The Entrance to The Trail

The evil cultivator slashed his sword across his chest so that he could defend himself from incoming attacks, but his body was not under his control. A sword struck him, piercing through his heart, and Yang Yu smiled at him with a smug smile on his face. He knew that Gu Hai was seriously injured, and killing him would not be fair, but people would never know about it.

He became the person who killed the genius of the Evil God sect. This would bring a lot of benefits for him and the sect, for revenge from the Evil God sect that cares. He had his family behind him. Even if the sect wanted revenge, his family would take care of that.

He flicked his sword, and with a proud smile, he looked around, taking in the reverent gazes around him. He held his head high and spoke in a righteous tone.

"Killing scum from the Evil Sect should be our goal. These evil things have done many things that our righteous sects can never condone. I Yang Yu have helped the common people clean up this evil thing."

Yang Yu nodded at the people and swaggered forward. He looked around and noticed Lu Yan, who was looking at him like an idiot.

Lu Yan knew that something was wrong when Gu Hai spat out blood without a reason. There was no way a genius from the evil god sect could be killed by a weakling like Yang Yu. She looked at the boy beside her, and in an instant she understood something. The boy beside her was smiling at the smug Yang Yu with a sly smile on his face. She had seen that smile before, and that was when he was plotting against the alchemist association.

"What did you do to him?" Lu Yan narrowed her eyes and asked him. Even though he was sitting beside her, something told her he had done something nasty.

Li Yang shrugged his shoulders and spoke in an innocent tone. "What can I do for a proclaimed evil genius?" I was just admiring the person who killed the evil scum to help the people." The man nodded his head in approval while looking at Yang Yu. What a righteous person! He even killed a genius when he could not lift his sword.

Lu Yan snorted and turned around, seeing that he had no idea how to tell her what he had done. She looked at the sky again, and her eyes widened. The sword that was floating above their heads was coming down little by little. The pressure started increasing, like a huge hand was pushing down on them.

Lu Yan gritted her teeth and held on as she rotated her cultivation technique. She could feel that if she stopped her cultivation, the only thing she could do was lie down and faint. There were many people around who were unable to bear the pressure; they fell to the floor and fainted.

Knees: Even the geniuses from the sect were on their knees, as some of them were still gritting their teeth and blood flowed from their nose and mouth. Li Yang looked at the sword above, and the pressure coming down from the sword was flowing near him, but strangely, it avoided him at all costs. Above,

The only thing Li Yang could do was shake his head and continue to wait until the sword completely came down to eliminate those who were not worthy of inheriting the wealth. Even if the Emperor was dead, he was still completely cruel to use this kind of trick to eliminate a whole bunch of people.

Li Yang looked at the mountain and thought about the tests waiting for these people inside; he could only sigh. People die for fortune and power, and the test for inheritance was this kind of struggle where the wit and determination of a person could save themselves from death.

The sword came down and crashed down towards the mountain, and the pressure that enveloped them completely disappeared. The cultivators slowly stood up and gazed at the entrance to the mountain. They could see a huge cave at the entrance to the mountain where the sword came down.

The whole valley was submerged in silence. All of them wanted to rush forward into the cave, but the unknown place made them fear what kind of traps were inside the mountain.

Lu Yan drew her sword and wanted to enter the mountains. She never feared anything, and looking at the people who were not coming in due to fear, she could only look down on them.

A cultivator should be brave. These kinds of people were not worthy enough for her to look at them. Even the smug Yang Yu and Yang Han looked at the entrance with trepidation. They were in two minds, whether they should rush forward or wait until some of them tested it out.

Lu Yan was about to step forward when a wrist came forward and stopped her. Lu Yan looked at the boy beside her, and her eyes narrowed. Li Yang was not someone who feared this kind of thing, and she knew that. She looked at the boy who stopped her, and she could only shake her head in disappointment. Was she wrong in understanding him? She was about to shake his hands off and stride forward when a strict voice came from his mouth.

"You should not rush to your death like an idiot. Your trail has only just begun, and you think you'll be able to make it up the mountains in no time. Even if you are brave, you should use that courage with common sense."

Li Yang berated her, and Lu Yan gritted her teeth in frustration. How dare he get angry at her? She had never been insulted by anyone since her childhood, and that too, calling her a stupid person, was completely absurd.

In spite of her desire to fight with him, she was only able to keep quiet, looking at Li Yang's slightly narrowed eyes. Let me get off the mountain; I will beat you upside down. She snorted and glanced at the entrance of the cave, and soon her eyes widened because a huge black hole was forming at the entrance of the cave. Suddenly, a huge sucking force came toward them. The force started sucking in the air around the valley. The cultivators with low cultivation flew up from their feet and could only look helplessly as they were rushed into the black hole.

In the cave, Lu Yan forced her body to stand on her feet but looking at the entrance of the cave her face paled. The people who were dragged into the black hole were shredded into pieces and their bodies were severed into pieces

She gulped hard and looked at the boy, who was standing there with a serious face. In fact, he had no problems fighting the force that was dragging them in the direction of the death trap.

Suddenly his eyes narrowed and he shouted at her in a low voice.

"Defend with all your strength. The real power of the black hole array is coming." He notified her and lowered his sword, waiting for something. She too was startled by his actions and pulled out her sword, preparing herself for whatever was coming toward her.