Chapter 68.2- Courtesy

One down 5 to go.

“ Okay one of you can set the camera and lights, one remove my ties so I can handle all of you, while the rest come in front of me.” I called out as the two left for camera and to get knife to untie, the other 3 looked at each other eagerly. Only if they had used their heads instead of their dicks to think.

Well lucky me, also thanks to Dad for teaching me to defend. His lessons were so that I don’t entirely need my hands but can handle them with my legs. Plus they are too dumb to tie my hands in front instead to my back. They really have a lot to learn.

As the one came close to me. I raised my leg swiftly kicking the place where sun doesnt shine. The quick moment is going to increase the pain.

My swift move shocked the other two that they just stood their looking at the one falling down hollering in pain while holding his dear dick, and not me who caused him the pain.

That gave me enough time to handle the other two.