Chap 2

Camilia ( Camille )pvd


On my desk next to a stack of files lay that of my new

case as well as the terrible truth it contained.

While many of the New York high society, considered the opening of my practice as another whim that my father was willing to give me.It soon became clear that I certainly wasn’t after doing Cambridge , an umpteenth lawyer eager to win in court the largest alimony ever granted or even less avoid jail for dishonest. What I wanted was to go after those who thought that their status or the amount in their bank account naturally gave them the right to trample on others, to be above the law and to afford everything.What I wanted above all, was one day to reach Him and all his vultures.

- knock, knock, I made you an appointment with the mystery client for tomorrow, but Cam, you’re sure you want to take this case.

At the doorway the slender silhouette of my legal assistant fell, tall blonde with brown eyes, many were those who, at their expense, underestimated his intelligence because of his advantageous physic.Typical American with a strong taste for country music,Mia was, among others, with Paul my detective, as well as my two interns William and Chloe, the only employees I had. . And although I’ve known her for years, she had never been concerned about the cases I took to this day. Surprised; looking up at his worried face, waiting to waddle from one foot to the other a reassuring answer from me; I looked for a moment for my words, then ended up throwing myself

_The quote that revolted me the most in law school, you know what it said?

Gently shaking her head, she silently invited me to continue

- That our laws were like spider webs, and the midges got trapped in them while big horseflies like him broke them. So to answer your question, yes I’m sure, and you and I are going to make these canvases trap the big horsefly.

And in a second wearing his eternal smile, his worries seemed to have vanished.

_ roooh you’d almost make me doubt my sexual orientation when you do stuff like that!!

- Work. And you’ll doubt after

- yes, sir!!

Liam pvd

It took me a week to figure out that on the one hand she had the knack of getting in trouble with almost innocent unconsciousness and on the other hand that my new job would not be easy. This little piece of woman was a jewel, to see it one would almost think that the muses had agreed to decide on his birth as well as his stunning beauty since Camilia Frey was beautiful,a pure delight for the eyes of anyone lucky to cross his gaze but what was most intriguing in all this beautiful painting was that she seemed to have nothing to do with this gift from the gods. Sitting at a table, she was for the umpteenth time in the middle of a discussion with her aunt Lucrecia, a great matriarch who had raised her, loved her,, and carefully erased with the influence of her husband, former mayor; and current writer in his spare time, any trace that could link her to my employer. Two years that I was like her shadow, she had ended up unknowingly becoming the center of my life, rooting in my daily life or maybe it was -that I was rooted in hers.

The army had taught me many things, discipline, loyalty, resourcefulness, sense of mission, but certainly not enough to understand this phenomenon of complexity that was the woman,and Camil was no exception. She had shattered all the prejudices I had accumulated when I agreed to be her bodyguard; she was ready to kill herself at work , while she was heir to a small fortune, was an activist, an art lover, a fucking sexy Xena of justice. I’d be lying if I said she wasn’t my type, and before I left for army , if I’d met her, she’d be one of many, but in the present circumstances, she was forbidden to me, a bit like forbidden fruit, a tempting call to sin.