Chapter 6

The sight of Yeong with the knife made my stomach turn. I charge at him and take the weapon away.

"What are you doing?" I grab his wrist and take the weapon away from him. He jerks his wrist out of my grip and takes the knife back, "I was cutting veggies for my salad," he responds in a normal tone walking to the kitchen. "Oh, Yeong, I was thinking, why don't we-" I try to suggest but get cut off by him. "There is some food left for you. I'll eat in my room, so please don't disturb me," he says before swiftly walking past me.

I feel a sharp pain in my heart at his distant behavior. He was acting so differently in the hospital. But now that I think about it, he has always been like this, kept his distance when it's just the two of us. And I've always respected that, although when I wasn't aware of my feelings, I never really gave it a second thought and just did my own thing. I mean, What was I expecting? When I come back. He will run up to me and embrace me tightly, then we will eat together and talk all night, and I'll confess my feeling. Then I'll figure out who pushed him to do such a thing and save him we will live happily ever after. I guess the reality is a bit different from my fantasy.

But I will not give up. I'll make sure to have my happy ending.

The rest of the night. I sat in bed anxious to know what Yeong might be doing but didn't dare to go to his room. The following day came without notice. I got out of bed, made breakfast, and waited for Yeong to come out of his room. After an hour he finally did. I involuntarily stood up; he walked toward me. I can't believe I'm standing right in front f him. A small smile formed on my lips and I took the plate and presented it to him. "Breakfast, Yeong?" I asked, but he just stood there with no reaction. "Dude, when you passed out, Did you hit your head? Why are you acting as if you care?" he says, walking past me and putting his shoes on.

"But I thought," I say, walking after him.

"You know what, you should have it since you need it more than me," he says, walking out the door.

I put the plate back on the kitchen counter and return to my room.

I shouldn't take it personally. He has always been like this, a bit cold. Now that I think about it, I have not seen him laugh or do the silly dances he did when we were training to be idols. When did it all change so much? I thought while getting ready for a walk to clear up my mind.

It's a bright day with a clear sky. I walked into the park near our apartment. It's 11: 00 am, and being Wednesday, there were little to no people. I walk around for a bit, before finding a bench in the shade and deciding to sit there. I lean back and take a deep breath. I sense my body relax. The sound of birds chirping and a few people chatting in the distance was calming.

"Dude! Give that back!" A male voice catches my attention. There are two high school boys fooling around. t Probably skipping school.

This reminds me of the time when Yeong and I use to skip school.

"Jung, give me my chocolate back!" Yeong exclaimed, running after me.

"Why? Is it cuz your girlfriend gave it to you?"

"She is not my girlfriend. She is a girl that's a friend."

"Right, a friend," I said, opening the heart-shaped chocolate.

"Dude!" he says, jumping at me. I raised my hand. Yeong has always been shorter than me.

He kept jumping like a chipmunk; his cheeks were bright red, and sweat dripped down his forehead.

"Fine, fine, I'll give it back. But, first, you know what you have to do," I say.

He sighs dramatically, plunges his school bag to the ground, spreads his arms to get into the pose, and starts doing his ridiculous dance. I try to control my laughter but fail. Laughs flee my lips, and my eyes get teary. He stops and snatches his chocolate back and soon joins in, his light giggles were just so cute and innocent.

The Dipple on his left cheek and his brilliant toothy grim were enough to melt anything.

A notification sound on my phone shakes me out of my memories. It's been two hours. I should head back, but first, let's stop by the convenient store.

I want to buy him the heart chocolate and something for lunch.

Once there, I look around the islets and grab a few ramen and heart-shaped chocolate. I step to the cashier when I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Jung?" says a familiar voice.

"Sam?" Sam is another idol from our company. He's a famous solo artist.

"How are you dude?" he asks.

"I'm feeling fine really," I say with a smile.

"Thank god, I was worried sick yesterday when I heard about you. "

I simply nod in response.

"Anyway, how's Yeong?" he asks.

"He's fine," I say.

"Nice nice," his phone buzzes.

"Sorry bro gotta scram. Otherwise, my manager will kill me," he says.

He takes off " I'll call you later, Jung. You know what, after so long, I felt like I saw the Jung from high school again." he says and exits the store.

Jung from high school, huh? I wonder if Yeong sees me like that as well. Maybe if I can somehow shoyYeong, that I'm the same friend. He will finally open up to me. I think as I walk back to the building.

I walk in the main door, And I can't believe what I'm witnessing.

I lose my grip on the shopping items, and they hit the ground.

As I see Yeong with a girl, his arms wrapped around her waist, and their lips connected. My heart takes a hit as I take a step back. I want to run away; I can't see this anymore. Despite this, I stop in my tracks when I catch who the girl is. It's her,

That bitch Ari.

Oh hell no!!