
"Why? What's wrong with taking off my shirt in front of you? We're both men."

Oh, right. I forgot.

Wait! Did I say I forgot?

Damn! I must have gone crazy.

"Yeah, but it's just... I feel uncomfortable." Yeah, because I am not close to him. He is a stranger to me.

"Why? Are you mesmerized by my body?" I heard him chuckle, so I looked at him and scoffed.

"Excuse me? I'm not mesmerized by your body. Just in case you don't know, I have that figure too," I proudly said, and took off my clothes.

Just like he has, I also have. I'm the only popular hot guy on our campus.

I smirked as I saw him slightly surprised to see my body. He looked speechless.

He seems to be the one who’s mesmerized by my body.

Hmm. Shall I tease him?

I walked closer to him. I stopped in front of him. We are two feet away from each other.

He looked me in the eye. "What are you doing?"

"Are you mesmerized by my body? Won't you ask me which gym I go to exercise at?"

"Where then? Can I know?"

I slightly laughed. I knew it, he also wanted to make his body more beautiful like mine.

"Why? Do you want..." I looked at my body for a moment and looked at him again. "to have this kind of figure too?" I teased.

"No. I want to go there with you."

I was speechless for a second, left bewildered.

"What kind of exercise do you like?"

"Huh? Why do you ask?"

"I want to know. So, what kind of exercise do you like?"

"Push-ups?" I replied in question.

"Very nice. I want to do push-ups with you." He took one step closer to me. "I'm the one on top," he looked at my lips for a second and back to my eyes. "and you're the one at the bottom." A smile slipped out on the corner of his lips.

My forehead immediately frowned and at the same time my eyebrows were raised. "What the!?"

He laughed, moving away from me. "Kidding, bro," he smirked.

He took his midnight blue polo and he wore it. "Stay here, wait for me until my meeting is over. Don't you dare escape. See you later." After he said that, he walked over to the door and exited his office.

What the hell was he saying!?



I chuckled silently as I got out of my office. The expression on his face was funny. I wanted to tease him even more.

However, I was speechless when he showed me his half-naked body. I mean, I didn’t expect that inside the shirt there was a beautiful hidden body.

Wait! Why am I saying this right now? Never mind. I should go to my meeting.



As I waited for him here in his office, I wandered around first. I looked at the art on display here in his office. All the drawings are beautiful. I'm amazed because I also have an interest in this thing.

I picked up my phone and took a picture of it.

Where did he buy them?

I looked at the drawings carefully after I took the picture. Usually, it has a brand name on the side where he bought them and who made them. However, I didn't find anything.

Isn't there information on the back of this artwork?

Hmm. I'm curious. Can I take the artwork and just look at the information written on the back? Well, I think I can. He's not here anyway, so he won't know.

I slowly opened the glass shelf where the artwork was kept and I was about to pick up the toy car artwork, but suddenly the door opened.

It was then his secretary came in.

Damn, he saw me.

"What are you doing?" He asked me, frowning.

"Uh," I chuckled awkwardly. "I just want to take a look."

He placed the paper bag he was holding on the table and walked towards me, bowed his head, and then faced me again. "I'm sorry, but you can't do that, Sir. Those artworks are strictly forbidden to be touched.”

"Oh, is that so? I'm sorry. I'm just curious who made these artworks and where he bought them."

"Well, for your information, he didn't buy them.”

I was a little surprised at what he said.

"Really? Then, can I find out where he got them?" I chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of my head. "I'm just really curious."

"I understand." He looked at the artwork. "He drew them."

And I was even more surprised by that.

"He... He drew them?"

He looked at me. "That's right. He devoted a lot of time to drawing them, so he forbade anyone to touch them.”

I was speechless and looked at the artwork again. I can’t believe he made them himself. I mean, it's amazing, it's beautiful. I didn't know he drew well, especially the toy car artwork. I really like that.

If so, is he also interested in drawing?


"Just sit on the sofa while waiting for him." He said and he closed the glass shelf. "Don't worry, his meeting will end in a few minutes. I also brought you snacks so that you won't be bored while waiting for him."

I looked at him. "Oh, thanks. I will."

"Thank you. Then, I'm heading off." He bowed his head to me again and walked over to the door, exiting the office.

After he left the office, I looked at Lukeweynn's toy car artwork again.

I don't know but the toy looks familiar to me. It's like I saw that somewhere. Uh ... I am not sure.

Never mind.

Well, I didn't know that that crazy man also had a hidden talent.

"Nice," I whispered.

Shrugging my shoulders, I walked over to the sofa and sat down. I opened the paper bag and it only had a piece of cupcake. I took the cupcake out of the paper bag and I saw a note.

I took the small piece of paper and read what was written on it.

"Keep calm and eat a cupcake." I read the note. "Who wrote this? Did he write this? Or a quote from the cupcake shop?

Whatever. I'm also a little hungry because of what happened earlier.

I took a bite of the cupcake and it tasted good. Its sweetness is only moderate. But wait, isn't there even a milkshake? Or even water?

Just then, my phone vibrated. I picked it up and looked at who was texting me.

