Chap 7 "the tic- tac"


Like every Monday since the media stunt caused by the indictment, the opening of the investigation and the statement , outraged , worthy of an oscar of the Blossom family, the journalists seemed not to want to let go. I was reduced to leaving my car to Mia to try to avoid those who camped of a firm foot in front of the building. And then in this situation you might wonder where the big arms had gone that my father had glued to my ass when we needed them, and well the answer was simple, I had categorically refused that they follow me everywhere and for that I used the legal threats to get them out. And I couldn’t go back on my decision because for me, walking around with a whole security team was blatant proof that I let myself be intimidated. So, seeing that for a week they had understood our diversion, by not rushing to the passage of the car, here I am after playing fists and elbows to sneak away, as the student of 3 years ago in London en route to take the bus after an exhausting day . Lost in my thoughts, I could have in other circumstances omitted the black suv that followed me, about fifty meters since my release from work ; but with the almost crude discretion of my father’s guards, I had become a kind of expert in tracking. I could easily guess that the driver did not want to be spotted, but it became almost obvious by slowing down when I stopped, that I was the one he was chasing. Then caught in a sudden panic, I accelerated the pace of my steps wanting at all costs to flee from my tracker and in my frenzy, I did not see an identical car coming out of nowhere in the opposite direction and rushing on me. And suddenly it was the call of emptiness, of complete darkness.


Since two weeks I hadn't could left her away from my eyes, a little more than before if I had to be honest. Ever since I was learned that she was in danger and that my request to contact her for close custody was denied. One would have thought that this conflict with the Blossom family could have changed the situation, but my employer was happy to justify his cowardice by talking about bigger issues, which does not seem to prevent him from sleeping at night. And after conducting my little investigation into this so seemingly perfect family, what my contacts had discovered had given me cold feet and had confirmed in my decision that closer to Camilia I would be, the better it will for her and her pretty face. For these bastards were gifted to hide their misdeeds; greedy for glory and gratitude, they struggled to get involved in all aspects of the active life capable of generating

money: real estate, art, business and even politics, by quietly financing the campaigns of governors and, among other things, that of my employer. That’s why it became imperative that I protect her without approaching her, without exposing myself to the possibility that they would discover her connection to him. But, damn it, she was unconscious in my back seat, she almost got hit by an SUV that I couldn’t get the plate from, and the fat fuck I am instead of calling an ambulance, took her in her car. I knew it wasn’t the right thing to do, at the time this idea was floating in my mind and it didn’t take me long to make a decision. But damn , how could i, left her at the side of the road with I don’t know who while I am in charge of her safety .

All I have to do is make sure she’s okay, that she didn’t have a concussion, and the only option I had to have her examined discreetly was to take her to Elliot, the only reliable doctor I know.

When I knocked on my former brother’s door with my sleeping beauty in my arms, I expected him to greet me, not a lightly dressed brunette, who thought I was going to make the conversation.

As soon as I walked through the entry these eyes were fixed on me with envy; wanting to cut short his interest, as I advanced towards the sofa, i asked

_ where is Elliot?

_ In the shower!

I already knew that my friend was having sex and that he did not particularly want to expose himself to heartache so it is with confidence that I invited the young lady to leave.

After almost inaudible mumbling

She slammed the door, throwing a

_They’re all fat assholes.

leaving me alone with Camilia asleep on the couch.

Bis or of his real name Elliot Macfly

was a doctor in the army, in all my life, I had never known anyone more calm and reactive and the fact that they saved the lives of the guys in our unit and mine countless times , made him, a bit of the giant of the group. If because of my name I was the dandy , he was unintentionally the daddy, nickname that was being used from time to time to piss him off; being the oldest and most experienced.

It 's unflappable that he came out of the shower, his ass in the air to catch something in his fridge.

_ nice ass

Turning at the speed of lightning, his face lost its James Bond air when he saw me.

Then with a nod pointing to Cam

_ You’re in the kidnapping now?

Turning my eyes to the still sleeping beauty, he stepped forward, raising his fist so that we can greet each other.

_Would you like it! I won’t greet you with your zgeg in the air

_I thought you liked it.

_ I need you ,


_ I saw that , what’s wrong with her? You didn’t at least get in trouble?

_ no. Get dressed, get your gear .

Moments later

_ she has no concussion,

_ Sure???

_ Yes . As I told you a few seconds ago. Your pretty is fine Dandy, just a little bump and maybe a dizziness when she wakes up.

Walking away to the kitchen

_ you’re gonna tell me why you took an unconscious chick to my house instead of the hospital or it’s none of my business.

As I was about to answer him, we both heard a noise that made our heads spin .

_ Shit !!! she ' s waking up .


It was dark and the feeling of being sucked away by the void persisted, I heard voices in the distance mumbling; was - I in heaven or hell, since the only thing I remember is a car rushing at me. As a result

i never thought that meeting Jade would have caused my death. She came into my life, so ceremonially, announcing herself with an anonymous letter and a flood of information about the Blossom family and then under a rainy sky, this woman with a tan complexion and wavy hair, beautiful as all things, confident but equally confident of what she had endured, walked into my office under my astonished gaze.

And the first thing I saw was her smile and her impeccable manicure as she reached out to me.

I was immediately struck by her benevolent aura, she was hid her suffering well but as soon as she started talking about her attacker, she was transformed herself, she became angry and vindictive. And by having all the words of the story, we could only understand it and support it in its quest for revenge and justice for my part . But here I am after having done everything to try to avoid all the possible legal attacks of this family of misfortune , the body sore on an unknown but certainly pleasant space and with voices that became increasingly clear . And what I heard when I opened my eyes, my blood cried out. I wasn’t dead, but I wasn’t sure if I was going to be for long because a man’s voice was a little freaked out when he said:

_ Shit!!! she’s waking up.