Reluctant Heroine 1

"Are you nervous?"

"No-Not at all, master!"

"Fufu..." I let out a chuckle after seeing Log's cute reaction.

It's easy to read Log's current emotion by his ears. They're usually standing up in attention, and unless he's unhappy or nervous, they're pointing down. He would always act tough and mature, so it's funny to see them unconsciously reveal his actual feelings.

"How come you're so calm in this situation?" the person standing nervously behind me questioned.

Obviously, Chester tagged along with us as well. I am working as his bodyguard, so I cannot exactly just leave him alone.

As for the context of his question, he could only be talking about the huge army of monsters approaching our direction. They're still far from the stone walls protecting the town, but it will only be a matter of time before they get close enough to attack.

Because we're standing on the roof of a guard tower that was even taller than the walls, we're able to see just about everything the enemy army has in its composition. They mostly consist of goblins and kobolds, but there were also a mixture of stronger monsters like trolls and minotaurs among them. Five thousand - that's how many I estimate their total number to be. However, it was not their number that was concerning, it was the fact that some of them were wearing armor and were holding weapons with considerable quality.

That's the Dark army for you... They're not just another gathering of monsters, they're an actual army that's organized and well-equipped.

"Hm? You should understand why. You've already seen what I'm capable of, haven't you?"

With that said, even if I use a wooden stick or cast my weakest spells, monsters of their caliber simply won't stand a chance against me. The only advantage they have over me is their number. Even so, that won't change anything.

Of course, I don't have any reason to worry. After I showed him my magic, Chester should know that too.

"Wha-What...? No, I passed out before I could see anything beyond that... And I still think that you've pulled a trick on me..." he explained.

Th-That did happen...

"Mrr..." I pouted.

So all that trouble of bringing him outside the town was for nothing...? I knew I should've shown him more...!

No, there's no point in regretting it now... I should focus on the task ahead of me instead.

Deciding so, I begin to ignore Chester. He was complaining and asking to be let down from the roof too, but I pretend I wasn't hearing anything.

Hmm... I thought they would be prepared, but I guess it's reasonable that they would be like this...

I looked at the cluster of knights and adventurers gathering in front and on top of the walls. They were supposed to be professionals, but practically every one of them were panicking and being frantic. A few of them have even tried to sneak out and run. If not for the others noticing them immediately, they would have been successful. Running away in a situation like this might cause chaos, and if one was able to successfully do so, some others would undoubtedly follow. That would be the worst case scenario...

Other than manning the walls with archers and spell casters, it's clear that they also haven't planned for anything else to counter the enemy. At this rate, the ground troops would simply be swarmed and quickly get killed, then everyone else would follow suit. I can't see any way they would ever survive against the enemy...

As I continue to evaluate their chances, I saw a familiar group of youngsters among the adventurers on the front lines. Surprisingly, Kai and his group came to participate in this battle as well. They did mention that they would do so when we last met. They were so confident back then, but from the look on their faces, they must be regretting that decision now.

I can't exactly blame them, I was similarly as eager as they were when I first came to this world. If they want success as adventurers, they would have to prove their worth first after all...

I wanted to greet them, but that should not be my priority right now. Again, I have no real reason to get worried. However, that only extends for myself, Log, and because I'm his bodyguard, Chester. Aside from us, the others practically has no chance of survival. They're not exactly my responsibility, but as long as I have the option of helping them in this situation, I would always choose to do so.


If it's like this, then I have no other choice but to handle the entire force of the enemy by myself. I'm not the kind to steal the spotlight, but that would be the most efficient way to end this battle.

Should I disguise myself and pretend to be a hero from another country?

No, that would only complicate things...