Another World

I desperately wiped the tears that was rolling down my eyes endlessly. My forehead was bruised from the fight I got into earlier with my class bullies.

Staring at my brother's pale face only intensified the pain, he laid motionless on the hospital bed, he was the only reason I still want to live in this world but there he is laying so close to his death, a heart transplant was needed but a donor hasn't been found, I wish I could donate mine but brother had already ordered that my heart wouldn't be donated.

"Brother, what should I do?"

"Brother, I would be taking the college exams soon, I'll be done with high school."

"Brother, I would be turning eighteen this year."

"Hey, brother. I got into a fight today please scold me. Brother, please just open your eyes or blink at the very least." I slumped on the floor and clenched the hem of my shirt further crumpling it.

I wiped my tears and strengthened my resolve, with a voice of desperation I declared.

"I won't come to see you and I won't even go to school anymore if you don't open your eyes."

I watched him still laying unmoving on the bed.

"It's that way, huh? Fine." I stomped out of the hospital room and ran out of the hospital, I ran as far as my legs could take me without stopping and without any sense of direction.

The farther I ran, the darker the road in front of me became.

I don't want to think about anything, I don't want to think about father and his dumb wife, I don't want to think about the continuous pain and struggles, I don't want to think about the pain I and brother went through when mum died. I just want to go to a place where I could rest happily... with brother.

I remembered how my twelve years old brother held my hand when I was five years old, he was the only family I had since mother left the world.

"I want to come to you, mother. Let me rest with you." I ran nonstop into the soothing darkness that was spreading and slowly enveloping him. I could no longer see or sense anything behind me now, I was now all too focused on the calming shadows.

"Argh!" I screamed when I felt myself being pulled down, it felt like the ground beneath my feat had collapsed and I was slowly falling into that deep dark abyss.

This phenomenon didn't seem normal but anything is fine as long as it isn't the reality of the world.

A little light was seen at the other end of the hole, I slowly fell towards the little light which grew bigger the closer I get to it, I stretched out my hand to touch the warm light.

... And plop.

I entered into the light.

I slowly opened my ears but what was I saw wasn't the ceiling of my room or the hospital where I sleep at sometimes. This place had a medieval touch to it, shiny black strands of hair was scattered all over my face.

I quickly stood up and touched my face but my hands felt really small, smaller than I remembered, I stared down at my hands that looked like a that of a child barely five years old.

"Mirror, mirror, mirror. Where the hell is a mirror?" I hurriedly looked around the room and finally found a small face mirror.

The reflection on the mirror wasn't me, the person looking back at me was a beautiful and extremely cute child with beautiful black hair, golden brown eyes... and some milk teeth.

Wait, did I get reincarnated into a novel? I'm sure with this awesome looks I could be the main character of this novel. But then a sudden realisation hit me and it hit me really hard.

"Kyaa! What is this?"

The child was cute but how would I get back to brother?.

The door to the room was forcefully pushed open. A woman who seemed to be in her middle age barged in.

"Why would you shout so loud, you stupid child?"

Huh, is she talking to me? I looked around but we were the only ones in the room which meant that she was talking to me.

"You shuddenly barghed insho my room and nyow you call me a shupid child?" I stared at the woman and asked with utmost seriousness but the incomplete baby words that were coming out of my mouth made my eyes widened in shock.

I placed my hands over my mouth.

"How dare you talk to me in that manner, you think because you are an Blithwine you can talk back at me? You are just an unwanted illegitimate child." The middle aged woman lashed out.

Blithwine, illegitimate child, golden eyes. None of these things made sense.

"The lady, Accorsa Eve Blithwine would be here soon, be in your best behaviour and make your family proud." The middle aged woman left the confused me all to myself.

The name 'Accorsa Eve Blithwine' only appeared in one novel 'Duchess Accorsa'.

The novel was all about Accorsa's strive and desperation to become a female duke, first ever to rule the dukedom of Blithwine.

And me? With the golden eyes that signifies a child born in the Blithwine lineage. This body is the only remaining bloodline of Blithwine after Accorsa and her role in this novel is just a disposable pawn, the illegitimate child of the Blithwine family.

Tatiana Elia Blithwine' That's the name of this child, her role in the book was to take the identity of a male child so as to deceive the enemies and elders that there was a male successor. Tatiana had to act as a boy until Accorsa got rid of all the threats and when Accorsa was done, she disposable the pawn who had become useless. The innocent child who was then cast into the harsh world without any protection or any place to call home, her end wasn't even stated in the novel and I just happened to become that Tatiana.

At this rate I can even believe that I've been cursed with misfortune.