1. Li Jing

The sky above the Maple Sky Kingdom wasn't peaceful today, it was shrouded by the dark clouds which occasionally flashed with lightning, and thunder in its wake. Wind blowing at a terrifying speed.

This storm looked no ordinary.

And then, it poured, heavily. The rain and wind, the lightning and thunder, they all came together, it was calamity. It was as if the heavens itself wanted to destroy the Maple Sky Kingdom.

The storm lasted for 9 days and nights until it stopped.

What was left was the flood and some lucky survivors. Millions and millions lost their lives.

In the history of the Maple Sky, this was the first ever natural disaster which affected the entire kingdom.

Yes, this storm covered the entire kingdom, not a small portion of the kingdom's territory.

Except for the capital city of the Maple Sky Kingdom, which was situated at a high altitude, every city, town and village has been utterly decimated to ruins.

Currently, the Royal family has sent armies for rescue missions along with disaster relief supplies.

Followed by the Royal family, many major families and merchants also donated large amount of money and food supplies to help the reconstruction of cities that were destroyed due to the flood.

The King, famous for his magnanimity, exempted commoners from taxes for 3 years.

Many court officials were against this idea but who could oppose his majesty, the King. 

Commoners, who heard this news, were extremely emotional and knelt on the ground to express their gratitude towards the King, their sky.

Another piece of news spread through out the kingdom shocking everyone - the First wife of Patriarch Li, one of the three dukes, has given birth to a son.

This could be considered a thing worth celebrating but the people were shocked and ...confused.

Why? Because the child was declared dead three months ago.

At that time, a well-known physician had done checked-up a on Madam Li and the baby, and had told them of the unfortunate news of the baby dying in the womb.

But, what now? No, how!?

Did they revive it?

Everyone was curious to know but didn't have the leisure as they still had to deal with after math of the disaster, which in itself was a tantamount of work.

So although the news created some wave but that was it.

Maple Sky Kingdom, Capital City, Li Family Residence.

In a large hall, people could be seen sitting on in two rows, they were all either whiter-haired old men or middle-aged.

They were the elders of the Li Family.

Seated on the two main seats were a couple. The man was dressed in green robe with golden embroidery, he had navy blue hair and eyes, chiseled face with light beard, extremely handsome.

This person was Li Shang, the current patriarch of the Li family.

And sitting beside him was his wife, Su Xiaoyue. She had black hair, black eyes and sharp features, very beautiful. 

Currently she was holding her baby and swinging it slowly as she looked at the sleeping cutie.

The six elders present in the hall too had their attention on the baby. Their eyes carried a myriad of emotions.

Looking at these sly old foxes, Li Shang sneered in his heart, "Humph, the only reason they are gathered here is to evaluate the threat my son may pose to them. The Grand Elder's faction definitely can't sit still eh. When that fu*king physician said that my son died in the womb, these people were laughing secretly but now they...heh. But indeed, if my son is too talented, it may put his life in danger. Hmm...what should I do?"

As these thoughts were going inside Li Shang's head, a guard hurried inside the hall. Bowing his head lightly, he said, "Patriarch, Elders, the Divine Physician has arrived. He is on his way towards the hall."

Divine Physician Yan, a miracle physician who is rumored to be able to bring back dead to life. He isn't the physician who checked on Madam Li, that physician is already dead.

The Li family had paid quite a lot to invite Divine Physician Yan to check-up on the baby.

If people outside heard about this, they would die out of jealousy. The Divine physician whose rumored to bring back dead to life was actually invited to check-up on a baby!?

So ruthless!

Ruthless indeed. Such was the influence of the family which had a duke as their Patriarch and a Great Commander of the Army guarding the North.

Hearing the guard, Li Shang and Su Xiaoyue followed by the elders walked out of the hall to welcome the Divine Physician.

Just after a few minutes, a carriage came into the site. It had a Green-leaf symbol drawn on it.

The carriage stopped in front of Li Shang and other as it door opened and a man stepped out of it.

The man looked young and delicate but was tall and lean, he was wearing a white rope with green-leaf embroidery all over it. He had a smile on his face as he walked towards Li Shang and others.

He cupped his hands and said with a smile, "Greetings Patriarch Li, Madam Li."

"Greetings Divine Physician Yan. Haha, welcome to the Li family's small abode."

Li Shang said while the elders and Madam Li cupped their hands in response.

"Haha, Patriarch Li, if your Li family's residence is considered small then aren't others living in a hut?", said Divine Physician Yan jokingly.

"Please", ignoring what he said, Li Shang gestured politely at Divine Physician Yan and invited him inside the hall.

After entering the hall, Divine Physician Yan said, "Madam Li please give me the baby." as he extended both his hands.

Su Xiaoyue hesitated before looking at her husband. Seeing him nod, she reluctantly parted with her cutie.

When that idiot physician had said that her baby died in her womb, she was devastated and felt that there was no reason to live anymore. 

Li Shang and Su Xiaoyue had lost hope

Until couple of days ago, when there was a sudden movement in Su Xiaoyue's womb. Catching everyone in Li Mansion off-guard.

The baby born looked fragile. So, they decided to invite Divine Physician Yan.

As Divine Physician Yan took the baby carefully in his hands, he sent a stream of green colored Qi towards the baby.

The Green Qi instantly covered the baby as Divine Physician Yan eyes glowed green.

After a few minutes.

Divine Physician Yan stopped the process and handed over the baby to Su Xiaoyue, who carefully took the baby and started swinging it while looking at Divine Physician Yan with a gaze that said, "My son is okay, right?"

"The child is completely healthy.", Divine Physician Yan said and continued, "The reason why he looks so fragile and weak is because of the lack of nutrients which I guess is because Madam Li neglected eating food after hearing the unfortunate news, right?"

"Except for these, he doesn't seem to have any problem."

"What about Martial Arts, he can practice, right?", Li Shang asked suddenly.

"Yes, he can but no too excessively as he his born a bit weak so, you can't expect him to achieve great success in it.", replied Divine Physician calmly.

Li Shang and Su Xiaoyue both heaved a sign of relief, although a bit disappointed, they were relieved that their son could practice Martial Arts.

Contrary to their mood, some of the Elders had a worried and disappointed look on their face while some were had calm face.

Everyone fell into a deep thought. For a moment the hall was silent.

Noticing the awkwardness, an Elder said, "Patriarch, it's getting late. I think we should-"

Before the Elder could finish his part, Li Shang snapped out of his thoughts and said, "Yes. Divine Physician Yan you must tired from the long journey. Please make yourself at home."

With that everybody was dismissed.

Divine Physician followed Li Shang and asked suddenly, "Hey, what's the name of your son?"

" Haven't decided but I have one in mind.", Li Shang said with a smile.

"Is that so? Can you perhaps tell me?"

"Well it's not a secret and it will announced tomorrow anyways.", Li Shang said and paused for a moment before saying, "His name will be Jing...Li Jing.

  1. Su Xiaoyue's title