The Commotion At Four Clans Alliance Meeting

"F*ck off! You think the Alliance is responsible for your marriage expenses! And even if it was, you think we will fund your 10th marriage, you old pervert?!"

"What? 10th?! O-Old Ru, y-y-you... please accept me under your tutelage!"

"F*ck! Get off me, you old leech! You thing its easy to be as amazing and handsome as this grandpa. Haha!"

"Why are you laughing, you old bastard? Just because others don't know that you are marrying that Hao Chuntao, you think that you could deceive them into thinking that you're some hot shot. Haha"

"Hahaha! So you're marrying that old coot. This is the greatest news of the year. Of course, not as great as the Grand Commander's return ...but still, this is f*cking hilarious."

"Old pervert Ru just how desperate are you to be even willing to do Old Lady Hao. I mean I know she was a beauty back in the day but isn't it too much?"

"But why did that Hao Chuntao agree?"

"Haha. Seems like we have some old flames igniting right here!"

"I hope you two give birth to healthy children. Haha..."

In a large hall, people could be seen sitting in two rows. They were all engaged in fierce arguments, each defending their own faction's interest. However, there were some who were restrained themselves from plunging into this headache.

The people here were all important Elders from the Li, Meng, Xu and Su families and were gathered here, in the Li Family's Affairs Hall, for the year's Second Meeting of the Alliance.

Normally, a meeting was held during the spring season every year to discuss the agendas and budget of the Four Clans Alliance; however, this second meeting was being held with two objectives: one of them being Li Wei Feng's arrival.

Preceding over this meeting were the four Alliance Masters: Su Qian, Marquis Meng, Li Wei Feng and Patriarch Xu, who were sitting on a high platform at the end of the hall. And just below them were the four Vice Leaders: Li Shaoqing, Meng Junjie, Xu Ying and Su Deming; each of them sitting on the seats right below their family leader's.

Currently, even the four Vice Leaders were engaged in the argument. However, their purpose was to quieten everyone so that they could discuss the main objective of this meet but everyone ignored them.

It was then when a loud commotion attracted everyone's attention.

"SUN YUN!!! YOU BASTARD! LET ME SEND YOU TO YOUR DEATH!", Old Ru shouted angrily, his face red in embarrassment, and unsheathed his sword before pouncing towards Sun Yun, the old man who revealed the identity of his soon-to-be wife. He didn't understand how that bastard Sun Yun caught the whiff but was determined to teach him a lesson for all the humiliation.

Li Jing, who was sitting in his father's lap, felt like he was in some parliament where everyone was spouting nonsense like goats and sheep. But instead of feeling headache like others, he was enjoying himself. You know, who doesn't like seeing others fight.

He saw others act immediately into stopping Old Ru and Sun Yun from engaging into a fight, which lead to even more noise.


Suddenly, a thunderous roar swept across the hall which quietened everyone. Looking towards the source of the voice, they discovered that it was Li Wei Feng, surrounding him was a dense yellow hue of Inner Qi that made everyone's heart tremble.


It suddenly became so quiet that the sounds of people gulping in fear could be heard. They were truly frightened and lowered their head, not daring to look into that furious gaze.

"Peace at last.", Li Shang sighed in relief internally.

Li Jing looked towards this grandfather, his eyes sparkling in amazement. He thought, "Whoa! That roar was really awesome. I want to learn it too, I wonder if grandpa will teach me if I asked. That yellow must be Inner qi huh. But it seems countless times weaker than my Reincarnation Qi."

On the other hand, Li Wei Yi tremble slightly while his eyes widened in shock when he felt the immensity of the Inner Qi his elder brother possessed. "Li Wei Feng! Just you wait. Soon...Soon I-I will kill you with my own hands as you beg for mercy. I will let you experience the same pain as your wife Xu Mei. No! Even more...yes EVEN MORE PAIN.", he gritted his teeth while fantasizing about the cruelty he would commit in far future to calm himself.

Oblivious of his younger brother's hideous crimes and thoughts, Li Wei Feng gazed across the hall. He had enough of these imbeciles! As military man, he couldn't bear slightest bit of disobedience but here, in this meeting hall, all of these so-called respected Elders were barking like dogs.

His gaze landed on two old men at the other end of the hall, near the entrance, and asked, "You two, tell me, what was that all about, huh?"

