
On my way back to the classroom, I met my friends.

"Jake! Where's Lukeweynn? Did he go home?" asked Tobi.

"Why are you asking about him? Let's go back to our room. Five minutes to go and our class will start." I said and walked past them. They followed me.

"Why are you angry? I was just asking." He pouts. "By the way, has he already gone home?"


"Ah, we haven't thanked him yet for the lunch." Gab.

"I paid for our lunch, so thank me."

"Eh? Why did you pay for that? I thought it was his treat?" Zed.

"Of course not. He didn't say it was free. And one more thing... he used his allowance, so I have to pay him."

"Anyway, he's a nice guy. Your Dad must be lucky to have a secretary like him." Zed.

I didn’t reply. Nice guy, my foot. He’s annoying.



I let out a small smile as he left the cafeteria. I looked at the five hundred bills he left on the table. Well, I don't need this. But I took it. For now, I'll keep this. I'll give it back to him. I knew the day would come he would need this money.

Anyway, I meant what I said to him. I'll wait for him until his class is over because I need to discuss with him our wedding this Saturday so that he will be aware of what his father told him.

I stood up from sitting and walked to the exit door of the cafeteria. As I walked I was aware that all eyes were on me. Actually, they have been looking at me for a while ago. Well, it's not new. When I was still studying here, I really had a lot of fans. *cracks*

"Hi, senior Lukeweynn!" A group of five students greeted me.

"Hi," I greeted them back with a smile.

"Omg! He noticed us!!!" I heard them scream and I just chuckled.

When I got out of the cafeteria, I went straight to the Dean's office. I have been close to Dean Polar since I was in high school, so I will stay in his office while waiting for Jake.

When I reached his office, I knocked on the door twice before going inside. As I expected, he was surprised to see me.


I chuckled. "Yeah, it's me, Dean. How are you doing?” I asked as I shut the door.

"Oh my god! You're here!" He stood up.

"Yeah," I smiled broadly and gave him a short hug before I sat down on the chair in front of his desk.

For your information, Dean Polar is not a straight guy.

"When did you come?"

"Just now. I just visited someone."

"Is that so? So, how's life, huh? Do you already have a life partner? Or should I say... have you found him yet?" He smiled at my question and I laughed a little.

"No. Not yet." I answered while shaking my head.

Not yet?

“Not yet? Do you think you can still find that person? Many years had passed already. Well, perhaps, he has a family now or... in a relationship with someone.”

"That could happen but I still won't stop until I find him. Even if it takes a few more years." I chuckled.

Dean Polar knows everything about the person I like because, ever since then, I have been telling him everything about that guy.

"Well, you are really in love with that person. I hope you can find that person soon."

"Thank you, Dean. How about you? How's your relationship with Win?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Win and I just... broke up."

"What? After five years of being in a relationship? Why is that?” No way???

He took a breath. "We broke up. I broke up with him."

"No way???” I slightly raised an eyebrow.

"I do love him. But I can't stand his cheating on me anymore." Dean Polar smiled weakly.

I got it. I wasn’t wrong.

"Ah, he's still not really changing. He's still really a cheater."

"Yup, and I am sick and tired of that."

"You did the right thing, Dean."

"Yes. Of course." He smiled and I smiled back. “Somehow I’m not a fool.”

I chuckled. “Of course.”

But how about me? Am I doing it right? I heaved a sigh.

I don’t know. I guess, I mean I hope I am.



"Okay. That's all for tonight. Be careful when you go home. You are dismissed." Professor Fie said, and she left our classroom.

Finally, it's time to go home. I'm already hungry and at the same time sleepy.

The three of us exited our classroom and walked out of campus. After we left, we approached our cars.

"Bye, guys! See you again tomorrow!" Gab said as he got inside his car.

"Take care," I replied.

"Drive safely." Zed.

"Yup. See you, bro! Take care!" Tobi.

Gab drove his car away first, followed by Zed. Tobi gets inside his car, but before he leaves...

"Bro," he called me.

I looked at him.

"Just wanna ask something. Did Jasmine call you?"

My brow raised slightly. "Where are your manners?"

"Come on, just give me an answer." He pouts. He looked so desperate to know the answer.

"No. She hasn't called me since she left. Ok now?"

"Hmm. I'm just kinda missing her."

I chuckled. "Are you really in love with my sister?"

"Yeah. I'm in love with her so much." He firmly answered.

Jeez. He's really so serious and I pity him. I know that my sister is not interested in him.

"Why don't you contact her then?"

He laughed a little. "I did, but she ignored me. I mean, she has been ignoring me since then.”

"You're just wasting your time, bro. I'm telling you, Ate isn't interested in someone younger than her. Just find someone else. There's a lot of women out there."

"But she’s the only one I want. That's not going to change."


He laughed a little. "Alright. I'm heading off first. See you tomorrow."

"Yeah." I nodded my head. “Take care.”

“You too.” Then he drove his car away.

Shaking my head, I was about to open the door of my car when someone called me from behind.

Turning around, I saw Lukeweynn. He smiled at me. He is with Dean and it was Dean Polar who called me.

I raised an eyebrow at Lukeweynn. Why is he still here? Didn’t I tell him to leave? He didn't really listen to me, ah?

"Are you going home now, Jake?” Dean Polar asked me, so I turned my gaze to him.

"Yes, Dean. Good evening." I answered and greeted him politely.

