New Skygod - 685

Their meeting ended with Baron Sky drafting a long letter to the Skygod, and sending it to the Informant. Naturally, it would be impossible for him to send it to Skygod himself.

Skymender left, satisfied. He hadn't agreed to anything that wouldn't benefit him. Of course, it was impossible for everyone to benefit from this. Since both he and Baron Sky benefited, then there had to be at least some people that did not.

In this situation, it was everyone in Sky city. For the criminals, they would have to start paying something akin to taxes. For the common people, criminals would most likely get laxer treatment since they were paying taxes.

Of course, they would still be arrested if they committed crimes, but leniency in the punishment could be expected.

Overall, their agreements would increase the size of Sky city. This naturally benefitted Baron Sky, as Sky city was his, and it also benefited Skymender, as more people meant more assassination targets and more people willing to pay the price. 

Also, assassination insurance would be purchased more.

Sky city seemed to be going in a completely unique direction, one which had never been seen before.

With both the light of Sky city and the Darkness working together, unprecedented growth could be achieved.

The next day, Skygod received the letter from the Informant and read it. He agreed with everything inside, and a cooperation began.

The underground was initially not happy to hear the news that Skymender intentionally spread, but they soon realized that all of this could somewhat benefit them. After all, no matter what, the growth of Sky city benefited everyone living inside of it.

Rapid growth ensued.

Over the next few months, Sky city expanded greatly. More and more people came to visit, and more and more people came to stay. Rich, wealthy commoners were no longer a rare sight. There would only ever be one noble family, but the amount of commoner families could infinitely grow alongside Sky city.

Skymender almost considered getting another assassin, but everything was still manageable with four. After all, assassination was a hefty action taken rarely, and the price made sure that it was not some sort of common action. In addition, many possible targets had purchased assassination insurance. 

Skymender made more from assassination insurance than he did from actually assassinating others.

After all, the fear of being targeted by assassins with nearly a one hundred percent success rate was widespread.

Time passed, with Skymender's profits rapidly increasing, until he finally graduated from the academy. Naturally, he was first in his class, though it felt as though it was unnecessary to mention. Summer came, and it was once again time for Skymender to head to the Imperial Capital. At the end of the summer, he would begin his journey at the Imperial school. 

He expected that he would be able to easily run through it, but who knows? Perhaps there are some incredible geniuses out there that have hidden away until now.

Skymender's parents watched him leave reluctantly. Though even they were convinced that he was the Skygod, he was still their son. He looked nearly grown now, as he was 14 years old and matured faster than most. His height was already the size of an average adult's, and muscle made up most of his body.

Surprisingly, it wouldn't show unless he flexed. In his passive state, he seemed fit, but not muscular. This was the look of a future scholar. 

Also worth mentioning was Melly.

Although she was considered a year older than Skymender, it was actually only by a few months. Due to birthday cutoffs, and most likely a few strings being pulled by her parents, she would start her first year at the Imperial school with Skymender.

She had never stopped going to the academy, though Skymender seemed to see less of her. He wasn't sure whether or not he should feel bad, considering she was engaged to him and he had paid nearly no attention to her.

He normally wouldn't feel a thing, but she gave off an air of darkness, as though she was some ignored wife.

Thinking back, it had actually been a month or two since they had spoken at all.

Skymender left for the Imperial Capital, Melly with him. He did not bring anyone else, even Li Youcai. However, everyone else was under the impression that Li Youcai was going with him.

This was because Skymender had a very important task for him. 

Until Skymender returned, he would become Skygod.

Skymender had actually carefully planned this long ago.

Li Youcai was not someone that he completely trusted, but it was rather out there that he was Skygod either way. Besides, Li Youcai had never given Skymender a reason to distrust him. 

It had taken months of training and explanation, but Li Youcai finally took over. His assassins were informed, but nobody else was. Some may pick up on some clues, but most would not know the difference. 

Li Youcai had actually been very willing, as though it was an honor. He wouldn't do much assassination, he was just a figurehead.

Therefore, only he, Melly, and the carriage driver took this journey. 

The carriage driver just so happened to be Hope, who Skymender had picked up long ago. She would keep her mouth shut about Li Youcai not being there, though she would not serve as a servant.

Melly has also heard about the suspicions of him being Skygod, but had never mentioned them.

Skymender did not feel the need to explain anything.

As ten days passed, and the city wall neared, Skymender spoke to Melly. "For the next four years, you must stay with me."

Hearing this, Melly's eyes brightened, and seemed to gain clarity. Looking at her eyes, Skymender had a realization.

It made a lot of sense now, though it logically made none at all.

Melly had not been depressed or felt ignored, but had been in some sort of dormant state. Skymender's words had awoken her, and for the first time in a while, it felt as though she had returned to her body.

Skymender had to reassess her completely. Were her emotions really so deep?