Volume 2 End

First of, I want to thank everyone who powered through and read the book up to this point. I thought I was done with it, but I read some of my passionate readers' comments and was immediately motivated to write more. Honestly speaking, I don't think I have many readers (don't look at 800k reads, it's a farce... I actually can't believe it!), but the few I have are very passionate. I really appreciate your comments and votes. SPECIALLY THE REVIEWS!

I hope this volume wasn't confusing. As I said in the afterword of volume 1, I wanted to make this volume where Eria will interact with more people. The reason being, I wanted to explore her personality more.

In the first volume, I portrayed Eria as the assertive and dominant type onee-san, but this time, I portrayed her as the innocent and submissive josei-type protagonist. To put it simply, I wanted Eria to fall into both the categories of a dominant milf/onee-san and a submissive shoujo/josei protagonist. I'm sure you've noticed: she's pretty assertive towards the shy and nerdy types like Fin and Ned in "bonus stories 2", yet she's the one backing down and shying away towards the more aggressive types like Nolan and Nero. I hope that makes sense...

Well, that's all I wanted to say. On to volume 3! I already have a title for it, and it's going to be... Drum rolls...! It's "The Lewd Elf And The Obscene Demon"!

> List of characters based on appearances.

Name: Log

Age: Unknown (he insists he's an adult)

Colors: white & blue

Eria's obedient student. He would kill for her. His least favorite food is beet. He stole one from a vendor once thinking it was meat. He was glad he was able to fill his stomach because of it, but he thought that it was frankly the most dissapointed he ever felt in his life.


Name: Kai

Age: 16

Colors: brown

A very strict and competent kid. Unless he meets a pretty older woman, then he becomes a nervous wreck. He's the leader of the trio of rookies Eria met in the guild. At first, he thought that Eria was a rookie as well, so he wanted to invite her to his party. However, he was not brave enough to ask her. He felt embarrassed just looking at her.


Name: Erika

Age: 16

Colors: ginger

A confident and outgoing girl. She was starstruck immediately after meeting Eria. She felt jealous of her at first, but after she found out just how kind and gentle she was, she fell for her instead. After exchanging a kiss with her that one time, she began seeing her in her lewd dreams.


Name: Harry

Age: 15

Colors: black

Specially efficient in assassination techniques. He has no interest in women, but seeing Eria and interacting with her gives him an odd feeling in his stomach.


Name: Heldrick Muro

Age: 50

Colors: red & gold

Although he's only a Baron, he's a very important member of the militaristic faction in the kingdom. He usually keeps a low profile, but he's very aggressive when he does take action. He's predatory on women when he was younger, but he tuned it down when he got older. With that said, he's still frequently having sexual relationships with his female assistants and maids.


Name: Nero Muro

Age: 20

Colors: red & orange

He usually acts kind, but he's actually very predatory in nature. He simply thinks it would be inconvenient for him if he gets antagonized by the people around him. Still, he doesn't hide the rough side of him from the women he takes home. They like it when he treats them like thrash, so it somehow works for him.


Name: Marcus

Age: 43

Colors: gray

A loyal and obedient servant of the Muro household. He owns the Baron his life, so he dedicates it entirely to him and his family. He has not been sexually active recently. He's also one of the very few who were not romantically or sexually attracted to Eria.


Name: Sabrina

Age: 20

Colors: blue

She was a pure-hearted maiden when she first arrived in the Muro household, but Nero turned her into a masochist. She and her fiancée has never even exchanged a kiss, yet she's already an expert in using her lips to pleasure a dick. She never participated in threesome sex with Nero and another woman until Eria arrived. She was the first female she has found herself sexually attracted towards.

Name: Nolan Muro

Age: 32

Colors: red & brown

A strict and dedicated person. He already has a wife and two mistresses, yet he still frequently sleeps with other women. Unlike most men who met Eria, he could never imagine himself ever making her his woman. He knows from his research that he could never really make her submit to him — he thinks no one would actually able to. Still, he won't hold back from having a casual sexual relationship with her.
