Although she narrowed her eyes at the sight, that was the extent of it. This was an extremely important event, and she did not dare to act out.
Skymender and the Imperial Scholar continued to speak, Melly standing not far off to the side, behind Skymender.
They spoke until an announcement was made.
It was time for the first of the three events. Everyone under the age of eighteen could participate in these events.
The second event was an exception, where anyone could participate regardless of age, but there were different age groups.
The first of the events was a sword fighting event. Technically, it was a showcasing of technique, but over time, it had become more of a sword fighting event than anything else.
As the Emperor announced the start, a few people jumped up at the chance. As usual, the first to go were the younger ones, mostly younger than ten.
After they showcased themselves, it was time for everyone else, the true experts under the age of eighteen.
Last time, Skymender had put on a show as a member of the younger children. Now, however, he was fourteen, and had no excuse with his age.
A few people went up, their battles showcasing a great amount of skill. Noticeably was a 12 year old child. She defeated everyone she went up against. Skymender saw the potential of a Sword Master within her, much like that which had been seen in his sister long ago.
Regardless of whether her opponent was similar in age, or nearly an adult, she won gracefully.
The Imperial Scholar looked at him. "Are you not going to go up?"
Skymender thought about it, before stepping up. Though he was not someone who practiced the sword very often, he had never neglected it.
Walking up, he did not draw too much attention. Only a few pointed out that he was basically the winner of the last Noble Gathering, as he had showcased himself in the first event and won the third.
Skymender grabbed a wooden sword from a rack, equally proportionate with his body to the one he had grabbed long ago.
He walked on stage, and his eyes focused on the girl.
In the crowd of people, near a corner, his sister stood, watching.
She had just so happened to be free at this time, and hearing Skymender would be attending, came to watch.
She looked at her brother with the same love from long ago, though her eyes were complicated due to the matter of the Skygod.
The girl, seeing Skymender, focused as well. She could sense a threat from him.
"How old are you?" She asked.
"Fourteen." Skymender responded, though he never stopped walking forward.
Although he was fourteen, he was about as tall as an eighteen year old.
That, combined with his steady walk and his stance, made a pressure weigh on the girl's heart. She had never felt such a way about someone so close in age to her.
Although Skymender was the one walking, she made the first move. She shot forward quickly, slashing at Skymender.
Skymender jumped forward and met her sword. In just a few seconds, ten exchanges had been made.
Skymender's strength and experience were greater, but this girl had been training in the sword for a long time. Her overall technique was slightly better.
However, to the viewers, their fight was more or less equal. It was a vast discrepancy from the other fights, where she had quickly demolished her opponent.
As they fought, a few moves appeared that pushed the girl back. She stumbled, doing her best to regain momentum. She didn't feel like she was fighting a child, but a veteran that had fought many battles.
Yet somehow, she had never even heard of the person before her. Did he not reach the threshold to be a Potential Sword Master?
Her inwardly asked questions were valid. Skymender actually probably did have the battle prowess to be considered a Potential Sword Master, but that title was made of much more than just battle prowess.
With her smaller frame, she regained her footing and pushed back. Somehow, though, Skymender was even quicker than her.
If this hadn't been a battle of swordsmanship, Skymender could win rather quickly. A single well timed sweeping kick would defeat her. However, this was not about who could win in a fight, but who was a better swordsman.
Eventually, both of them were pushed back to the edge of the arena. The girl was panting, but Skymender's breathing was steady.
"One move." Skymender said.
The girl gritted her teeth as she shot forward.
She moved elegantly and unpredictably. But Skymender was, after all, Skymender.
He raised his sword high and slashed it down in a pure, basic vertical slash.
The girl, seeing it heading for her head, held the sword to block, but Skymender's pure strength pushed her to the ground and disarmed her.
She had been defeated.
Everyone was surprised, as everyone knew her reputation.
Meanwhile, Skymender was barely remembered. If it had been a year or so after his first Noble Gathering, it would have been one thing, but it was multiple years later.
He had slowly faded away from the minds of many.
He fought a few more battles with those that wanted to try their luck or test themselves, but they were all defeated quickly. Skymender had won the first competition, that of technique.
He walked over to the Imperial Scholar, who didn't show any sign of being impressed. They continued their conversation from before, but after a minute or so, a group of kids surrounded them.
To call them kids would actually be somewhat incorrect. The oldest among them was in their teens, while the youngest was around eleven, maybe twelve.
They all looked up to Skymender. These kids were the ones from the last Noble Gathering who, after putting on something akin to a play, had admired him and started asking him questions.
Now, this was happening once again, just a few years later, as they all remembered Skymender, especially after his fight against the girl.