Li Yang Helps the Li Clan

Li Yang Helps the Li Clan

A sword pierced through the water, making a swish sound, and cutting the waterfall in two. The momentum of the sword died down and a beautiful face came into view. It was a smooth face, but now it was coated with a little bit of sweat due to exertion. Lu Yan flicked the sword, and the water droplets present in the sword disappeared with another flick. The sword entered the scabbard gracefully. Even after practicing for 10 days in the valley, she still couldn't improve her sword skills. The bottleneck in her cultivation was apparent to her. Every time she swung her sword, she could feel that she was missing something, something profound that was still outside her grasp.

She sighed and flew down to the ground. She looked around the valley and saw Elder Su Flying towards her, something firmly clutched in her. From the nervous expression on her face, LuYan could tell that something bad had happened.

Elder Su hurried to her Young Lady and showed the letter with a respectful bow.

"Young Miss, our spies in the city have sent this letter. I didn't want to disturb young miss's cultivation so I could only delay giving this to you

Lu Yan looked into the content of the letter and gradually a disdainful smile formed on her lips.

"Yang Han, what is that trash doing here? Is it not enough that I beat him in the capital? Why did he run all the way here to get beaten?" Lu Yan knew Yang Han from the capital. The young master of the Yang Clan, although a prestigious clan in the capital, was not even eligible to walk with her and this kind of scum wanted to court her? Although she does not despise common people, this Yang Han was cruel and insidious. The common type of person who smiles at you and then stabs you in the back.

One day he came to her and wanted to court her. However, she beat him until his family could not even recognize him. What surprised her was that he would not give up and still followed her to the countryside. She shook her hands dismissing the news and was about to get up and train again but was stopped by the next sentence from Elder Su.

He didn't appear to have come here specifically for the young miss. He has been staying in the city tower and then visited the Yun and Zhang Families. I think he is plotting against the Li Family.

Lu Yan turned around and looked at the contents of the letter again.

"Oh, He wants to eliminate the Li family with the tournament. Interesting, But Naïve"

A confused look crossed Elder Su's face as she carefully asked her Young Lady.

"Why would Yang Han target the Li Family? It is not even worthy to be destroyed in front of him. However, he came all the way here and even plotted this much. I don't really know what he is thinking.

Lu Yan looked at the deep valley in front of her and then a smile formed on her lips.

My cousin's brother is behind the scenes. Yang Han is a chess piece he is moving around. His ultimate goal is not the Li family. The smile on her lips has disappeared. Her body rose with momentum, so she wasn't the only one who knew about it.

Elder Su was still confused. Although she was stronger than the beautiful young lady in front of her when it came to intelligence and wit, she could not hold a candle in front of this fairy. Looking at the confused expression of the old lady in front of her she could only explain herself.

"I came here for the Sword emperor's inheritance. Do you think the information I received was a coincidence? The brothers all got the same information and are planning to get an inheritance if I am not mistaken. What her cousin's brother wanted was to avoid a battle with the elders of the Li family. This was because although they were not strong enough, the elder cousin's guards were not that powerful so he could only plot against them

The first part of the plan is to make the Li family take a step back, and for that, he used the alchemist association and the two families. When the Li family is embarrassed and loses resources in the tournament, Yang Han contacts them and talks about the valley. Probably the condition will be the exclusive right to use the valley and to keep it hidden to others.

Elder Su could only open her eyes wide as she listened to the detailed plan being analyzed by her young lady. Her level of respect once again rose. She could only be happy that the young lady in front of her was family. However, thinking about this intelligent lady being your enemy, just thinking about it sent a shiver down her spine.

But both of them were interrupted by a small chuckle behind them. They remained vigilant and looked back. They saw a familiar face walking towards them. He had an extremely handsome face, Jade-like features, his white robes swayed in the wind, and in his hand was the same blue gem-fitted sword. As he walked toward her, Lu Yan could see appreciation in his eyes towards her. It was not a lustful or impure gaze, this was pure appreciation for her intelligence.

"Oh, why does this young master have time to come and talk to us? If I remember correctly, you said that I was disturbing you during your rest? " Although Lu Yan didn't appreciate men looking at her, she still was a fairy-like woman. This guy in front of her didn't even look at her properly when they first met and treated her like a nuisance. Which beautiful woman would like that?

Li Yang smiled and walked towards her. Aye, this woman holds grudges. That's why I have always stayed away from women. They are extremely difficult to please. He came in front of them and smiled.

"How about helping the Li Family this time? With your connections in the city, it would only be a piece of cake to help them." Li Yang looked at her and then at the elder who was staring at him.

Lu Yan smirked and looked at the boy in front of her. For a person who had no cultivation, he was too calm and confident. The world was at his feet. She wanted to find out where his confidence came from. Helping the Li family, which was a separate issue, why would she save the family without any benefit

Li Yang laughed seeing the expression on her jade-like face "are you thinking why would I save the Li family if you don't get any benefits

Lu Yan took a step back and her eyes widened. What the hell, how did he know that?

Li Yang walked around her and came towards the valley. He looked down and dropped a stone toward the bottom of the valley.

"If you help the Li family, I can take you to your inheritance. What do you say?"

Li Yang snapped his hands and the sword rotated in his hands. Then he turned around and looked at Lu Yan.

Lu Yan turned around and took a step back and removed her sword from its sheath.

"How do you know about the inheritance? Only a handful of people know about it. Who are you?

Li Yang just shrugged his shoulders and leaned back against a tree and spoke

"I will tell you if you decide to help me, what do you say? You will help me and I will help you become strong so that you can destroy the plan of the enemy

What she didn't know was that this was one of the first steps of the boy who disappeared 3 years ago after massacring a whole village. The gentle smile on his face hid a cruel past.