Chap 4


Who could have the energy to knock on a door so hard at six o'clock in the morning? The glasses of wine taken last night on my floor with Mia had after this sudden awakening a bitter taste ;cause alcohol is a hindrance to good judgment as my father would say, and open my fridge door instead of my entrance door , gave meaning to these words. It was enough to think of the wolf to see his mane, my own thought made me smile, but to realize after blinking countless times that Patrick and Lucrecia were really on my doorstep, placed me what I needed of slaps to wake up my foggy mind . Forgetting for a moment my good manners, I froze, trying to tame my hair; aunt Lou, with a dismayed face, wide-eyed on my morning-after-drunk outfit, faithful to his person entered, mumbling without waiting for my permission.While my father on the threshold was staring at me severely.

- go sober up and we will talk about it later.

Twenty minutes later, I am clean with my thoughts almost clear, while Mia was lying on my bed still in the arms of Morpheus. With the apprehension of a child having made a mistake, I went out hesitant to find my living room empty. Aunt Lou standing in the kitchen seemed to ruminate against my dirty dishes, the yellow gloves that she had put on brought to her dynamic and elegant look of the day a touch of craziness, which on her gave a ridiculous rendering, which made me puff and advance to her rescue.

- Mom drop it! Where is ...?

Surprise, the glass she dropped without delicacy in the sink cut me in my stride. And a few seconds later my still confused brain understood its reaction, I called it mom, something I hadn’t done in years. Not because I did not consider her as such, she had lulled me, loved me, raised me and I despised my mother’s mine for not having done so much . So where Aunt Lou saw an action against her, I saw there the possibility of preserving the feelings I had for her. The means by which the 16year-old teenager I was at the time, who was learning the circumstances of his birth, had found in order to chase away the shadow of the abandonment of his parent hovering over his life. And Where my feelings were less vindictive on the fatherly side; saying that word burned my heart as well as my tongue, so much so that for 10 years, my real mother will have paid the price, suffering to pass overnight from mom to aunt Lou.

Recovering just as quickly, she barely gave me time to realize my blunder or, perhaps, it was not, facing me with a smile, she told me in a light tone:

_ Your father left, he got an important call and asked me to tell you to come to the office . Max is waiting in the car and don’t worry, I’ll take care of Mia while you’re gone. So go.

No time for a word, and I was getting kicked out of my own house.


Seeing her leave, finally allowed

me to breathe. I was aware that i had practically put Camilia out of her home, but hearing her call me Mom had upset me;shared between a feeling of deep nostalgia and immense joy. Ten years she hadn’t said that word, because Patrick and I had the misfortune to argue about it. He as an honest man with similar history did not endorse the lies I had told her for the realization of his duty of genealogical tree , he maintained that she was of age to understand , that my sister, her mother had came at my home at 3 months of pregnancy ,CARRYING THE CHILD OF a man she had met at a diplomatic dinner . And that she had left her seven months later, leaving her in my arms while I, my opinion was quite different. Out of need to preserve it or maybe it was out of pure selfishness. But what I feared had happened, and of all that followed, that she stopped calling me Mom was one my most heartbreaking pains.

*CAM * pv

My father’s office was in his image, a sleek and chic style, with a gigantic library containing literary wonders from around the world, from Shakespeare to Lu Xun. But what was most adorable was that he had stored in a shelf all the horrible drawings of my childhood, not because they were works worthy of Picasso but just because they were mine, creations signed "Microbe" of my horrible nickname. Patrick Adama Frey is the wisest person i know, and sometimes I even wondered how Aunt Lou could get her hands on this specimen of intellect, she which on the contrary was a real exuberant . But it was enough for her to enter a room, so that he would leave anyone behind to follow her with his gaze, then everything would become clear, this man loved this woman . And knowing their respective histories; two children from exile, led to believe that far from their land, they found a home, one in the other.

Lost in the contemplation of his books, I had left out the door that opened and closed gently. As he advanced, I turned my head and detailed it, I remember that at school, the others other's children was jealous of me , my dad was charismatic,mayor , overloaded , but always found time to take me on Fridays to take me to the weekend, he even sometimes told me things that he should not ,call some coworkers stupid, racists , misogynes or even homophobic that they happened to meet in an official setting .And seeing him delighted this feeling of gratitude but also of doubt as to this chimera that I pursue. Chasing away my dark thoughts, I armed myself with a smile by taking him in my arms, he seemed to have calmed down since this morning . But his face was no less serious, I felt as if I had been summoned present myself in order to be scolded, , had in front of me not my father but a figure of authority who wanted to be heard.

His voice thundered chasing away the heavy silence :

_"I have always believed in your intelligence, Camilia, whereas I must think when you try to prove me otherwise at the first opportunity.

The tone was set, a little caught off guard, I frowned trying to guess the reason for his anger . Until he informs me of a tone more infuriated than at the beginning .

- your new case!

Standing up from my seat

- how do you know? Are you watching me now?

_ Calm down, right now, you’re my daughter. I’m certainly not going to apologize for protecting you, even from yourself.

- but.

_ I know you, I know that above all you are pursuing him, but I will not allow it to the detriment of your safety.

- my client is just as important and if you question my motives, it’s because you don’t know me that well.

Letting me fall down without delicacy on the chair, this short argument had exhausted me, it was certain that it was not the idea of the century after my drinking last night and my waking up this morning. I felt the migraine subtly point, Patrick guessed it and brought me a glass of water. In a softer tone, he spoke again:

- I know you’re an adult and I can’t stop you from doing whatever you want, but these people, this family, they’re thugs wear prada. (I drew a smile) .You must promise me never to endanger yourself, no matter how great the cause you’re fighting for.

- I promise you.

And that’s how we surrendered the weapons, both of us, enjoying the calm before the storm.