Caged Wolf

I spent the next half a year in a juvenile detention center.

It was an extremely light sentence considering what I have done, but luckily the leader I beat up to a pulp, whose name I came to learn as Jacko, managed to survive.

It was acknowledged that I had to urgently intervene in what was literally a sexual assault against a child, and I did not have many options.

However, beating the guy who was already passed out on the ground countless times is not something the law can allow, no matter how much the bad guy deserved it.

Shu has testified for me all that has happened and there was also video evidence. I'd hate to think about how Shu had to relive the moment recounting the story and even go through the video with the police, but he did all that for me to lighten my sentence as much as possible.

I was also advised by my appointed lawyer to claim I had a short blackout during the frenzy. Considering the traumatic scene that was taking place it was not implausible. I blacked out under incredible stress and desperation and did not consciously try to hurt the guy that was laying on the ground.

Shu came to visit me a few times but I refused to see him. I knew if he sees me again he will relive the scene again in his mind. I couldn't let that happen to him again after what has already happened.

There wasn't much I could do during my time in the detention center, except read books and some allowed activities. One of the activities was art therapy. I never thought I would get into something sappy like this but I found that I could really immerse myself when I was drawing things, taking my mind off everything and shutting out the outside world and the past. I don't know if that was the desired effect of the therapy, but it worked for me fine.

I was finally released in October, so about midway through the second semester. I was allowed to go back to my school. I didn't really want to though as I could imagine how people would see me, the guy that went to a juvenile detention center for seriously injuring others with violence.

But after all, I thought it was for the best. I didn't mind being a lone wolf, and there was a lamb that I wasn't gonna allow anybody to prey on.