Wings Like Eagles

Ethan and Gillian were decorating their little Christmas tree in their living room. Well, he was actually taking the ornaments out of the box and putting them on the tree any-o-how while she took them from wherever he hung them and re-decorated the tree. This was still team work to say the least.

“So when did Anita tell you about her miscarriage?” Ethan asked.

“When I went to look for her in the bathroom,” Gillian explained. “I was worried when I saw her sad reaction when news of our baby was announced.”

Ethan remembered Gillian excusing herself soon after the announcements when people were still congratulating them. Right now, he felt nothing but respect for his wife. He was certain again that there were no other woman he could ever love as much as her. He felt he could truly be an open book to her now, even to talk about his past and present thoughts and the feelings and concerns he had for Anita.

“Did she tell you she couldn’t have children?”