The angry Yang Han and Li Yang left the Li clan

The angry Yang Han and Li Yang left the Li clan

A boy in black robes was standing in front of an Elder, who was looking at the boy with complicated eyes. He had not seen him in two years. As he had promised him, he had lived in that valley for the last two years. Now he could see that the other party was ready to leave. One was young, and the other was old. They looked at each other silently. The great elder sighed and spoke in a tired voice.

"It's time for you to leave." I know someone like you cannot stay here forever. But if you feel tired of the outside world, you can come here. "Don't be a stranger to the Li family." His grand elder wanted to say more but looked at the boy instead. He could not say anything more. The boy in front of him and the Li family were not on the same level. For him, the Li family was just a pit stop on his journey.

Because of these significant years, the Li family would become a sacred place for cultivators in the world. Li Yang smiled and nodded at the elder in front of him. For him, Li's family was not significant enough to help them grow. Even if the Li family grew, the plot would not change. He turned around and walked away without looking back.

He returned back to the valley where he used to stay and stepped inside his hut. He walked around the room until he came to the corner of the room. There was a black box placed there. He opened the black box and took out a mask. He could only partially cover his face as it was not a full mask. There was also a badge tucked away in the box. He took the badge out and patted it gently.

For more than two years, he hadn't taken it out. He had no choice but to remove it now. A lot of people don't know the meaning of this badge. People with more power would shiver when they saw this badge. The badge was black. With waves and a sword carved beautifully into jade. He clenched the badge tightly in his hands and walked out of the hut along with the mask.

Suddenly his eyes narrowed and he looked into the distance with a cold gaze.

"Who ?. Come out before I kill you." His phrase was so cold that the temperature in the room fell. He was relieved when an elderly lady approached him slowly. As she looked at him, her eyes were filled with tears and she had a smile on her face.

When Li Yang looked at the lady in front of him, his eyes became gentle as he asked her.

"When did you come? Why did you come looking for me across such a long distance?"

Grandma Yu looked at the boy in front of her and memories flooded her mind. She was the one to look after him since he was young, following him wherever he traveled. From childhood to now, he was always cold and calculated with his enemies, but when it came to his family he was always gentle.

She kneeled in front of him still tears flowing from her eyes and replied to him "Young master, take me with you. It has been two years and I have been looking for you everywhere."

Li Yang shook his head and replied to her. "You should not intervene in this. The plan has already started. The pieces started moving and I have to finish this. This is the mission he gave me and this should also be my last mission."

Grandma Yu was disappointed to hear her young master call his father a stranger.

"Young master, Master is also not happy these days. He said that you can live peacefully if you want to, Not care about all these plans and plots of these inferior families. I can accompany you to live a peaceful life and we can move far away from here."

Li Yang smiled sarcastically, "He said that. Does he think I am a fool? He knows that I would not stand back and watch the world fall into chaos. If that means me becoming a killing god. Then I have to be ready for that. This was the last promise I made to my mother before her death."

Grandma Yu shivered at the momentum bursting out of her young master. Despite his lack of cultivation. The momentum is still there.

"But young master, it has been two years and your seals are going to be unsealed. It would be dangerous if you were alone. Please allow me to protect you until you can protect yourself. One day when that is achieved, I will return and wait for your return to the Clan."

Li Yang thought for a moment and then sighed. What she said was also true. If he is not careful enough, he will die before he can prevent the calamity from happening.

As he nodded and agreed to her request, he reminded her solemnly.

You should only come out if it is an extremely dangerous situation. Otherwise, you should be hidden. My identity should not be exposed. That is my only requirement for you."

Grandma Yu was ecstatic in her heart. She nodded her head and agreed to his request without any objection.


Yang Han clutched the letter tightly in his hands. His face was mixed with confusion and fury. He was informed that the Li family was the winner of the competition. This confused him. How could the Li family win? He had been ready to go to the Li Family while they are helpless to have them agree to his terms. Now that the Li family had won the competition there was nothing he could do anymore.

Thinking about the person above him his face became paler. This time he was finished. There was no way for him to avoid punishment. He thought about ways to decrease the impact on him. He should do something that keeps the person above him busy.

Inheritance, that's it. What would happen if this information was spread to the capital? The person above him would have no time to come and look for him. Thinking about his plan, it seemed more agreeable. In a hurry, he summoned the servant and whispered something to him.


Some days later,

Lu Yan and Li Yang were sitting in an Inn with the latter looking out and observing the citizens carrying on about their own lives. Lu Yan narrowed down looking at the information in the letter. She crushed the letter and threw it away.

Li Yang looked at the girl in front of him and casually asked her.

"What made the mighty young lady angry?" Lu Yan looked at the irritating fellow in front of her and scowled her lips.

The inheritance has been spread across the country. Now all the monsters in the cultivation world are going to flock here. That bastard Yang Han is an idiot. Why would he be foolish enough to do this? This is like giving our food to someone else to eat.

She clenched her wrists and smacked the table in anger.

Li Yang heard this and narrowed his eyes. As he shook his head, he thought deeply.

It is useless even if others come. They are not destined to inherit the inheritance. Fate is not something a bunch of ants could change.