Li Wei Feng

The news of the Great Commander's return had alarmed many forces and now they had all gathered up to discuss their next course of actions. 

_Royal Palace, The Court_

King Yan was sitting on his throne in silence; his gaze swept across the hall, scrutinizing the ministers who sat in two rows across the Court room. The Two of the three Lords - the Prime Minister and the Grand Tutor were standing on each side of the King below the throne.

While the Nine minister sat in the two rows and beside them were standing a few officials.

 All of them were looking at King Yan who had been silent for a long time. However, no one dared to speak, for they feared of being targeted. Unknowingly, the atmosphere of the court became tense. Finally, he lifted his hand slightly, gesturing for the court to begin.

"The Court is in session now!", Prime Minister Jiang Ziya announced at once.

Very soon, the ministers started to state their various proposals and issues before King Yan and the two Lords. The few hours went by just like a flick.

"Y-Your Majesty, the Great Commander returning would be detrimental to the North border and could lead to the invasion the Barbarians, which is why I propose that we elect a new Great Commander as soon as possible.", the words spoken by Minister of Justice, Chen Fang, caused the entire court to quieten.

Everyone turned their heads towards him with solemn look; all of them were surprised by this sudden and bold proposal that he had put forth. However, King Yan, Jiang Ziya and the Grand Tutor didn't have a change in their expressions.

The old man Chen Fang hadn't put forth any unreasonable request. According to the laws, it was only logical for a new Great Commander to be selected after the old one dies or retires.

The three only briefly glanced at him before King Yan calmly spoke, "I know that everyone here is worried because of the Great Commander's retirement affecting the safety of the Northern Border. However, we will discuss this matter when the Great Commander is present here. I myself want to hear what he has to say. For now, the court is dismissed."

After declaring his decision, he stood up and left. Following his departure, others also prepared to leave the moment the Two Lords departed.

Jiang Ziya looked at His Majesty's departing figure and thought, "His Majesty seems to not like the Li Family. However, he refused the earlier proposal that Chen Fang had presented, clearly defending Li Wei Feng's position. ...Hah~ Just what are you planning King Yan?"

It was him who had instructed the Minister of Justice to propose that request but it was dismissed outright. Unable to figure the intentions of King Yan, he shifted his gaze towards the old man who was standing a few meters away from him. 

This old man was the Grand Tutor, Zhou Zhong. The teacher of King Yan and held great influence and reputation. He was also the closest person to Yan Chen in the court except the Prime Minister and being the king's tutor, he was also very close to him and clearly knew his intentions.

Thus, Prime Minister Jiang Ziya decided to probe him.

"Grand Tutor, I wonder are your thoughts on this matter?", he said. Since, Zhou Zhong and Li Wei Feng were rivals of the same generation and their families being enemies for generations made him the best target for Jiang Ziya to get information.

Zhou Zhong looked at the middle-aged man after hearing the question and smiled faintly. "What I think doesn't matter, Prime Minister Jiang. What His Majesty wants is what matter?", he shook his head while speaking.

"Then what do you think he wants?"

"Aren't you Chief Advisor? Figure it out. Don't try to probe me!", the old tutor sneered and stormed out of the court.

Jiang Ziya looked the departing figure of Zhou Zhong and muttered softly, "Hmm. Although I didn't get to know His Majesty's thoughts, I did figure out yours."

From the Grand Tutor's earlier reaction, he now knew that at least Zhou Zhong and Yan Chen had different plans and Zhou Zhong was definitely not happy about the Great Commander's return.

Of course, no one was happy about Li Wei Feng's return.

First, if he decided to enter the political circle, many ministers and officials would happily support him, for he was a Grandmaster Realm Martial Artist. Who won't want to be under the wings of such a powerhouse? Even the most powerful expert within the court, King Yan was only at Peak-stage Meridian Opening Realm.

And the presence of a Grandmaster would even affect his influence within the court, leading to the shift in power and disrupting the balance, causing a chaos which would not be limited to the four wall of the court.

Second, it would greatly affect the power distribution between the Two Lords, with the presence of the Third Lord, reducing their influence and decision making power. After all, the Great Commander was far more powerful than both of them combined and the ministers won't even hesitate to betray them for him.

However, this was not the case for the peasants and merchants. With the return of the Great Commander, the legends about him resurfaced and like a wildfire it spread throughout the kingdom.

Words of his heroism and sacrificial deeds were on everyone's tongue; the Elderly would tell the tales with enthusiasm and the children's eyes would gleam with dream and ambitions.

For a moment, the entire kingdom was chanting praises of the Guardian of North and would die for him, if he gave the word.

This was the influence Li Wei Feng had! This was the reason why no one in the upper echelon of the Maple Sky wanted him to return because to many, he was their Messiah.

However, this kind of influence wasn't accumulated just by sitting in the Northern Border.

Decades ago, during the reign of the previous King Yan, Yan Feng.

The Northern Barbarians had invaded the kingdom and occupied nearly half of the territory. Countless citizens had lost their lives, including the nobles and everyone had lost hope; they all thought that their Kingdom would be no more.

Even Yan Feng had secretly prepared to elope with his family. However, it was at that time, a brave man downed in the silver brilliance emerged from the Capital and ignited hopes within the countless hopeless people.

He formed his own army and embarked on the quest of defeating the Barbaric forces of the North. When he started, their were only a thousand brave men with him, but by the end their were millions who were ready to sacrifice their lives for him.

When everyone had lost hope, it was him who ignited the flames of life. This was the Guardian of the North, the War God. This was LI! WEI! FENG!

_Weiyi Mansion, Li Family Estate_

"Bang! Bang! Boom! ..."

Sound of explosions could be heard if one passed by the Weiyi Mansion. Standing in one of the rooms, Li Wei Yi had an extremely ferocious expression. The surrounding was a mess; many precious vases, paintings and other things had all been reduced to dust.

"Why? Why? WHY!?", he shouted in rage., his body trembling in anger.

Of all the people in the Kingdom, he had it worst when he heard the news of his Elder Brothers return.

Li Wei Yi had an extreme inferiority complex towards him.; he had lost the fight for the seat of Patriarch, then, his son lost to the latter's son, causing a deep seethed hatred to take roots in his heart.

And now, his greatest fear was retuning? How could he not be angry!?


Earlier today, before the dawn.

Li Jing could be seen practicing his Serpent Fist Art. Looking at him, one would see that his arms were like snakes and were punching rapidly. Finally, he threw one last punch and stopped suddenly.

The corner of his mouth were lifted into a victorious smile; he muttered, "Hah~ I have finally achieved Small success!"

Every Battle Art had proficiency levels - Small Success, Large Success, Great Accomplishment and Perfection.

In the Serpent Fist Art, achieving Small Success meant that Li Jing could now punch five times in a second which was incredible.

He stopped his practice and went back in his room to prepare for a bath. The news of the Great Commander's return had yet to spread at this moment.


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Also, for the next two months, I would be uploading 1 chapter/ week because of my College Entrance Exams. 

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Also, shout out to Terra_Chad, Tal1289 and Aeternabills. Thank you for the power stones and your support.

Thank you.