Religion weakening society!

Let's practice art of silence! Is it same as art of bearing every atrocity? Religion does a bit too far, it says accept the wrong done on you with a smile. Wow! Sounds great! But can you imagine how inconvenient this can be for me and you? Climbing up the ladder in life but always getting pulled down! Accept folly and move on in life! Like it matters not to you and me! Problem when small should really not matter much! But I have seen here alcoholic husband's poor wives. They are struggling both day and night. They don't work for change but accept the dirt on their fate. They go to temples most here! Is it right? I am again pointing out that I don't mean small problems here. But is it right to accept everything that life offers you and me as God's will? And then for solution to walk with legs daily to the temple? Is this the life meant for humans? Is this the problem with which we will live throughout our lives like those poor and uneducated wives? Should we not work on solution to alcoholism? Should we not make such divorces more easy? Should we not care for our children's learnings more? Should we not work on to improve the society and our home? Should we not develop better coaching at schools so that less of alcoholics come out? Or should we just worship God and ask for the change? Where are we going wrong do you see with me? Pointing these societal defects is my aim here in this book. Am I with you on this? Trauma hurts less than pain! Let's not refrain from our good efforts during each day! Religion is strength. Is it not weakening our society today and each passing day?