Chapter 2

Once the ceremony ended, I got into the car and was soon home.

I walk into our other apartment since the police seal the original one. I fall on the first thing I see, the couch.

Since I was so tired and hadn't slept since yesterday when I got the news about Yeong, I immediately fell asleep.

"WHAT!?" I say, standing in the doorway of our old apartment as the police held me back. They then pushed me aside and took a body out of the apartment. It was covered in blood.

No, this can't be.

A hand fell out of the cover. It had the red bracelet Yeong always wore. My heart stopped for a moment as my body went cold. Just then, that hand moved and grabbed my wrist. The shock wakes me up. I sit up with sweat covering my face.

A nightmare,

To distract me. I pick up my phone but it is also filled with news about Yeong. I see his College mates talking about how good of a student he was. I kept on scrolling when suddenly a girl caught my attention, "Jung, if you are watching this, I hope you are doing well, but I don't think Yong committed suicide," she said, and the rest of the clip was cut, followed by someone else talking. I sit up straight and rewind to see if I missed something.

I look up her contacts and asked her to meet me tomorrow.

I knew it. My Yeong would never do such a thing.

Don't worry, Yeong. I'll find the motherfucker who did this to you. I will make sure they get their fair share.

As the day begins, I make my way to the coffee shop near Yeongs' college. I'm waiting for the girl to arrive. My right leg shakes involuntarily as I scroll through my phone, trying to remember her name.

Lee Ari, I repeat in my head. Yeong never mentioned her. Were they friends? Then again, he never really talked about his college life. Just then a very familiar scent brings me back to reality, Yeong? It's his fragrance. I look up, and it's her, "Hey," I greet her as she sits in her chair.

I impatiently look at her figure as she gets comfortable in the seat. Before she could say anything, I asked her, "So, what did you mean by what you said in that video?"

Again before she could say anything, I corrected myself, "I'm sorry, where are my manners; my name is Kim Jung. Nice to meet you," I say, extending my hand for a handshake, and she does the same.

"My name's Lee Ari, and I am a huge fan of yours, no seriously, I've been a fan since 2019 when The dreams first came out. and..." She goes on about her being a fan.

I mean, I get it but please cut to the point. I don't want to know when you came to our first concert. I feel my blood boil. Why can't she read the room? But I need to Indore; my fists curl up as I resisted to cut her off.

"Why don't we order something?" she recommends, and I take the opportunity to ask her.

"So, Miss Lee, as I asked before. What you said earlier in the video,"

"Oh, you can call me Ari. We'll soon get to that topic, so let's order first." She gets up and goes to order.


I look closely and notice that she is dressed up from head to toe. Does she think that we are on a date or something? No, maybe I'm overthinking. She gets up to get our order and soon comes back. She places my favorite iced American in front of me and a hot cappuccino with Coco, for herself, that's Yeong's favorite. Is she doing this on purpose? Can't be. I brush the feeling off and try to focus on the conversation.

"And you know Jung recently I've started taking singing lessons and I must say it's,"

"Listen Ari I understand that you want to share what you like with me. But, please, could you tell me what you meant in the video."

"Oh that, sure, Well you see Jung as we all know that Yeong was a very bright and promising student and idol and he was always so full of life, "

"I know Ari, please get to the point," I interrupt her again.

"Right, well you see there was a rumor about him, that he..." she looks around, ensuring that no one was listening to our conversation.

I instinctively move closer to her "That he was gay." she says and takes a sip of her drink.

"And?" I ask.

"Well, I think such a rumor can be hard to live with. So maybe that's why he, you know." she finishes and I abruptly stand place money on the table and make my way out.

You are trying to say Yeong killed himself because a few kids in school thought he was gay. Girl, please! I think as I feel a weak grip on my left arm. And it's her.

"Jung, please don't leave, I swear I can help you get your mind off this whole thing," she says pressing her breast into my arm. My jaw clenched in disgust. You can't hit a girl Jung you can't. I reminded myself as I shook off my arm and went straight to my car.

What were you thinking? That people would help you?


I start the car and drive it mindlessly. I grip the steering wheel with all my strength as my knuckles turn white.

I feel my throat clench in pain as the anger flows out as tears and my footfalls heavy on the gas.

Calm down.

Calm down, I repeat to myself.

Everything is ruined. What's the point of living like this? I think as I suddenly get blinded by a light and loud horns make me lose control of my car.

Oh no!...