God Is Back - 52

A little more than a month later, Zhou Fan broke into the 8th level of nascent soul. Compared to the first level, he was thousands and thousands of times stronger.

Zhou Fan estimated that it would take another month or two to break into the next level.

Thinking that far, Zhou Fan was filled with anticipation.

All of a sudden, a loud explosion sounded out.


The mountain that Zhou Fan was sitting on started to shake and the temperature began to quickly rise.

Before long, the stone walls were starting to melt and Zhou Fan decided to leave the cave.

As he floated outside, he could see the entire area shaking. He could also hear the faint screams coming from the city and the villages.

Closely observing the mountain, Zhou Fan noticed that it looked like it was about to pop.

At first, Zhou Fan was still considering the possibilities, but as soon as he saw some lava flowing from the mountain, he put two and two together.

'The mountain is a volcano! And it's about to erupt!'

As he watched the pressure build higher and higher, Zhou Fan was excited to see the spectacle.

Although he had read about natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions and tornados, he had never gotten to see something like it before.

As he was patiently awaiting the eruption, he was interrupted by the screaming of the people below. It seemed that they too had discovered what was happening.

At first, Zhou Fan was going to ignore the screams and just make the lava flow away from the villages and the city, but he soon caught a couple of voices amidst the screams.

"God help us!" "Oh god!" "God have mercy!"

As Zhou Fan listened, he wondered who they were talking about. Who could possibly save them from a volcanic eruption?

However, his mind suddenly flashed to the war from long ago. If he recalled correctly, which he always did, a couple of people called him god back then.

Curious, he moved extremely fast and appeared above one of the people praying on their knees.

"Who is god?" He asked, trying to prove his conjuncture.

Opening his eyes, the middle aged man quivered when he saw Zhou Fan in the air.

"God? Is it you god?! Have you answered our prayers?!" He screamed with reverence.

"I would assume so." Zhou Fan answered. He would wait until later to ask him questions since he didn't seem like he would answer.

"Please god, save us!" The man shouted with whatever hope he had left.

As the surrounding people saw him floating in the air and the man praying, they too started to pray towards Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan didn't talk anymore as he looked around at the people.

Since they wanted god, he would give them god.

Pointing at the top of the volcano, Zhou Fan controlled the clouds to gather above.

When the praying people saw this, their faith was hardened as they prayed even harder.

Within seconds, the clouds had gathered above the volcano that was mere moments away from erupting.

Using this as an opportunity, Zhou Fan didn't hold back much.

Boom! Snap!

At the same time that Zhou Fan snapped his fingers, a giant lightning dragon shot down from the clouds and hit the erupting volcano with extreme force.

The collision created a light so bright that everyone within 100 miles had to look away. The sound nearly defeaned anyone near the volcano.

Only after a minute passed did the people nearby manage to open their eyes. When they looked at the volcano, their jaws nearly dropped to the floor.

Where the mountain once stood, well, ....there was no mountain. All that remained was a small hill that wasn't but 10 feet tall.

With their mouths wide open, the villagers looked at Zhou Fan. Being stared at like that, Zhou Fan rubbed his neck in embarrassment.

"Your welcome?" He said, wondering how they responded.

"Cool." Said the man in front as he finally was able to react.

That was all he could say before he considered his next words.

"Uhmm. Could you rebuild the mountain? Without the volcano this time?" He asked awkwardly.

While the man was glad that his life was saved, the mountain had protected them from floods and storms many times and was considered a part of their home.

It's likely that the other villages and the city felt the same way.

Without wasting any words, Zhou Fan waved his hand and controlled the earth around the nearby area to reform the mountain. Before too long, it looked just like it did before.

Without waiting for a thanks, Zhou Fan left. He was inwardly annoyed that they weren't that happy that he saved them.

"To think he had the face to ask me to rebuild the mountain after I saved his life." Zhou Fan muttered indignantly.

He once again returned to the mountain peak and rebuilt the cave as it was before. Without hesitation, he started to cultivate.


Outside, a storm was sweeping through the world. Not a literal storm, but a storm of news that caused many people to fall from their chairs.

God had once again made an appearance. It had been 60 years since he stopped a war between two great empires, and this time, he saved thousands of people from a volcanic eruption.

What was most shocking, however, was not that he summoned a lightning dragon from the sky and destroyed the entire mountain in an instant, but that he rebuilt the mountain afterwards.

After hearing the news and confirming it, many emperors and kings made godism their new official religion.

Some others started to spread fear saying that if god is angered, he may destroy the world.

After fear spread, many more people started to follow godism in an attempt to please Zhou Fan. Many others followed godism because they believed it would bring them great luck and fortune.

Everyone only assumed that they had pleased Zhou Fan after 2 months had passed since the volcano incident.