"F*ck! I am doomed.", Old Ru and Sun Yun trembled when they felt the Grand Commander Li's gaze towards them; they didn't dare to lift their heads.

Others too looked over and saw two old men trembling in fear. They looked them both with a gaze full of pity for becoming a target for Grandmaster's wrath while internally thanking them for their sacrifice.

Seeing them not answering his question, Li Wei Feng got even more furious and shouted, "What?! Are you Mute?! You two were barking like dogs just now. What happened? Why were you two fighting? Speak! Or else I will through you two in the dungeon."


"What 'We'? Speak clearly.", this time, it was an middle-aged man who stood up and spoke coldly. He was Meng Junjie. He recognized Old Ru or to say Meng Ru and suddenly felt irritated. He then turned to look at Marquis Meng and then towards Li Wei Feng and bowed lightly while speaking, "Please calm down, Alliance Master Li. You don't need to speak to these ingrates, I will punish them accordingly."

Old Ru or Meng Ru looked at Meng Junjie as if he was saviour and spoke hurriedly, "Vice Leader, t-this Sun Yun insulted my wife and me! This is why I got furious and attacked him."

"N-No! He is lying Vice Leader. This ungrateful old man wanted to use Alliance money to fund his wedding. He is simply outrageous.", Sun Yun also hurriedly said, fearing that he might not get a chance to speak.

"No, Vice Leader! He is lying. In fact, Sun Yun is the one who laundered money to go to brothels.", Old Ru spoke, completely exposing Sun Yun.

Whispers of surprise filled the hall. Everyone present here was shocked, they couldn't believe their impudence. But it seemed like the two old men had no intention of stopping.

Sun Yun gasped in shock before his expression turned ferocious and spoke, "Vice Leader, it was Meng Ru who had been robbing the family's merchant carriages and used them into his last nine weddings."

He turned to look at Meng Ru with an expression which said, 'If I am going down, you are going with me."

"Su Chao, do you know who has been sleeping with your wife?", Old Ru's expression turned ruthless as he turned his head towards a middle-aged man and spoke with a cheeky smile while moving his gaze towards Sun Yun and back.


The surrounding alliance members sucked in a cold breathe as a bad premonition welled-up their hearts. The clever ones were already looking at the middle-aged man with pitiful gazes.

"Let's go!!!", Li Jing shouted internally while smiling ear to ear.

Marquis Meng was practically trembling in rage. He had already sentenced the two to death.

"Presumptuous! How dare they speak in such manner?! I should have just kicked them out of the hall.", Meng Junjie, on the other hand, regretted letting these two imbeciles speak and cursed internally.

Su Chao, whom Meng Ru just addressed, spoke coldly, "Elder Meng, which wife?." His expression darkening every passing second while the corners of his mouth turned into a rainbow. 

"Junior Brother Su, don't listen to this bastard's words. He's gone crazy and is spouting nonsense. Haha.", Sun Yun said in a flattering tone while letting out a awkward chuckle.

"All of them!" Meng Ru exclaimed while clicking his tongue in annoyance and said, "Tsk! Seems like there was a reason why you didn't know your woman was having an affair. How slow witted are you?"

"Meng Ru! Stop insulting my wife!", Su Chao shouted in rage and lunged forward; however to his surprise, he hung in the air, floating and a layer of Inner Qi enveloped him. Suddenly, even Meng Ru and Sun Yun started floating.


Everyone was shocked to see them float midair when they suddenly realised something and turned to look in the direction of the high platform where the Alliance Masters were sitting.

Li Wei Feng slowly raised his right hand, a yellow coloured energy gathered around his palm. His expression ferocious as a murderous glint pained his eyes; he barely restrained himself from releasing his killing intent.

"Grand Commander, please spare me!..."

"I am ashamed of my mistakes, Grandmaster. However, I have dozens of children too feed please..."

Meng Ru and Sun Yun begged for mercy while Su Chao looked at his Patriarch Su Qian and shouted, "Alliance Master, I did nothing wrong!"

"SCRAM!", Li Wei Feng however completely ignored their wailings and shouted while waving his hand, "Lock those three into the prison!"

The hall once again descended into absolute silence; no one spoke, no one moved. They were all still in awe of their Grand Commander's display of strength.


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