Science gives a purpose to life!

I know what hampers us is difficulties in life. But we are outright here to welcome success even at a price. We don't say we achieved everything. But then what is that which cannot be achieved by the dedicated efforts of science placed in order. Life isn't easy for your and me. And weeping or worshiping is not going to fully fill our lives. We need purpose in life which science can serve us. It is science through which we can serve us.

I used to the word -Omnipotent- for science, for I don't understand what cannot be achieved using science. Be it anything if we will attempt and put to work ourselves we will achieve it using science. Name a thing that science will never achieve or science can never achieve. Then something which encompasses everything is called perfection in possibilities. Then why can't be science omnipotent in worth?

I know worshipping brings peace in mind. But then what do you do of that peace? Worship more? Or gather that peace and get back to your daily life's roles? We each have a role! We each need a place to enrol!

Life cannot be led to achieve anything or nothing? Development for good of all is one ambition which science gives me. So I share benefits of being scientific. Given ability to think is nothing in itself if we are not going to put it to proper or channelised used ever! So let's think rich and begin with the purpose of living! This is life! For this is life!