Who else? It was the crazy guy Lukeweynn. I haven't named his number yet.

I opened and read his message.

/Does it taste good?/

Huh? Is he referring to the cupcake?

Another message from him popped up.

/Send heart for yes. :)/

I raised my eyebrows after reading his message. How about for a no? Is there no choice for a no?

I placed the cupcake on the table and composed a message to reply to him.

/How about for a no?/ *Sent *

Within ten seconds, I received a reply from him.

/Kiss for a no./ and a laughing emoticon followed the message.

What the? He is really crazy!

/Asshole!/ I replied.

But I immediately remembered what my Daddy said.

/Do not forget. He's the CEO and the most respected man. Please act politely, and be professional./


So, I immediately unsent for everyone my reply to him.

/I have already read it. :)/ he replied.

/I sent it wrong. That should be sent to my friend./ I replied.

/Don't pretend. :) I know that was for me. Don't worry, it's okay./

Tss. So, is he being so nice now?

/Is there no water here?/ I asked, changing the subject.

/Do you need water?/

Does he even have to ask that?

/Of course! At every meal, we should have water. I'm still thirsty because of what happened earlier./

All of a sudden, the door of his office sprung open. I was a little bit startled. It was his secretary who entered inside, he was carrying a tray with a glass of water.

"Here comes your water, Sir." He placed the tray with a glass of water on the table in front of me.

Really? That fast?

"Uh ... Thanks."

"Please let me know if you need anything else, Sir."

"Yeah, thanks."

He bowed his head to me and then exited the office.

My phone vibrates. It was Lukeweynn who texted me, of course.

/Eat well. I'll see you later./ and a winking emoticon is at the bottom of his message.

Tss. I didn’t reply to him anymore and I ate this cupcake.




I just finished my meeting. Checking the time on my wristwatch, it was already 12:45 PM. My meeting lasted almost an hour. He must be annoyed waiting for me.

"What is he doing?" I asked Chu while we were walking to my office.

"I'm sorry, I don't know, Sir. I left him after giving him the water."

"Is that so? Okay. Thanks, Chu."

"No problem, Sir. Anyway, he is the guy, right?"



"Hey, guys! Can you give it to Jake later?" I asked Tobi, Gab, and Zed as I went back onto the balcony. I handed the box of cookies I baked for Jake to Tobi.

"I was expecting him to come over today, but yeah, he didn't. He accompanied me all day yesterday to check up on Pipin, so at least that way I can thank him." I added.

"Well, I think you should give this to him," Tobi said, and he handed me the box of cookies.

"Huh? Why? Can't you guys give it to him instead?" I asked in confusion.

"Yup. We're going somewhere right now, so we might not be able to give that to him."

"And maybe we might even eat that." Zed chuckled at the end of his sentence.

"Really? Where are you guys going after this? Won't you take Jake with you?"

"Well, uh, we're just going somewhere. You know, meeting single pretty fabulous girls." Gab giggled.

"Yup, that's right! And Jake won't be coming with us because you know he doesn't like that kind of thing," Zed added.

"He's not interested in other girls, you mean," added Tobi.

"Looks like it."

I chuckled. "Okay, okay, fine. I'll give this to him, then. Well, have fun, you boys. Don't drink too much, and do no drugs. Ok?"

"Copy that, Elle!" they both said in chorus.

"Okay," I giggled.

"So, thank you for the wonderful delicious cookies, Elle. We're leaving now." Tobi said.

"Yeah, let's catch up like this next time with Jake." Zed.

"Yup. Sure! I'd like that!" I said with enthusiasm.

"Alright. We're going. See you at school." They waved at me and walked to the main door. I walk with them.

"Yup. See you at school. Take care, guys. Have fun!" I waved back at them and they finally got out of my house.

When they left, I immediately texted Jake. After I texted him, I went upstairs, to my room and took a shower.

I'm coming over to his house.




"What are you doing?" I asked Lukeweynn in confusion, as when I woke up, he was sitting on the end of the sofa and my feet were on his lap, he was massaging them.

"I'm giving you a foot massage." He firmly answered, looked at me for a moment, and smiled.

I shrugged before. "Foot massage?"

"Yeah. You have nice, soft, and lovely feet." He started to run his index finger on my foot.

What the hell was he saying?

"Let go. I want to sit down."

"Nah. Stay lying down." He looked at me again. His eyes contained a strange message that I did not know what they were.

I only know one thing, the heat is slowly enveloping the whole office.

Damn! What's going on?

What's wrong with this crazy man?

He lifted my right foot and I was surprised he kissed it.

What the?

He kissed the toes on my right foot to the ankle while looking at me stickily. His eyes don't speak but they sound husky.

Until he went on top of me. But our bodies are not yet pressing on each other. He is like doing a plank on top of me.

What. The. Hell!? What is he doing?

"Hey! What... the heck are you doing!? Are you crazy?" I asked him, frowning.

He grinned. "What do you think I'm doing?" His voice sounded husky, he looked at my lips for a moment then back to my eyes. "You look so gorgeous, man."

"What?" Seriously! What is he doing? He's crazy.

"You were right about me. I am gay. And I like you."
