10-The Whitebait

Early the next morning.

The horse bandits caught a young wild boar, skinned and bellyed it in two or three strokes, and selected the fattest part to use as bait.

The two horse bandits who are the best at fishing are also ready to take their positions, standing in front of Fulongtan with fishing rods they don't know where to find, eager to try.


Xiao Ling, who woke up from cultivation, said that he still had a good thing that he didn't use.

It can be seen from Lao Niu's fishing yesterday that although the silver fish also likes fresh meat, the effect is relatively reluctant.

It took so long to lure a small silver fish out of the water.

It's impossible for him to stay in Fulong Mountain for too long.

If it's like the old cow fishing yesterday, how many fish can he catch in a day?

So you can't fish in the usual way!

The Yiqi Pill in the storage bag is the best bait. This kind of thing is effective for him, and it will definitely be effective for the little silver fish.

The Yiqi Pill contains spiritual energy, Xiao Ling thinks that the silver fish will never let go of this kind of thing.

Instructing Liu Lin to bring a basin of water, Xiao Ling took out the jade bottle in the storage bag.

There were originally three Qi-yielding pills in the jade bottle, but he used up two of them during this period.

Inside the bottle is the last one left.

Put the Yiqi Pill in the palm of your hand, move it over the water basin with a little force, and the medicine will turn into powder and fall into the basin.

A strange fragrance spread in all directions, and

everyone who smelled it was shocked.

Even the old cow lying in the distance could smell it, and ran over to look at the water basin eagerly.

"You cut the meat into bait-sized dices and soak them in water for a quarter of an hour."

When Liu Lin heard the words, he immediately ordered people to act, and felt a little weird in his heart, thinking that they were horse bandits who killed people without blood, but now they came to do such a shit.But he didn't dare to complain, instead he had a respectful look on his face.

Because when he thought of the big tree that exploded yesterday, he got goosebumps all over his body.

He secretly said in his heart:

"Old monster!"

The horse bandits killed swiftly, and their meat-cutting movements were not at a loss. They quickly cut up the meat and put it in a basin to soak.

The whole basin of clear water was stained red with blood, but it couldn't cover up the strange fragrance in the basin.

After a quarter of an hour passed, Liu Lin looked up at Xiao Ling.

Everything has to wait for him to speak, this is the uncle. Xiao Ling nodded slightly.

I saw two horse bandits pick up the meat from the basin and slowly hang it on the hook, and then put it into Fulongtan.

Fulongtan is relatively small, so one person can fish alone, but since it has been soaked in Dan water, there is no problem for two people to come.

As soon as the piece of meat was placed in the pool, traces of blood spread quickly and disappeared without a trace.

Sure enough, as Xiao Ling expected, there was

movement in Fulongtan in just a moment.

There were lots of bubbles in the water and something was spinning around the bait.

The two buoys on the surface of the water sank almost instantly at the same time, and the bandits on the shore who had been waiting intently pulled up their fishing rods immediately.

Two small silver fish broke out of the water, glistening under the sunlight.

It's done!

Xiao Ling was overjoyed.

He knew that the elixir was very effective, but he didn't expect how long it would take to catch the fish.

The old cow also came to Fulongtan, his big eyes full of little doubts.

It has never known that fishing can be so simple. You must know that it used to be very happy to catch one in a day.

As a result, there are now two on one, and it is the first time that it feels that it would be great if it had hands.

The two horse bandits moved very quickly.

After taking off the small silver fish, they hung the meat again and threw itinto the pool.

There were still traces of blood scattered, and the sharp- eyed Xiao Ling found that the effect of the pill water was so good that there were already several small silver fish swimming in Fulongtan.

After a moment of silence, Xiao Ling winked at Liu Lin.

Liu Lin is worthy of being a human being, he understood what it meant with a wink from Xiao Ling.

Soon the entire Fulongtan was full of people, and

everyone was silent without making a sound.

Hanging bait, throwing rod, lifting rod, fetching fish, throwing rod...

The scene was silent, and everyone continued to repeat the same movements.

The buckets containing fish were also changed from small buckets to large buckets, and they were filled to the brim.

