
"After spending so many years with both of you, I've understood the true meaning of life and found the knowledge that perhaps the common person will ever know. Now I've to return to my old life from here, so please bless me for the success of my every intention, especially for the work, I'm returning to!"

__ By saying this she touched both of her masters' feet (according to the Hindu religion) and took their blessings and from there, she walked toward her destination, there was a sharpness on her face that was expressing untold hatred; for something.

On the other hand in the Neurologist Department; Dr. Neeraj was doing Lena's treatment, but she was looking forward to changing her condition.

But perhaps she wasn't coming out openly during her stay, so Dr. Neeraj said: "Umm…Vishal, You do one thing! Go out for some time, I'll have to hypnotize the patient.

Because if the patient does not remember her past then probably, even I couldn't come to any conclusion."