A Sword that came from The Sky

Lu Yan could only listen to the boy without uttering a word. She was brought up in a family where infighting was common, but the family was also known to break laws. Although the people she met have been hypocritical. They would smile and then stab you in the back. Li Yang's words seemed distant. She stared at the handsome face, and somewhere in her heart she felt sorry for him.

Although he was similar to her age, he had suffered things people should have. Li Yang looked at the beautiful face that was staring at him. This girl has been staring at him from time to time. Sigh, what to do? This young master is too handsome.

Lu Yan narrowed her eyes feeling the smug smile on his lips and knew that the other person was overly excited about something. She snorted and looked away and mocked him.

"I genuinely feel that you are an old monster who has lived for thousands of years. You are acting like a young master in front of me. Otherwise, there is no way you would know all those things."

Li Yang who was feeling happy about himself was speechless for a second. This girl is so mean. He was feeling positive about himself just now but it was destroyed in a second. He snorted and looked away from her. This young master won't argue with you.

He closed his eyes and his internal energy started moving backwards. Although his cultivation was increasing day by day, it felt as if he was walking on a thread. There was no previous example in front of him. He had to understand the basics of his cultivation method. He carefully analyzed every part of his body so that nothing could turn out wrong. But soon his eyes narrowed as he felt something in the air around him.

The air felt heavy. The spiritual energy was surging around the valley He opened his eyes and looked up above him. Lu yan sitting beside him also felt something changing around her and following Li yang's example, she looked at the sky.

The spiritual energy around the valley was flowing upwards like a river. It flowed above and several streams of spiritual energy combined to form a shape in the sky.

The people below the valley also looked above them and shouted at the massive shape forming in the sky. The geniuses present in the sky could also feel that pressure was emanating from the shape-forming above them. They gritted their teeth and tried to hold on to rotating the energy inside their bodies.

Lu Yan felt her body shivering from the pressure crashing down on her. Although the pressure was immense, she could have managed it but strangely she felt that her body was out of control. Without her consent, cultivation began in her body. She was about to fight back for control of her body but a gentle voice came from the side.

"Free your mind and body." It is beneficial for you. Try to understand the force coming from above. This is the final form of sword intent and if you want to increase your cultivation, this will be an excellent method."

Lu Yan looked back and saw that Li Yang was looking upwards and had a slight smile on his face. She gritted her teeth and made the decision. As she closed her eyes, she sent out her spirit energy to understand the energy that was pouring down on her. Gradually she closed her eyes and her tensed eyebrows relaxed.

Li Yang looked at the girl and nodded. If she had not understood what he meant and stubbornly resisted the power, he would have been wrong in choosing her. He looked up and saw that the spirit energy in the sky was forming the shape of a sword. A massive sword that was pointed down for hundreds of kilometers.

This was the beginning of inheritance. He looked towards the valley and saw that a lot of people had fainted from the pressure. Some were on their knees struggling with the pressure. He looked at the geniuses and all of them were sitting down with their eyes closed. Li Yang nodded in approval, although Lu Yan could not do so from the start. She was alone with him. These geniuses were among their elders. Those elders were not fools and they would know what kind of precious opportunity this was.

In response to the sword intent emanating from the sky, he sighed. For him this kind of energy was weak. Sword intent was the foundation of the sword. The blue sword in his hands didn't even move to face this kind of energy. It just disregarded this energy by repelling it.

He looked far away into the distance and a memory floated into his mind.

An old man was lying in bed. He looked at a boy sitting in front of him. The face was cold and handsome. The elder gently lifted his hands and patted the boy's head with a complicated smile on his face.

" The prophecy cannot be changed, my Grandson. I know you don't want to bear this burden on the family. But nothing can be done about it. This is your destiny, this is the fate of the world. You will come into contact with people and your choices will change the world."

The boy nodded and a sigh passed through the old man's lips. He felt distressed thinking that the fate of this world was entrusted to a young boy. He wanted to share the burden with him, but he knew that was impossible. This was his destiny, this was why he was born. This was a prophecy.

A prophecy of the god of divine war.


Far away, in a palace,

A middle-aged man stared at the sky and narrowed his eyes. He tapped his throne two times and immediately a shadow of a person appeared behind him.

The middle-aged man didn't look behind. Looking into the distance, he asked the person behind him.

"What about the Young Master? Keep an eye on him and make sure that he is supported by our resources. Send one more person if you need to."

He thought for a minute and ordered again. " Make sure that he doesn't find out." He could only sigh as he thought about his stubborn son. The father and son have not seen each other for more than four years. The only thing he could do now was to support him with all his strength and not try to stop him. Even if the world comes against him, his son will be safe until he dies.

The middle-aged man nodded and stood up with a determined face. Although I was not able to protect your mother, I will protect you, my son.

He looked at the animal skin in front of him and gritted his teeth. The prophecy was written in the letter. This was passed on from generation to generation until the fated human was born and now this is the end. It was this generation that the prophecy would come true. He looked at the words written in the letter.

The day the sword is born in the sky, the wheel of fate will start to turn,

Then the world will rise. Countless geniuses will emerge.

Chaos will rise, and blood will flow

Human greed and evil will raise their heads

This is until the Human born on the night of the passing comet rises above them.

Heaven and earth will witness a legend.

The biggest battle of mankind will begin

The biggest question will be

Will Humankind see the sunrise again after the battle?