Reluctant Heroine 6

"That was a waste of time..." I sighed.

I wanted to interrogate the enemy and ask him a few questions, but I guess that won't really be necessary. There's no doubt that the goal of this group of outliers from the Dark army was the same as the ever. What they want was simply to kill and conquer. They weren't any different from the ones that invaded and ruined many countries before.

I stared at the corpse of the ogre I defeated just now. It seems that I executed my attack well, as there's no trace of his head left anywhere. There's even no blood or gore above the clean cut on his neck.

That's what a magically enhanced sword technique does to you. A quick thrust that can completely destroy any of its target...

I flicked off the blood on my sword and carefully inspect it.

Even without magic, it appears to glow blue. From afar, it might get mistaken to be crafted from high-quality crystal. Which was not far off, considering how the material it was actually made of was as much as valuable. Some people might see it as a real piece of art, but I can only describe it as obnoxious and too much.

That guy really has a weird taste...

"Fuu..." I exhaled loudly as I put it in its sheathe.