The bait in the water basin has been used up, and this is the second time to add meat pieces for soaking.

In the end, the speed of catching fish became slower and slower.

Gradually, even a small silver fish could not be

caught, but a lot of meat was taken away.

Only then did Xiao Ling let everyone stop.

There are only two explanations for the current situation.

First: He caught all the small silver fish in Fulongtan.

Second: All the idiots in the silver fish are in the barrel, and the rest of the pool are smart fish.

Compared with the first explanation, Xiao Ling believes in the second one more.

No wonder just seeing the buoy moving, not only did there not appear to be any fish, even the bait was gone.

Looking at the three buckets of small silver fish on the bank, Xiao Ling smiled silently.

That being the case, let's end it.

The horse bandits gradually dispersed, leaving only Xiao Ling and Lao Niu in front of Fulongtan.

The old cow has been standing in front of Fulongtan for a long time, and it salivates every time it catches fish.

But Xiao Ling didn't say anything, and it didn't dare to take any action, it was still afraid of Xiao Ling.

"Lao Niu, there is still leftover elixir, do you want to eat it?"

Xiao Ling pointed to the water basin where the bait was soaked and said.

The old cow's eyes lit up, his eyes narrowed into a line and his mouth opened to express his mood clearly.

A pot of Danshui was sucked up by the old cow in two or three strokes, and it seemed that he was still not satisfied after sucking it up.

He looked at Xiaoling and then at the small silver fish in the bucket.

Xiao Ling lightly raised a finger, and the old cow would turn the tail of the ox into a spinning top when he saw this, and the cow's mouth reached into the bucket to pick up a whitebait and chewed it continuously.

Today can be said to be its happiest day.

Xiao Ling looked at the three big barrels of whitebait and found himself in trouble for a while, so many fish obviously couldn't be eaten in a short time, how to deal with it was the biggest problem.

Can't all be boiled into fish soup?

It can't be deep-fried either, he is afraid that deep-frying will reduce the effect of whitebait.

Is it possible to eat it raw?

As soon as this idea appeared, it quickly occupied Xiao Ling's mind, and he felt more and more that this method was feasible.

The old cow can eat it, but why can't I, Xiao Ling, eat it?

Maybe it tastes better when eaten raw, and the effect is even better!

With this mentality in mind, Xiao Ling stretched out his hand to pick up a lively small whitebait from the bucket, put it into his mouth, closed his eyes and chewed it for a while.


Whitebait is not unpalatable, has no spines, no scales, and even no fishy smell.

On the contrary, it has a faint fragrance and the meat is tender, Xiao Ling couldn't describe the taste for a while.

After eating a small whitebait in two or three bites, he felt unsatisfied.

He picked up another whitebait from the bucket and put it in his mouth.

This time he chewed slowly, feeling the changes in the fish meat in his mouth, and the traces of inexplicable energy spreading to his limbs and bones.

very good!

With a sincere exclamation, Xiao Ling felt very


After eating the two whitebaits, a feeling of fullness slowly came, accompanied by a little tingling pain in the body.

"With the current state, two are enough."

Nodding with a clear understanding, he was about to put the whitebait into the storage bag with a wave of his hand.

Seeing that the old cow was looking at him anxiously, Xiao Ling nodded slightly and raised a finger.

The old cow was overjoyed, and even gave a docile


The ox tongue rolled up a whitebait and put it into his mouth, he closed his eyes and chewed for a while.

The fear of being pressed and rubbed by Xiao Ling on the ground disappeared, and the eyes looking at him became softer.

With a wave of his hand, the three buckets of whitebait by Fulongtan were all put into the storage bag.

Only a storage bag of more than a square meter was filled to the brim, leaving only some corners and corners.

He took another deep look at Fulongtan, and he will visit this place again in the future.

Now the realm is too low and the age is too old, the risk of going down is very high, so wait until the cultivation level is higher in the future.

There are definitely treasures in it, these whitebaits cannot have such effects with just pond water.

Sitting on the back of the old ox, Xiao Ling said softly:

"Old cow, let's go."