First attack

It has been three days since I last saw Accorsa, the head maid had been awfully quiet and careful.

So all in all, things here was fine. Yvonne comes here everyday but my desserts have been put on hold for stealing. Mariana only visited me once in a day but she was slowly becoming her former self.

I walked to the terrace and stared silently at the large moon, the stars shone so beautifully. This breath taking sight was evidence that this world was not real.

The wind blew gently like it was afraid to make a sound, it was as gentle as my only brother.

'Hahaha, it's funny how everything reminds me of him.' I chuckled sadly.

I climbed onto the railing of the terrace since I was tall enough, the serenity was so soothing, almost too good to be true.

I sighed helplessly...

It would take a really long time to escape this world.



Accorsa sat on the roof of the duchy just above her illegitimate sister's room, a truly impossible feat to achieve.

Accorsa knew that the elders hadn't just gotten tired of attacking her instead they were trying to figure out if Tatiana was precious to her and if she was, they'll focus all their attention on getting rid of the little girl.

So, Accorsa had decided to watch the little girl and look out for her safety, if things get out of hand, the little girl would be sent away to somewhere safe.

While Accorsa was still lost in her thoughts, she saw a little figure clad in white. The child stood by the railings and sighed, the little girl climbed onto the railings and sighed again.

Accorsa watched the little girl that had been sighing like a person who has experienced the worst parts of the world.

Accorsa unknowingly held her breath when Tatiana climbed onto the railings, the scene overlapped with a memory of her father climbing over the railings when her mother died.

Accorsa stiffened...

Only that time, Tatiana's mother was there just in time to stop him from jumping off. But this time, no one was with the little girl.

'Was the child so frustrated to the extent of wanting to end her life? Or was she feeling down because of the kind of elder sister she have?' Such thoughts filled Accorsa's head.

So far, the little child had behaved differently from most people Accorsa had met, neither was she scared nor did she hate her, instead she comforted her and said silly things. The little girl just showcased unusual behaviours and expressions that no one would have dare to display in front of Accorsa, not even the so called elders.

But what if the child was just pretending?

It was not likely but... anything was possible.

Accorsa turned away and sighed.

She was not supposed to be so close to the child of a mistress.


I placed my chin on my hands and pouted, I got down from the railing and walked back into my room.

The smile on my lips was immediately wiped off when I felt a presence behind me.

I turned around quickly and what stood in front of me was a fully black-clad figure, only the glowing purple eyes could be seen.

I backed away in shock.

Purple eyes was the signature used by the most popular mercenary in the whole of Pelonia's capital, Purple Rose was the name they went by.

During every mission, the designated members uses an artifact that turns one's eye colour purple.

And some of the elders had hired them to assassinate Accorsa in the original novel but none was ever hired to get rid of Tatiana.

So, what is this?

Did they come to the wrong room?

Tatiana frowned.

She wouldn't let Accorsa get hurt under her watch.

The person chuckled and said. "I wondered why I had to take care of a child but it looks like the child is quite sharper than I thought.

I cringed in exasperation.

"How nice for you to say some like that."

"You even know how to talk, aren't you supposed to be shuddering in fear?"

"Am I? Sorry then, it's probably because I have seen so much of this."

I wasn't wrong though, I had really seen a lot of it, since a lot of people tried to get rid of Accorsa in the original novel.

Aren't I scared?

Of course I am, the purple rose were referred to as demons in the empire. But, I just have to imagine that he is nothing but a mean bully in high school.

"You talk a lot for a child, no wonder they ordered to get rid of you."

"You talk a lot for an assassin, aren't you supposed to do your job?" I raised a brow and asked.

"You." The man said with clenched fists.

I suddenly remembered an important information, the boss of the purple rose mercenary had specific rules, one which was to never murder a child or helpless person.

That meant that the person here was officially hired, instead he was bribed and he stupidly used the identity of the purple rose.

The punishment for this crime was death.

I smiled at this realisation...

"How would your boss reacts when he finds out that a mere member of his honourable mercenary broke a rule and tarnished his image." I smiled and rolled my eyes slowly as if I myself didn't know what I was saying.

The man backed away.

I couldn't see his face to know his expression but I knew who was be shocked.

Of course, who wouldn't be?

A little child knows a rule that only the members of your group was supposed to know, everyone would be shocked.

He stared at me with strong menace in his eyes and spat out some words. "But what would happen if there's no evidence?"

I gulped.

How did the boss always finds out how his rule was broken when there was usually no evidence?

The man unsheathed his sword in a swoosh and ran towards me.

I quickly crouched and closed my eyes...

But what I expected to come never came instead I felt droplets of liquid splash on my face.

I opened my eyes and the purple rose man was laying on the ground and above him stood a lady with long white hair that flowed gently with the wind, her golden eyes sparkled and burned with rage.

The sword in her hand glimmered under the moon light, dark red liquid dripped down from her shining silver sword.


I stared up at her with wide eyes, strangely enough I wasn't even surprised or scared even though there was a body right in front of me.

Accorsa bent down and grabbed the man by his head.

"Tsk. It's the purple rose." Accorsa muttered inbetween gritted teeth.

She slammed the man's face back down and stood up, she swept her fingers through her hair.

She walked towards me and crouched down in front of me.

"Are you hurt?"

I shook my head.

"...Are you scared?"

Why would I be? If I can read a novel about you and the horrific things enemies go through in your hands, then such scenes could be considered child's play.


Accorsa clicked her tongue and took out her handkerchief, she wiped my face with it.

She stood up right after and left through the balcony. It was high but I had no doubt, I knew such height was not an obstacle to her.