hard with his training all this time, so he must be tired.
Fufu... I've decided, I'll give him a small reward and cook him his favorite steak for dinner.
It's still early, but it wouldn't hurt to buy the ingredients for it now.
After putting on a new set of clothes, I quietly exited the room.
As I walked in the corridor, I saw the back of a familiar person.
There were many people with blonde hair in this town, but none of them would be wearing clothes that eccentric. That's certainly Chester.
What is he doing? He's supposed to tell me first if he wants to go outside...
I'm not skilled in spywork, but I'm still better than most people. It won't be difficult for me to trail him unnoticed.
And so, I forgot what I previously intended to do and followed Chester to wherever he was going instead.