Chapter 24 - Girl Talk

"Magic fingers?!" Akemi and Kiyoko exclaimed, well Akemi more of course.

Yachi decided to confide her slight dilemma to them or as Kageyama called it: girl talk. They are currently in the room they set for girls with 2 queen-sized beds. Kiyoko has her own room in the resort but she set this up so the three can bond together.

"Yes. His touch overwhelmed me with pleasure the first time he did it to me. His fingers alone can drive me crazy. I think I finally understood why they call him the genius setter. But I wanna do more. But he's always saying he wants us to be ready. But I have long dropped hints here and there. Even my mom, being the strong-willed person that she is, told him she is expecting him to make a move while she's on a month-long business trip."

"Hmmmm... do you want our help or you're just ranting?", asked Kiyoko.

"H—huh, what do you mean help? What help? Can you help?" Yachi, though supposedly a bright girl though horny was confused.

"Well, if I'm thinking what Kiyoko-senpai is thinking, then yes, we can help." Akemi looked at Kiyoko. "You're thinking of a demonstration type of help?"

"Yes exactly. But tell me, how can you help? I mean, I am not committed as of now so no problem for me. How about you? You think Yamaguchi will let you?"

"I ahhh... may need to ask him for permission... if I'm declined then it's a 3P then and I'm gonna be sad to be missing all the fun. If not, then a 5P if my Yamaguchi wants in, but will you both be fine with that? Otherwise, it will be a 4P and we get to share her raven boy. Ohh... I may not be allowed to touch him though hmmm...?

"3P, 4P, 5P? What are you both talking about?" This talk all the more confused Yachi.

"Demonstration honey. And oh, 3 person, 4 person, 5 person... gets? We will be making him snap out of his delusion that you can wait till forever to be ready. We will have him take you right there and then. Question is, are you in?" Akemi dared.

"I... I am not sure how I will feel if Tobio gets aroused by you two. You're both beautiful and sexy and..."

Kiyoko stood up and straddled Akemi. She asked her, "You mind?". Akemi said "No." Kiyoko started kissing Akemi right in front of Yachi. They made out for about 2 minutes making Yachi fidgety and a blushing mess.

"How did that make you feel?" Kiyoko asked, both she and Akemi looked at her.

"H—horny," Yachi said.

"Exactly," Akemi said. "Let's say we will just make sure to start his engine and keep it running so it can drive you home. However, if we get carried away... one of us may touch Tobio. If you don't like it when that happens... just take over. This is also training for you to be more aggressive."

"Yachi, will you be comfortable with us two and Yamaguchi? Personally, if Yams is there, I won't touch Tobio." Kiyoko asked Yachi.

"Ahmm knowing Yamaguchi, his eyes will be all on Akemi. I feel like he won't notice me while both of you are there."

"Akemi and I don't think you are the jealous type, but that question applies to you too if Yams join and I get to use him to arouse Tobio." Kiyoko said to Akemi.

"Oh I wanna see Yams get aroused by you senpai, it's making me giddy. That is if Yams agree to all of this." Akemi literally has hearts in her eyes in anticipation.

"Yachi, your decision really. I know it is frustrating that was why you talked to us about this. We won't even stop you from discovering the real pleasure that comes with it."

"Honestly I'm cool with it..." Yachi said in a low voice, embarrassed.


"What?! What in the world were you all girls thinking? And a 5P at that?" Yamaguchi almost broke his neck when he quickly turned his head to face Akemi. She pulled him to the side after the girl talk was finished and Yamaguchi just finished playing volleyball in the afternoon.

"You and your appetite. How did you even come to that decision?" Yamaguchi continued as he swept his hair from his face in frustration.

"Well don't blame me, Kiyoko senpai suggested it. Like I said, if you join, you'll have the two of us all over you. Come on honey, you can't be shy now. You have something to be proud of down there."

"Yeah, and you're willing to share it with another woman." Yamaguchi closed his eyes. His sanity's thread snapped slowly.

"Please...?" Akemi pleaded and hugged him while giving small kisses on his neck.

"What does Yachi think? Didn't you just push her into this?"

"Nahhh, me and Kiyoko made out in front of her and she got horny. And yes, she consented. If it will make you feel better, it's like a threesome only for us with Kiyoko. Unless you allow me to seduce Tobio." She grinned at him.

"Haaaah fine... and no, no touching Kageyama or Yachi." Yamaguchi sighed heavily.

Just what am I getting myself into?...


"Hey, look at Yams, he looks frustrated with Akemi." Hinata nudged Tsukishima toward the direction of Yamaguchi and Akemi. They were on their way to their room to rest.

