
Getting out of the inns bath, Zhou Fan once again looked at his new membership card. It was completely bronze and contained his name and his temporary residence, the inn.

Zhou Fan then 'went to bed' early in preparation for his intense studying.


After cultivating through the night, Zhou Fan broke into the 5th level. He could feel his strength, smarts, and foundation go through a 5 times increase.

Zhou Fan was now on his way to the library after having breakfast in the inn. Zhou Fan had decided to spend all the time he could ,studying until the hiring. He believed that if he dedicated himself, he would get the position. Even then, Zhou Fan knew it wouldn't be easy.

It was likely that the other people interested in the job had been studying for years.

Finally reaching the library, Zhou Fan asked the girl from yesterday where the books related to history were. Although he didn't know what would be on the test, the empires history was very likely to be the biggest portion.

"History books are on the third and fourth floors. They take up both floors entirely, so start wherever you want. The third floor consists of the empires history, while the fourth focuses on the rest of the world."

Thanking the girl, Zhou Fan headed up to the third floor. While paying for his card yesterday, Zhou Fan was informed that the basic bronze card allowed him to go up to the 5th floor.

He also learned that the silver card cost 1 gold and allowed him up to the tenth floor. The gold card requires a noble title and 1000 gold. It allowed him to go up to the 13th floor. As for the 14th and 15th floor, access cannot be bought with money. Only kings, the emperor, and the owner himself have access to that floor.

The stairs to the 3rd floor were short and posed no problem to Zhou Fan. When he arrived at the 3rd floor, he noticed a few people sitting in comfortable chairs and a few perusing the books. Zhou Fan counted 20 total people in the third floor.

Since he had no clue where to start, Zhou Fan walked up to the nearest bookshelf and grabbed the first book. It contained information about the geography of the kingdom. In fact, the entire bookshelf did. It took Zhou Fan 10 seconds to read both pages in front of him before flipping. Not only was his reading speed astounding, he had completely memorized the contents of those pages. It took him about 20 minutes to finish reading and completely memorize the first book.

Although the speed was incredible, there were 45 books of that size on this bookshelf alone. Taking a glance around, Zhou Fan counted 500 bookshelves. Each of these bookshelves had around 45 books. Quickly estimating, at his current speed, it would take 450,000 minutes to finish all the books on the first floor alone!

Even with his incredible reading speed, it would take slightly less than a year to read all of these books. Thinking that far, Zhou Fan didn't bother staying any longer at the library. He quickly headed home to cultivate.

Since his mind increased every time he broke through, the best idea was to constantly cultivate in order to read faster. Zhou Fan estimated that if he broke through into the 7th level of foundation establishment, he would be able to read the same book he read earlier, in less than half a minute. That would reduce the time needed to sweep the 3rd floor clear to an astonishing 7 days. If all the floors were the same size, he could memorize 3 floors of content by the time the hiring started.

Zhou Fan made it back to the inn and started cultivating. Due to the fact that he was cultivating day and night, besides meals, he broke through to the 7th level in 3 days. With the increase in power, Zhou Fan felt rejuvinated.

Quickly heading to the 3rd floor, Zhou Fan didn't waste any time. He started reading from where he left off 3 days ago. As expected, it took him less than half a minute to finish and memorize the book. Quickly moving on, Zhou Fan finished the first bookshelf in less than 20 minutes! The same speed it previously took him to read a single book.

By this time, the other guests were looking at him like he was crazy. Zhou Fan was picking up a book, flipping through the pages and picking up another book every half minute after all. Adding to the fact that he was a child, some people thought he was here to cause trouble.

"Hey boy. If you want to play around, do it somewhere else."

Ignoring the random man, Zhou Fan headed to the next bookshelf and picked up another book. Clearly displeased, the man walked over and grabbed the book from Zhou Fans hand. Zhou Fan ,however, had a limited time to read all these books.

Therefore, he didn't even entertain the man before he backhanded him in the chest. Flying across the library, the man landed on his back in disbelief. Due to the fact that Zhou Fan didn't want to destroy any books, he held back. Even then, the man still felt an intense aching pain in his chest!

If one looked closely, they would see a small drop of blood trickling from the mans mouth. Not daring to stay there any longer, the man ran down the stairs and out of the building. After he left, the rest of the people looked at Zhou Fan in disbelief.

Unless they were seeing things, a small child just sent a grown man flying backwards with a light tap. If it wasn't for the other peoples faces, they would have surely thought they were crazy.

Zhou Fan, on the other hand, felt a little bad. Although the man was annoying, he din't need to injure him like that. In fact, the attack was instinctual. Perhaps it was due to his increasing strength, but Zhou Fan felt more and more disdainful towards ordinary people. Of course, this was subconcious. In Zhou Fans mind, he was still human. Just much stronger.

Deciding to forget what had happened, Zhou Fan went back to reading. The spectators ,on the other hand, were still wondering if they were hallucinating. Even after 5 minutes ,their brains still couldn't process what had just happened. In response, many people got up and left with a confused face, while others started reading again, as if they forgot what had just happened.