"Good. By the way, this is Lukeweynn. He also used to be a student here. The ex-campus King. Lukeweynn, this is Jake. Like you before, he is also famous among the students here. Along with Gab, Tobi, and Zed. They are also clever like you.”

"Oh, I see. Yeah, that’s obvious Dean. They are handsome boys." Lukeweynn grinned at me, and I just smiled at him sarcastically.

Of course! I am handsome!

"Anyway, I'm heading first." He looked at Lukeweynn. "Thanks for visiting SIS. You can come again anytime you want."

"Yeah. Thank you, Dean. I will."

"Alright. I'm heading off first." Dean looked at me, giving me a signal that he was leaving.

"Bye, Dean. Drive safely." I said, bowing my head slightly.

Dean walked to his car and left the campus.

When Dean left, I faced Lukeweynn with my eyebrows raised.

"Hey. Did you say anything so Dean about us, huh!?"

"Nope. I didn't tell him anything. Why would I tell him about that?"

"It's good and you understand that. But why are you still here? Didn't I tell you to leave?"

"Didn't I tell you I'd wait for you?"

"You're not really listening to me, huh?”

"I told you I have something I need to discuss with you."

"What's that again!?" I asked in annoyance.

"Let's talk in a comfortable place. Come on." He said and he approached my car. He went to the other door and opened it.

"Wait. What are you doing?" I asked him before he could get inside.

"Ah, I forgot to say. I didn't bring my car." After he said that, he got in the passenger seat.

Really? Are we close and will he just ride in my car? I can't believe this.

I also got inside my car. "Can't you just say it here? I want to go home. I'm tired and sleepy." I lazily said.

"Are you not hungry?"

"I’m not..." I wasn't able to continue what I was going to say because of a sudden strange sound coming from my stomach.

Lukeweynn laughed a little. "Ah, you are. Let's eat first. Let's go."

Ah! I lost my choice again today.


"What do you want to say? Say it." I said between eating.

"Can't we eat first?"

I looked at him. "I'll eat. And you will tell me what you want to tell me. OK?" I smiled at him sarcastically.

"Okay. Sure." He smiled.

"Ok. Go ahead." I said, and I continued with my dinner.

"My parents will be back in the Philippines soon. I don't know when, but I know it's too soon. I need to get ready."

"So? What is that supposed to mean?"

"We need to get married right away.”

I wasn’t surprised anymore because Dad had already told me about it.

"This Saturday is our wedding. It will be held in Paris."

I stopped eating at the last word he said. In Paris? I lifted my head to look at him.

"The wedding will be held in Paris??” My brows also snapped together.


"Why there!?"

"Same-sex marriage is probably not legal in our country."

Oh, damn. Is this really happening? Really... Will I really marry my fellow man?

Damn! If so... Will I kiss him on that day!?


"Jake Darrell Velez, do you take Lukeweynn Ferrer as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"Y... Yes. I do, Father."

"Lukeweynn Ferrer, do you take Jake Darrell Velez as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"Yes. I do, Father."

“In the name of the Holy Spirit, I now solemnly declare you husband and husband. Let no one put asunder those that have been joined together today in the presence of Almighty God. You may now kiss your groom.”

Lukeweynn moves closer to me. He cupped my face and kissed me.


"Are you okay?"

I go back to my senses when Lukeweynn speaks.

Ew...! So, will that really happen? Ew! Ew! No way! I can't do that. I can't kiss him. Yuck!

"What are you thinking? Is something bothering you?"

"I have a concern."

"What is it? Tell me."

"Can we skip the kiss on our wedding day?"

He raised an eyebrow at my question.

"What do you mean?”

“I mean I don’t want to kiss you. I don't think that's necessary, right? I mean, the only important thing is that we exchange rings and vows and sign a contract. That's it!" I argued.

He laughed slightly. "Are you serious? Not only the two of us will be there, but there will be a priest who will witness our wedding. We can't fake the scenarios.”

"Then, make way. Get a fake priest if necessary."


"Really. Just no kissing going on. I don't want a kiss."

"I understand you, but you don't have a choice. Look, I can't do what you want. We'll get married in Paris, not here in our country. I can't just make an excuse there."

"Why? I thought you were powerful. I mean, you have a lot of connections, don't you?"

"It isn't that simple, Jake."

"Ah, annoying," I murmured, sighing in annoyance.

"I'm sorry, Jake. But you have to do this with me. It's not just you who's choking on this. Me neither. But we have to put up with it. I need your cooperation."

I did not speak. What I say is also useless because, in the end, I also have no choice but to do what he wants to happen. Tss. This is really absurd!

"After the wedding, you will move into my house. Don't worry, we won't sleep in the same bed because I'm not used to sleeping with someone next to me. You will have your own room. However, if my parents visit and stay in my house, we both have to sleep in the same bed."

As much as I wanted to disagree, I knew there was nothing I could do.

"That's all? Do you have anything else to say?" I lazily asked.

"I have already booked our flight. We will leave this Thursday."


"I already told your father so we're leaving this Thursday."

"But I had a class on that day."

"Your father will take care of it, so it's fine."

Ah! Is there anything I can do? I look like a dumb slave now. That even if I shouted, even if I refused, no one would hear me. I can't believe this is happening in my life. I'm trapped!

Plus, I don’t know how to tell Elle that I wouldn’t be able to go to their house on the weekend.

I sighed. Dman it.