Akemi and Yamaguchi were in the hallway near Hinata and Tsukishima's room (rm 119). Their rooms were beside each other. Kageyama and Yamaguchi share the same room in rm 120 while Akemi and Yachi are together in rm 121. Male rooms only have one queen-sized bed. To put it simply, it was arranged so the Kageyama and Yamaguchi can exchange rooms to be together with their lovers if they chose to.

Before they reached Yamaguchi, Akemi already left for the girls' room. Yamaguchi saw them and approached them hurriedly. Tsukishima was already opening their room when Yamaguchi rushed inside.

"Ahh... sure come in...?" Tsukishima said in his usual sarcastic tone. Hinata chuckled.

"Lover's problem?" Hinata asked Yamaguchi who sat in the dresser with his right hand holding onto his nape.

"In summary? I may be having a threesome with Akemi and Kiyoko tonight so we can push Kageyama and Yachi to finally have sex."

"Hahahaha!" Tsukishima's laughter rang in the whole room. He approached Hinata who was still standing and pulled him towards the bed after he put a dry towel in it. Hinata sat in between Tsukishima's legs and waited for Yamaguchi to explain and for Tsukishima's humor to die down. Hinata tapped Tsukishima's arm which was wrapped around him. Tsukishima tried to stop laughing.

"Heh... ok what... you're gonna show the ropes? Where's Yachi in all of this? I'm assuming Kageyama doesn't know."

"Yeah, something like that. Why do you think Kageyama doesn't know?"

"Well... he talked to me earlier at the beach something about—-"

"Girl talk," Yamaguchi said at the same time as Tsukishima.


Tsukishima tightened his embrace on Hinata. He breathed his scent from his hair.

"Ahmmm what's this about exactly?" Hinata asked; confused.

"Yachi seems to be giving hints that she wants to do it but Kageyama wants to wait. So it seems the girl talk ended with them wanting to help speed things up and so here is Yams, caught in the spider web."

"Sorry, but I can't move on to the fact that Kiyoko san agreed to it?" Hinata still can't believe it. Kiyoko san is very timid and reserved.

"She actually suggested it. And she made out with Akemi to test Yachi if she will be aroused. Apparently, in the end, she's cool with the plan."

"Can you do it?" Out of the blue, Hinata asked Tsukishima.

"Why are you asking me? Ask Yams." Tsukishima pointed to Yamaguchi.

"You think you can do it?" Hinata repeated to Yamaguchi.

"Yeah, threesome is not the problem. We already did it with one of her girl friends last week. My only concern is Kageyama and Yachi, they may be embarrassed since we are all together in school."

"Hold onnnnn... my brain is aching. What do you mean you already did it?"

"He's saying they have an active sex life baby." Tsukishima kissed Hinata's cheek as he rested his chin on Hinata's shoulder.

"Correct. And I try as much to accommodate her quirks and kinks. As long as she stays faithful and contented, well I guess we'll make it far you know.

"So...? We'll wait for an update tomorrow?" Tsukishima chuckled. He can't believe his best friend is facing this kind of problem.

"Yeah, sorry for barging into your chummy time. Guess it's really happening." Yamaguchi stood up to leave.

"Shouldn't you be a bit happier?" Hinata asked.

"Well, it's Kiyoko Senpai you know." Yamaguchi stopped while holding the doorknob.

"Have more confidence, you were able to satisfy Akemi the black widow. I don't think you will have any problem skill-wise." Tsukishima tried to comfort Yams.

"Oh...". Hinata reacted.

"Haha yeah. Well, thanks. Bye!" Yamaguchi left. Door closed.

"So? What was that asking me if I can do it? Don't you know the answer to that?" Tsukishima asked Hinata while slowly undressing him.

"N—no?" Hinata closed his eyes as Tsukishima started kissing his neck while playing with his nipples.

"Hmmm... no as in you don't know the answer or no you don't think I can do a threesome?" Tsukishima straightened and waited for Hinata's answer.

"No, I don't want to think that you can have a threesome. I hate it, thinking you can kiss and touch somebody else..." Hinata teared up.

"Geez... Then why did you even consider asking me if you will be hurt by your own thoughts?" Tsukishima cupped Hinata's face and kissed him tenderly.

"No, I would never have a threesome. I can't imagine you kissing and touching somebody else either nor somebody doing the same to you while I watch. Come on, let's wash up." Tsukishima already carrying Hinata to the bathroom.

"I love you Kei. Sorry." Hinata said as he wrapped his arms around Tsukishima.

"I love you more Sho. Don't worry so much. I'm yours."

Tsukishima washed both of them up. He even dressed Hinata and dried his hair. They talk and make out a bit waiting for sleep to come. They were back with the group at dinnertime well rested after a long nap.