62-Colorful Tiger

It was July, and the weather was getting hotter and hotter.

The sun was shining brightly in the sky, but it could not dispel the thick white mist in the Yunwu Mountain.

However, the field of vision is indeed much better, and you can see more than ten meters in front of you.

After Yue Ming killed You Chao, he received the mission from the City Lord's Mansion in Chixi City, and then left without stopping.

At first, he was worried that Xuan Mingjiao would make trouble for him, but there was no news afterwards, maybe he thought that he had a relationship with the immortal master, and it was inappropriate to kill him with great fanfare. Another possibility is that the Xuanming Sect has

reduced its manpower to look for the elixir, so there is no time to trouble him for the time being.

Anyway, he's pretty safe now.

After receiving the task from the City Lord's Mansion, he memorized all the elixir on the blueprint one by one, so as notto suffer a big loss when he found it but couldn't recognize it.

Yunwu Mountain was the closest to Chixi City, so he chose here as his first stop.

After arriving in the small town, Yueming went to Yunwu Mountain alone.

He used to go out to collect herbs alone, and he had seen many harsh and dangerous situations.

So when he came to the town, he didn't ask someone to lead the way, nor did he form a team with others.

Because he didn't want to share the elixir with others, the value needed to exchange for the talisman pill was very high.

Once it was to be distributed, he didn't know how many elixir it would take to get it together.

Yueming didn't know if there was any panacea in Yunwu Mountain, but the chances were definitely higher than in other places.

It is shrouded all the year round, and the mountain road is rugged, which is a natural barrier that hinders people.

On his back was a big bag, which contained water, dry food, and a jade box for storing elixir.

I don't know how long it will take to enter the mountain this time.

If you are lucky, it may take a few days or longer, so it is definitely right to make more preparations.

After entering Yunwu Mountain, Yueming didn't stop and went straight to the depths.

The fringe areas have already been searched by others.

If you want to find valuable elixir, you can only find it by going deep.

The task assigned by the imperial court is that it doesn't matter whether the elixir is a seedling or a mature one, as long as it is verified to be true.

He travels during the day when the sun is strong and his sight is good, and he hides in a tree to rest at night.

Night is the time when wild beasts are most active, and the bad light is more dangerous for him.

Anyway, there is no time limit for the task, so there is no need to rush it like this.

A full day passed like this, and Yueming didn't know how far he had gone.

Surrounded by dense jungle, even the sunlight above the head cannot reach the ground as much as it is blocked by the vigorous branches and leaves.

There is silence everywhere in the mountains, except for the occasional howl or two of wild animals.

As a herb picker, every time he walks a certain distance, he will sprinkle a little medicinal powder on the hidden place.

The medicinal powder has a unique smell and has a certain distance to spread.

As long as Yueming sprinkles the medicinal powder at intervals, he doesn't have to worry about getting lost.

After entering the depths, his spirit has been tense, watching all directions and listening to all directions, guarding against possible sneak attacks at any time.

It has been a long time since I went deep into the

mountain, but I still haven't found any trace of the elixir.

With Yueming's old-fashioned mentality, he couldn't help becoming irritable.

Such a behavior like finding a needle in a haystack made him smile wryly, but unfortunately there was no better way, so he could only keep searching.

On the way, he also saw a lot of herbs that are rarely seen in ordinary times, but the space in his backpack is limited, so he can only write down the location and wait until he comes back.

After continuing to go deep for half an hour, a faint fragrance came, which shocked the exhausted Yueming.

Here is in the depths of Yunwu Mountain, but there is no cloud and fog, and the vision is clear at a glance.

Slow down the speed of your feet, and tiptoe towards the direction of the fragrance.

Wild beasts gradually increased in the depths of Yunwu Mountain.

He had seen several large carnivores on the road

before, but they all avoided them silently.

Bypassing a stone wall, the front suddenly opened up.

