Before long, every member of the Empire that had some sort of say in its affairs was in the war room. This included the Imperial Empress. Naturally, those who were not in the Imperial Capital could not make it quickly, but there were only a few such people, with most consisting of the four Kings of the Faceless Empire.
The Emperor took the front, alongside Skymender and Fei Luzi.
"I now officially commence the Faceless Empire's war room meeting."
The room quieted down at his words, with everyone paying great attention.
The Emperor continued. "After many years, the time to face the Ancient Empire has come. As of now, we are at our peak. We have six Sword Masters, and two Imperial Scholars. If we cannot win now, then we will never win. The Ancient Empire has been playing on the defensive over the past year, and it is time that we finally launch an offensive. I will personally lead an army towards the Ancient Empire. Along with me will be Sword Master Shang, Sword Master Gargantuan, Sword Master Yi Shuzanhao, and Imperial Scholar Skymender. In addition, we will form a defensive perimeter. Block entrance to the Faceless Empire from the east. This army will consist of Sword Master Zhao Shugang and Sword Master Skybelle. Sword Master Deyr will remain in the Imperial Capital, defending it from any other threats. Now, onto the specifics."
The Emperor, who had been planning for a long time, already had a general idea in his head. Although in most Empire's this would be left to military strategists, Skymender found that the Emperor commanded the greatest intellect in the entire Empire, save for perhaps Fei Luzi and Skymender himself.
However, most of this intellect was completely focused on war and ruling the Empire, allowing him to have a far deeper understanding of both than Skymender and Fei Luzi combined.
Despite that, many great minds were usually more efficient than one. Everyone in the room occasionally chimed in, especially Skymender, Fei Luzi, and a few of the better military strategists.
Within three hours, they had a fully formulated battle plan.
No time was wasted at all. Within twenty four hours, soldiers were assembled. All over the Empire, armies got ready to march. The Imperial Capital was located on the eastern side of the Empire, so while the main army moved out directly, other armies from the four Kingdoms moved out following them. They would eventually group together.
Skymender could not see everything, as the army was far too large. There were so many people that it was impossible for him to see the full extent of its manpower. But with the Emperor's descriptions, it was sure to be breathtaking.
The Imperial Scholar remained at the Empire along with the Crown Prince. They would manage the Empire while the Emperor was gone.
"Although you are blind, I am aware that you can see more than most can with eyes, just within a limited distance."
Skymender explained. "I can see within three hundred feet of me, which is the maximum limit of this technique. It is quite detailed and steady, but unfortunately, I cannot see anything not touching the ground unless it is giving off a large amount of vibrations, such as an arrow shooting at me."
The Emperor nodded with satisfaction. "In that case, I'll leave the commanding to me. If you want, please go out and fight."
Skymender hesitated for a moment, before nodding. He had not brought a bow and arrow, as there was no longer any point, but he did have a sword and a bunch of poisons. He was actually looking forward to fighting while blind.
Sword Master Shang sat on a large, open carriage with Skymender and the Emperor.
In the distance, Skymender could see Sword Master Gargantuan's large form. He could not see Sword Master Yi Shuzanhao, but he was told that he was riding on a horse among a few elite soldiers. This was the most awe inspiring army Skymender had ever seen, and it was one of the greatest in history.
This march would not be a short one. Despite their fast speed and constant jogging, it would take around three months to reach the Ancient Empire's defensive perimeter. They moved day and night, rarely stopping. Sometimes, many carriages and horses were used to transport everyone even faster than before, but such movement was only used half of the time, as the size of the army outnumbered the horses and other animals by more than twice as much.
In order to move like that, three people had to sit on the same horse, which tired the horses out much quicker.
Despite that, they moved an astonishing distance as the three months were up. A month ago, the armies from the other parts of the Empire caught up, bringing with them many more horses and many more men. This allowed nearly constant horse travel, which is the reason it took only three months. Otherwise, even seven months may not be enough. But it had all come to a peak as they approached their destination.
Silence reigned over the army, the only sound being that of the ground shaking from so many feet. Suddenly, the Emperor spoke.
Skymender could not see it, but the Ancient Empire's army became visible in the distance the moment charge was shouted.
Countless soldiers shouted as they charged forward.
The Ancient Empire, who had received intelligence of the vast movement, had already deployed a great defensive army, no less imposing than the Faceless Empire's army.
Skymender jumped up and charged forward, shooting across the battlefield.
Sword Master Shang and the Emperor stayed still. Sword Master Shang's job was to protect the Emperor. Only when the Sword Grandmaster appeared would he leave.
He sighed. "It has been a while, Sword Grandmaster Tianzhao."
Although he had yet to spot the Sword Grandmaster, he could sense it. Only someone like him could sense the familiar aura of a master above masters.
He looked at the Emperor.
The Emperor looked back and nodded. "Go ahead."
Sword Master Shang's bearing changed. He had always been a calm master of the sword, high above others. However, as he took his first step off of the carriage, it transformed completely.
As he moved at incomprehensible speeds, surpassing the entire army in seconds, his aura was that of a wild ancient monster. It was as if his slightest movement could cause mountains to crumble.
At the same time that his aura burst out, so did another. This aura was refined and aged. It seemed to be withholding its sword, waiting to release it in one, devastating motion.
These two blurs, which most could not even see, jumped in the air and collided between the two armies, bringing a strong wind and the unmistakable sound of sword clashing