The Sinner

To which the answer came, The Voice: “Of course, My Child! Even though a mother gets to learn about this, at the very prime!”

Shruti (sobbing) replied strictly: “MASTER…! You’ve taught me until the last breath of my life that I should have to continue the fight on the battlefield phase. AND I SHALL DO THIS, AT ANY COST…! You knew very well that I’ve come here to find a solution; which no one in this Universe can reveal except you..! So, please feel free to guide me! What must I do to save, LENA…?”

On The Othersides;

After the times of her saying so, there was no thundering-type voice were echoed. Instead off; a white beam came towards her. Erasing later; she can easily see an old man, who looked like ‘A Sage’.

Seeing whom, she respectfully and reverently bowed her head and only this much she managed to say: “Greetings Master!” --- Seeing her getting a bad state of affairs; a calm smile was visible on the Master’s face and he continued with his words.