Believe within!

Occupying the mind with coins is an easy task but then that's not for which is mind is. Mind needs clutches of thinking to stand on. Mind needs a little more you. It needs a little more me. We need to progress till infinity. How will we achieve more if we don't think? Let's not carry our dreams to its grave. There is much more reason to dwell in absolute of peace. We need to contribute what we can think. This is life solely. Soulfully we are not just meant for worshipping but also thinking and using our abilities. Out of which thinking is more important to run our life cycle than even worshipping.

Let's begin then in the mind full of peace. After meditating let's begin with thinking our way to absolute visibility in the universe's Map. To begin is not to end. To end is not the victory. Life continues to enrich…Asking for more from you and me… We cannot forgive thoughtlessness in religious proceedings. You need to ask what you cannot believe. And then there is no problem is being so. Mouthful of food is not going to suffice life for long. We should think and plan big. Real big be our goal in life. Solitude sinks within but we need to achieve the exterior part of existence too. For you, for me, for all those who breathe in…we need success too!

Let's not count our hens and decide in the number of eggs. We need a universe of thoughts to make life what it should be. We need to think. We need to think real big. This is the purpose of brain unresolved by just beliefs. Let's then begin! Every inch of dream is to believe only in the possibility of the impossible part in it. This is life! This is the redeemed spiritual need. This is science in its best fit.

We cannot occupy mind with no suns if we don't believe in our abilities to think smart. As we move on life asks for more and more cream. We need sufficiency then only in infinity. If we will stop who will carry us above our dreams? In the believe of happiness who will dream? So let's pursue our dreams all time strongly! Believe! In self and science…we need to believe. Let's step in to believe within.