Success possible only through science

We will nurture logic and feed science the finest of grains! We will enable science grow! We will be rich up stairs. We won't deny thinking! We won't look down at women! Though a priest she cannot be, she can always be a scientist! The world of maturity will be born. There will be cozy joy at every step. Science won't create temples but religion is on making science colleges.

Think and grow perfect is the message from scientific talks. Let's capture even the dust so that religion no where finds its safe home. We cannot depend on supreme or super powers. We need to make our today the day of light! The joy to climb up higher than any religion can ever take you. Submitting self to work not win shouldn't be wrong but it is in religion's eyes.

Forget it those unachieved days! Today is the day named after success. Let's begin up fair! Up here! Right here! Right now!