Ferrer's Car Incorporation is one of the most famous and successful car companies in the Philippines, owned by a young CEO, Lukeweynn Ferrer. Apart from the success of his company, many businessmen want to get a partnership with his company. One of those seeking a partnership with him is Harrison Velez, the CEO of PK Car Inc.

But Harrison Velez's face shows the frustration when Lukeweynn declined the fifth invitation he sent him for a partnership deal. He also tried several times to set up an appointment meeting with Lukeweynn but the young man also ignored it.

The old man sighed, wondering what he could do to win Lukeweynn's heart.

He badly needs partnerships. Because if he doesn’t get that, he’ll be forced to give up his company and give it to another CEO.

But unexpectedly, he received good news.

"Sir, Harrison. We have good news," said his secretary as he entered his office.

Harrison averted his eyes from the envelope he was holding containing the invitation and looked at his secretary.

"What is it?"

"I received a call from FCI. They said their CEO wants to see you talk about the partnership."

Harrison's face lit up when he heard the good news. "What time did he say I should go to his office?" He immediately questioned his secretary, feeling enthusiastic because the CEO of FCI had finally noticed his long-standing dehydration.

"2 PM, Sir. There are thirty minutes to go. Should I drive you there now?"

"Yes. Get the car ready."


Harrison's car stopped in front of the FCI building. His secretary opened the car and he jumped off. When he got out of the car, he immediately headed into the FCI building. When he entered the building, Lukeweynn's secretary met him and led him to the office.

"Wait a moment here, Sir. I'll just let Sir Ferrer know you're here." The secretary told Harrison as they arrived at the front door of Lukeweynn's office.

"Sure. Thank you."

He cannot wait to talk to the young man.

The secretary had entered Lukeweynn's office. As Harrison waited outside he couldn't help but smile because he knew in himself that he would get the partnership he had wanted for so long.

After a while, Lukeweynn's secretary came out of her office.

"Sir, you can go inside now. Sir Ferrer is waiting for you."

"Thank you," Harrison said to the secretary, and he entered the office.

Harrison let out a big smile as he entered the young man's office. Lukeweynn removed his gaze from the iPod he was holding and looked in Harrison's direction.

"Good afternoon, Ferrer." Harrison greeted the young man, bowing his head slightly.

Lukeweynn smiled a little, "Good afternoon, Harrison. Please have a seat." Lukeweynn said, pointing to the chair in front of his desk.

"Yes, thank you." Harrison walked towards the chair and sat down.

"How are you doing these days, Ferrer? You must be very busy and you just now noticed my invitation." Harrison said while laughing slightly, trying to change the atmosphere inside the office.

"Yes. I am so swamped these days, so I don't pay much attention to the invitations coming to me." Lukeweynn replied, the corner of his lips lifted because of his smile.

"I understand. I'm glad you have free time now. I didn't expect you would call me." The old man chuckled, swallowing his pride.

All he thinks about now is getting a partnership with Ferrer.

"Is that so?" Lukeweynn leaned his back to the back of his swiveling chair. "Okay, since you're here for a business deal, let us get started. You probably know that my company is very, very successful and I am careful when it comes to companies that want to deal with me. You know, Harrison, I don't want everything I worked for my company to be wasted,” the young man firmly said.

"Upon checking your company's sales this year, I'm very disappointed," The young man said, and Harrison could not speak immediately. He did not know what to say.

This past year, his company’s sales have been declining and more than fifty percent of investors and customers have lost to him. He fears that the company he worked so hard to build will be lost. They cannot suffer.

"That's because I lost a lot of investors and customers because they all went to your company..."

"So, are you saying it's my company's fault why your company's sales dropped?"

"No, of course not. That's not what I meant. What I'm saying is that if our company becomes a partner maybe..."

"Maybe your company's sales will go back to normal? So, you're going to use my company to save your company? Is that right?”

Harrison couldn't answer right away because that was really his purpose, but it was embarrassing for him to say that to the young man.

"Is that right, Sir Harrison?" Lukeweynn asked him again, his voice mixed with sarcasm.

But he had no choice.

"Yes. That's my reason, Ferrer." The old man firmly answered, swallowing his pride. "Like you, as a CEO, I don't want everything I've worked for to be wasted. I spent my blood and sweat on my company. If I lose it and just go to someone else, my family will suffer."


"And so I need your help. I need this partnership with you. So bad. If you help me out without asking questions, I will do everything you want without asking questions."


"What!? Are you serious? No way!" Gab asked and they laughed at me after I told them that instead of a woman who came to me earlier, it was a man. They don’t even believe it either.

We are currently here today at Starbucks.

"Do you think I’m joking!? Tch! I can't believe it! How did that happen? It's impossible, right? I know Dad won't let me marry a man. That's ridiculous!”

"Of course. Why would he let you marry a man? That's ridiculous!" Tobi laughed a little. "I think what you said is right. She conspired with that woman to dump you. Perhaps, like you, she doesn't want to get married either."

"What if not?" Zed asked, which made us look at him.

What does he mean by that?