Smile of Science!

If you substitute science with religion, you are crippled all over yourself and for life! For then you cannot solve you need to accept life! You cannot resolve! You cannot reinvent! You cannot even think beyond the borders of surprises! Do not do that which hurts your intellect and makes calm just your heart and mind. Success is the target of life! And success shines pale without science footprints on the sand of life.

You build up! You rise up! You be the challenged surprise! Live life giant size! Not shine in eyes or coin but the forehead with a peculiar scientist's pride and shine. Make it into the day! Play! With science that teaches you the strange, you can even play. Play safe, to build strong by logic strangely sane! This is life! Yes, this is life! A scientist's laboratory is is his head not a lab with chemical or wine!

Make it to the day! Mark it to the right! Power shines strange in the eyes of science. Build safe the home is science! Question the science is religion! Agreeing to tomb above life! Religion smiles a defective shine!

If we fail, we still win! For all knowledge is science! Panic is religion but it's solution is science! Create it! Right?