In the open space about a hundred meters away from the stone wall, the first thing that catches the eye is an unusually large and colorful tiger.

The tiger's figure was two-thirds larger than the ones he had seen before, and its front legs lying on the ground looked as thick as the waist of a thin woman.

The front legs were crossed lightly on the ground, relying solely on gravity, the tiger claws sank deeply into the soil.

With his head resting on his front legs, he was dozing off with his eyes closed.

A small open space was formed around it, and the tiger rested on the open space with its back against the stone wall.

Perhaps it was Yueming's arrival that woke up the tiger, who opened his eyes and stared at him.

Yueming couldn't help but tremble all over, the coldness in the tiger's eyes was enough to make him retreat.

This is definitely not an existence that manpower can contend with, at least he can't, and it might be the same if itwere a grand master.

He is just a grandmaster, but he is not yet good at fighting, so he will naturally run as far as he encounters this kind of thing.

Thinking clearly, Yueming turned around and left, but there was no movement behind him, which made him heave a sigh of relief.

But his galloping steps became slower and slower, and his steps became smaller and smaller.

Finally stopped in place, frowning.

He remembered what he was here for, and the strange fragrance he smelt before came from the colorful tiger.

Before, his gaze was attracted by the tiger, but out of the corner of his eye, he still caught a glimpse of something resembling a Ganoderma lucidum growing on the stone wall behind the tiger.

If he read it correctly, it was "Jin Xingzhi"!

Yueming didn't know the effect of Jin Xingzhi, but he knew that he could go to the court to exchange for a rejuvenation talisman.

This is something with a clearly marked price on the list, as long as you get it, you can go to see the immortal master again.

It's just that tiger blocking the way...

The tiger didn't chase it out, probably because it had already eaten, so Yue Ming had time to think about it.

After a long time, Yueming's expression became firm, and there was no tiger cub if he didn't enter the tiger's den.

Such treasures of heaven and earth are basically

guarded by alien beasts.

If you give up this place, there will be no other places?

As long as the operation is done properly, it is not

necessary to fight.

He can heal people, he can also kill people.

I kept persuading myself in my heart until my heart gradually became firm and no longer wavered.

Find a hidden place, put down the backpack on your back, and take out all the things inside.

Clear water, dry food, jade boxes, and some small bottles filled with powders of different colors.

Fortunately, he knew that the search for medicine would be full of twists and turns, so he was well prepared.

In addition to the medicines for treating injuries and saving lives, he also brought a lot of poisons necessary for going out.

In this situation, poison can come in handy, and if force is not enough, we can only find another way.

Now I have to think about how to let the tiger eat the poison, which is a troublesome matter.

It seems that the only way is to catch some bait, and then smear it with poison to see if the tiger eats it.

However, this time must be very long, and the tiger's vigilance needs to be lowered.

Just do what you said, Yueming hid the backpack and went out to hunt.

After a while, he hunted back two fat rabbits.

The rabbits were not dead, dangling in their hands with their ears, and their two legs kept kicking back and forth in the air.

This large area should be the territory of fierce tigers, and the surrounding area is extremely quiet, with no other wild beasts present.

Yueming thinks this is very good and avoids a lot of troubles, as long as the tiger is dealt with.

Back at the backpack, Yue Ming was not in a hurry to kill the rabbit, nor did he wipe anything on the rabbit.

Instead, he tiptoed back to the previous stone wall, and saw the tiger still resting in place with his probe.

Step on one of them, and throw the other heavily

towards the tiger.

The rabbit formed a parabola in the air, its eyes full of terror.

In the end, the rabbit fell only a few meters away from the tiger and did somersaults violently.

The tiger only needed to reach out its claws to catch it.

It's a pity that the tiger only opened its eyes for a while, then continued to close them to rest, and ignored the rabbit, letting the rabbit run away.

Seeing this scene, Yueming knew that the tiger must have just eaten, and his appetite was not strong.

If you put poison on it, it will be wasted.