The new King

Ortania was going through one of the worst times in its history, inside the throne room the friends began brainstorming for ideas to fix the unstable nation as Ashhad asked

Ashhad : alright gentlemen, now that Sufiyan's gone our Kingdom needs a new King.

Hussnain : we ousted the government in a revolution so I think we should rightfully get to rule Ortania.

Humzah : we need a make shift force to relocate the townsfolk back to Stevenburg.

Kainaat : our economic sector is in poor shape, we need to fix that to.

Zulqarnain : all that can only be done when our nation has a king.

Nizaam : strange question but, whose going to become King?

Ashhad : ok how many people are we?

Humzah : uh let's see 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, their's 8 of us.

Ashhad : what do you say we decide the king with a vote?

Asad : Politics, now we're talking.

Ashhad : alright so grab a paper and vote for any of us and remember you can't vote for yourself.

Nizaam : easy as ABC.

Ashhad : Ok everybody grab a paper, write the name of your desired candidate as well as your name.

Zulqarnain placed a box in the centre of the room, each of the friends wrote their name and their candidates name on a paper and then one by one put it in the box finally, when everyone had voted, Zulqarnain opened the box and said

Zulqarnain : alright let's see who got the most votes, if it's a tie then we'll redo it between the top two.

Zulqarnain began taking out the papers as he said

Zulqarnain : the first vote is from Alyne and she voted for Ashhad.

Alyne : I honestly believe Ashhad is the best choice.

Zulqarnain : second vote is from Asad and he also voted for Ashhad.

Asad : number one Uncle in the world.

Aliza : aww that's sweet.

Zulqarnain : third vote is from Hussnain and he voted for Humzah.

Humzah : wait you voted for me?

Hussnain : you bet I did homie.

Zulqarnain : fourth vote is from Aliza and she voted for me.

Aliza : Zulqarnain's old and wise, he'd be a great king.

Zulqarnain : fifth vote is from Humzah and he also voted for me.

Humzah : sorry Hussnain.

Hussnain : no worries.

Zulqarnain : sixth vote is from me and I voted for Ashhad.

Ashhad : wait really?

Zulqarnain : yes, in my eyes you are just as competent as me if not better.

Ashhad : wow, thanks alot Zulqarnain.

Zulqarnain : seventh vote is from Kainaat and she voted for me.

Kainaat : I did it because Zulqarnain seems like the best option, he's good in combat and is an excellent strategist.

Hussnain : I have a feeling that Zulqarnain's gonna win.

Aliza : I know he will win, it's his time to shine.

Zulqarnain : and finally the eighth and last vote is from Nizaam and I must humbly announce that I am not sitting on the throne today.

Zulqarnain placed the box aside as Ashhad asked

Ashhad : wait did you win Zulqarnain?

Zulqarnain bowed and whilst pointing at the throne he said

Zulqarnain : go on my King, you deserve it.

Ashhad : wait ..... what?

Ashhad turned to Nizaam and asked

Ashhad : Nizaam who did you vote for?

Nizaam replied with a bright smile

Nizaam : you.

Ashhad's face began to shine as he looked at the throne before him and said

Ashhad : oh my God, I've become the king.

Humzah : jeez Ashhad are you gonna go sit on that throne or do I have to carry you their.

Ashhad : I'm just in shock.

Hussnain : well it's best if you come back to reality, cause you're the king of Ortania now.

Ashhad : I promise that I will make this Kingdom great again.

Humzah : well right now, I think we should get some shut eye, it's turning dark.

Kainaat : their's alot of work to be done but I agree with Humzah, let's get some sleep.

Ashhad : very well see you all tomorrow.

after saying this, the group went to bed and Ashhad was the luckiest of the bunch as he got to sleep in the royal bedroom.