Unbridledly Arrogant- 29

The guard returned after just 2 minutes.

"The Queen has requested you meet her. Please follow me." The guard said, clearly out of breath.

The guard waited another moment to catch his breath before he led Zhou Fan inside.

When he got inside, Zhou Fan instantly noticed the queen sitting on the elevated throne in the middle of the room. The hall had long pillars reaching the floor and ceiling by the sides. Once again, everything was made out of wood.

"Hello outsider." The queen suddenly said. She looked no older than 30. She had the blondest hair he had ever seen and green eyes. Her ears were also noticeably pointier than the other elves he had seen.

"My name is Penny. I am the queen of the valeks." She stated.

'So they call themselves the valeks', Zhou Fan thought. Although he had no plan to change the name he called them, it was interesting to know.

"Hello queen penny, my name is Zhou Fan. I am the strongest human." He said. Since her introduction was so strong, he decided to elevate his status. However, he wasn't lying. He is by far, the strongest human.

When the elf queen heard him, her eyes widened in surprise. However, she fixed her face not soon after.

"I didn't expect a great warrior to come down here. Why did- how did you come down here?" She said, changing her question halfway through.

Zhou Fan stood there in silence as he contemplated how he wanted to respond. More accurately, he was considering how he wanted to continue on with the elves.

He could either become their friend, or subjugate them.

Seeing that Zhou Fan was standing in silence, the elf queen spoke again.

"There is a prophecy told among the successors to the valek throne." She started. "It has been passed down since the valeks moved down here. It states that one day, someone will come from the outside. They will either liberate us, or destroy us. While I'm not quite sure how you could destroy us, I would like to remain peaceful with you."

Zhou Fan was surprised to hear her words. However, they had no effect on his decision.

" I have decided." Zhou Fan said. "From now on, the elf race will submit to me."

Zhou Fan emphasized the word elf. Since he had named them as such, it was only natural that their name would change once they went under him.

"Preposterous!" The elf queen shouted out in a rage. She immediately stood up from her throne and let out a loud shout.


All of a sudden, multiple guards burst in through the entrances and surrounded Zhou Fan. Zhou Fan stared at them with contempt.

Zhou Fan naturally hadn't gone crazy overnight. There were multiple reasons why he chose to subjugate the elves instead of befriend them. Firstly, he could sense the ill intent oozing off the queen. She never trusted him for a second. Secondly, Zhou Fan had no connection with them. Although they resembled humans, Zhou Fan felt that they were completely different. Finally, he wanted to research the elves. Specifically, he wanted to learn their history. Since they've been enclosed for such a long time, they should have ancient records.

Watching one of the elf guards suddenly thrusting his spear towards him, Zhou Fan decided to humor them for a bit instead of instantly defeating them.

He grabbed the elfs' spear as it was about to pierce his body and crushed it. He then grabbed the guard by the neck and lifted him in the air. Before the hanging man could pass out from lack of oxygen, Zhou Fan saw a bunch of arrows coming towards him.

Instead of dodging, Zhou Fan used the captured man as a human shield. Since the arrows were coming from every direction, Zhou Fan had to swing him around like a ragdoll to block them.

By the time arrows stopped being shot, the man resembled a porcupine. Without a doubt, he had died. Zhou Fan didn't feel anything after killing him. It was weird to him. Logically, since they resembled humans, he should feel something when killing them. However, he felt like he had just stepped on an ant, even with the bloody scene before him.

"You shouldn't have shot, he would have lived." Zhou Fan said out loud.

"Bullsh*t!" The queen screamed out. "Continue!"

The elves continued their fearless attack after hearing the queens' order. The queen herself, however, was trying to suppress the growing fear inside of her.

'When he said the strongest human, I didn't think he'd be so powerful.' She thought to herself. However, there was no medicine for regret.

Seeing that the elves were still attacking, Zhou Fan decided to turn it up a notch.

As the closest man neared him, Zhou Fan punched a hole through his chest, killing him instantly.

The rest of the soldiers stopped in their tracks. Fear was written on their faces. This scene reminded Zhou Fan of the first time he killed a man. It was when the bandits attacked the village and Zhou Fan defeated the leader in one hit. An eerily similar scene was playing out right now. The look on the elves' faces resembled those of the other bandits faces back then.

" I will ask once more." Zhou Fan said while releasing his Qi pressure. Just enough to make it near impossible to stand.

"Submit. Otherwise, I will kill every elf in this room."

Perhaps if he had said this without releasing his Qi pressure, they would have continued. However, right now, they couldn't even stand, much less fight back.

After saying his words, Zhou Fan dispersed his pressure. Even then, terror was written on the elves' faces. It was likely that they would never forget what happened today.

The room remained silent for a good 5 minutes. Luckily for them, Zhou Fan was a patient person. After 5 minutes, the elf queen finally spoke up, fear etched on her face.