Sister to the rescue

Silence filled the big, well-decorated room after the maids left, my stomach grumbled as a result of not having food since the previous night.

I got of the chair and walked out of the room, the hall way was empty and I didn't even know where to go.

Even after walking for a while, there was still no sign of people's presence, not even Mariana or Accorsa.

My little legs were already shaking from tiredness, I wanted to go back to my room but all the hall ways looked so alike that I always took the wrong turn and finally lost my way.

I sighed and plopped on the floor but a sudden yell rang in my ear.

"How dare you let a commoner stay in a Blithwine's room?!"


"You poor rat!"

Huh, what's that?

I stood back up with my shaky legs and followed the sound.

"Who do you think you are? Because you are close to that cursed girl doesn't suddenly make you an important person?!"

"The lady isn't cursed."

"How dare you talk back at me!"

I was quickly covering the distance, the closer I got the clearer the voices became.

One voice was particularly distinctive...


I ran faster and quickly arrived at the scene, all the maids huddled around the scene.

So it was the head maid, a meeting like this couldn't be summoned by a head maid without the permission of the master but for this woman to call a meeting, it means that she holds no regard for Accorsa.

The head maid was an external family member of the Blithwine but she didn't support the female lead, instead she was a spy for one of the elders, who was thinking of becoming duke.

Since she was family, she couldn't be chased out unless she had committed a heinous crime or if she was personally fired by the one with the title of duke.

This character's name was Mrs Petra Radwald, she was a side character who met a horrific end in the hands of the female lead but before she died she caused a lot of trouble for Accorsa and Irene.

I have to get rid of her before any other thing, her secrets were already revealed in the original novel, getting her out of the Ducal mansion would be a piece of cake... with the right evidence though.

But before that...

"Where's that little witch?" The head maid yelled, her already ugly face contorted even more causing her to look like a real witch.

I hurriedly pushed my way to the middle where the head maid and Irene was.

The maid were unhappy at first but after realising who it was, they gave way for me.

I finally managed to make it throw.

Irene was sitting on the ground, her long pink hair was now loose, scattering all over hair face, she looked miserable... in a pretty way like a beautiful young wife who just lost her husband.

Her eyes were stained with tears and her cheeks were flushed.

So much for being the female lead's best friend, the female lead's special glow was definitely shared.

How can someone's heart remained stiff and unmelted in front of this heart breaking scene.

All the maids felt pity but there was nothing they could do, the head maid didn't even have an ounce of pity for the pitiful Irene.

All this made me dislike the head maid even more.

"Who are you?"

At this question, I turned to the head maid and answered, "Second princess of Duke Blithwine. Who are you?" I asked fearlessly.

"Hahaha, the illegitimate one even knows how to talk." The head maid laughed maniacally.


I sniffed the air and cringed my nose a little.

"Eh, guys? Can you smell that? It sure do smell like head maid who didn't clean her mouth properly, doesn't it?" I sniffed the air again and acted like I knew nothing.

"The little lady is so brave. Hahaha!"

"She looks so adorable saying that."

"She saved maid Irene, I'm so jealous. Haha."

"Hahaha!" The maids burst into laughter causing the head maid to almost die from embarrassment.

"You, you illegitimate child. Just like the late Duchess, your mother was nothing but a whore! You're vulgar tongue would be the end of you!" The head maid yelled and aggressively lifted the cane in her hand.

I could talk back but I still can't fight back since I'm still so little.


Irene pulled me to herself, she turned around, probably so as to shield be from impact of the cane.

The long awaited pain did not come instead the whole place was dead silent after that a slapping sound rang in the area.


I hurriedly looked up only to see... My knight in shiny armour. Her long black hair was tied up, her golden eyes burned with range, her right hand gripped her sword tightly. The knights behind her weren't even recognised because of her glamour.

That's my knight in shining armour, Accorsa.

"Gasp, it's the lady."

"She hit the head maid."

"That's pretty cool, I've been waiting for this day for so long."

"It might be because of the little princess."

"Or Irene..."

The maids whispered to each other, while the head maid was still in a state of shock, she found the situation incomprehensible. Her eyes were wide open, she looked no different from a zombie with those eyes.

"Dare not lay your hands on her." Accorsa spoke sternly, her cold words sent shivers down every listener's spine.

"Take the head maid to the punishment room and give her sixty lash." Accorsa ordered the knights behind her.

"No, No, let me go! You can't do this to a member of the Blithwine family!" The head maid shouted as she was dragged away.

All the spectators and maids quickly dispelled.

Accorsa helped Irene up and handed her over to another maid.

"Take care of her wounds." Accorsa ordered the maid, she turned to me with a slight frown.

What did I do? What's with the face?

"You... come with me." Accorsa said to me and walked to away.