Corruption in religions…

Science is religious sun-ordinate as if! Strange! These days priests potentiates their religion by supporting it scientifically! Let's begin why? And then who is superior in that case? Religion or science?

Calculate peace! Culture life from disdain to attain! Science teaches where religion completely fails! This is the advantage of intellect above mere frail emotions.

For science saved us from corona not religion! For religious gurus are commonly found on modern medicines bed for treatment. So frail is religion that science can break it in more than one ways in a single day!

Let's then focus science for a better today! Light of science can brighten our days! Life enriches by questioning the wrong not even so much by accepting the right! Let's count our pennies and move ahead in life while spending on our kids education! Pandits won't do you any good till you transfer your amount to their account! The truth is that religion is much more corrupt than any ruler can correct!