Three Knives

Clue – II :

She mumbled inside of her: “WTF!? If she knows English, so why was she talking in Russian?”

When she assumes this inside, the beggar says: “Nah! YA ne znayu angliyskogo yazyka, ya ne znayu fizicheskogo yazyka, no mogu ponyat' yazyk dushi.” (No! I don’t know English, and I don’t get the physical language but can understand the language of the soul.)

Shruti noticed lower in front of her, something covered with the blue handkerchief was already placed. Beggar catches Shruti’s eye contact with that handkerchief; Off which_ she starts to open three ancient-looking knives of different shapes and sizes.

Approx. 40-year-old-looking Beggar spoke while pointing at the knives.

“Vash pervyy shag, pervyy nozh dolzhen budet protknut' etim nozhom zerkalo v forme dveri. Eto zapustit rabotu etogo nozha, i togda eto zerkalo stanet dlya vas dver'yu v oboikh izmereniyakh.