Mind over Matter

With Asad's true identity now clear, Humzah entered the palace and without waiting for a second headed to the throne room, their he found no one, so he headed to Kainaat's room, upon arrival Humzah knocked on the door as Kainaat asked from inside

Kainaat : yes?

Humzah : Kainaat it's me Humzah.

Kainaat : come in.

Humzah went into her room, Kainaat was sitting on her bed as Humzah asked

Humzah : can I sit down?

Kainaat : sure.

Humzah sat down and said

Humzah : I wanted to apologize for my behavior earlier, I was a bit frustrated and Asad really .....

Kainaat smiled and said

Kainaat : it's ok.

Humzah : really?

Kainaat : yeah, I mean we all get really angry sometimes, best to take it out then keep it in.

Humzah : so we're ok again?

Kainaat : yes.

Humzah smiled and said

Humzah : Kainaat, you know I love you right?

Kainaat : yes.

Humzah : and you love me to?

Kainaat : of course.

Humzah : I'm sorry I have no ring but. Humzah grabbed Kainaat's hands and asked

Humzah : will you .... will you ....

Humzah began to tremble and shake vigorously before he finally gathered the courage to ask

Humzah : will you marry me?

Kainaat was quiet at first but then she smiled and replied

Kainaat : yes Humzah I will.

Humzah smiled as he asked

Humzah : really?

Kainaat : yeah, you're cute and even though you know my past, you like me, plus you have a good sense of humor.

Humzah : that's my specialty.

Kainaat : now all that's left is Ashhad's approval.

Humzah : why do you always bring him into our conversation?

Kainaat : I'm doing what you were supposed to do besides, I don't wanna be the bit*h who separated two best buddies.

Humzah : I see, well in that case thanks for understanding.

Kainaat : no worries.

Humzah stood up and said

Humzah : oh and just one more thing, be very cautious when you're around Asad, everybody else is chill but when Asad's around stay alert.

Kainaat : I will.

Humzah : ok bye.

Humzah left, back in Ashhad's room, Ashhad was sitting on his bed thinking to himself when Zulqarnain entered the room, seeing him Ashhad asked

Ashhad : hey what's up?

Zulqarnain : I've got hot news for you mate.

Ashhad : really?

Zulqarnain : our spies have just reported an absurd buildup of troops in Crystonia but, that's not the big news.

Ashhad : oh now I need to hear it.

Zulqarnain : Bardonia was caught trading with Prothenia, Navarres worst enemy.

Ashhad : ooh.

Zulqarnain : Navarre has severed it's relations with Bardonia, meaning that Bardonia is now completely isolated and surrounded by enemies on all sides.

Ashhad : that's wonderful.

Zulqarnain : I say we go for Crystonia first, they have former Ortanian lands under their control, as for Bardonia, talks between us and Aranid have increased, both sides are planning for an all out joint invasion.

Ashhad : that'll be costly.

Zulqarnain : that's why we need a bigger army, volunteers aren't going to be enough, we need more.

Ashhad : if we want a bigger army, we must put more on the stake.

Zulqarnain : like what?

Ashhad : decrease our spending on new war machines, we already have more than Navarre, invest that money into the military, more money equals more people.

Zulqarnain : are you sure?

Ashhad : Asad's not the only one who knows about human nature, I do to.

Zulqarnain : well in that case, I'll inform Kainaat and we'll begin preparations right away.

Ashhad : fantastic.

Zulqarnain left and on his way to Kainaat's room he met Humzah, seeing him Zulqarnain asked

Zulqarnain : hey, how's it going?

Humzah : Zulqarnain you're the smartest of our group, yet you stayed quiet even when everyone was opposing me, why?

Zulqarnain : I don't choose sides, I choose people, your were in the wrong back then, that you must admit.

Humzah : how was I wrong for defending myself?

Zulqarnain : you must learn the value of words Humzah, not all battles are won with blades.

Humzah : I didn't ask for a motivational lecture!

Zulqarnain : well I'll simplify it for you then.

Zulqarnain placed his hand on Humzah's shoulder and asked

Zulqarnain : you are very stupid and Asad is taking full advantage of that, you need to learn to control your emotions, when someone is saying bad things about you or your loved ones, just listen from one ear and take it out from the other.

he placed his hand on Humzah's chest and said

Zulqarnain : listen a little bit to your heart.

he then placed his hand on his head and said

Zulqarnain : but mostly to your mind.

Zulqarnain let Humzah go and said

Zulqarnain : and most importantly, smile.

Humzah smiled as Zulqarnain said

Zulqarnain : that's the spirit.

Zulqarnain left for Kainaat's room, his words had left a deep impact on Humzah, Humzah now headed to Ashhad's room to settle this matter, the door was opened so he went right in, when Ashhad saw him he asked

Ashhad : where were you?

Humzah : outside, you didn't even bother to check on me.

Ashhad : and why would I do that?

Humzah : cause you're my best friend and best buddies always lookout for eachother.

Ashhad : I've been going through a lot myself, you think this is easy for me?

Humzah : you're only complicating things yourself, I want to help you but you don't believe me.

Ashhad : ok, I'll believe you, now tell me what happened between you and Asad?

Humzah : what I'm about to tell you will blow your mind.

Ashhad : really, than I need to hear it.

Humzah : Asad's not your nephew.

Ashhad : ok then who is he?

Humzah : he's a deranged psychopath who ra*es girls for his amusement.

Ashhad : I must award you for your creativity, you labeled him as badly as you could.

Humzah : so you don't believe me?

Ashhad : absolutely not, Asad would never harm a fly, he was the most gentle and kind hearted boy in my family, such acts of violence were greatly opposed by him, I mean he had 4 sisters, people that even have 1 sister have great respect for girls.

Humzah : you're nephew was a great man but that impostor is not your nephew, he's just pretending to be your nephew, your real nephew Asad Zakir is dead.

Ashhad was alarmed to hear Asad's full name from Humzah, Ashhad had never told him Asad's full name, nor did Asad, regardless he let it slide and said

Ashhad : you know what forget about this, you haven't learned ATPIC yet, everyone else has learned it, I can't rest until I have taught you to.

Humzah : wow, I taught you how to fight, now you're gonna teach me.

Ashhad : the best teachers are those who always remain students.

Humzah : still, even without learning your technique, I'm confident that I'll do just fine.

as Humzah began to leave Ashhad said

Ashhad : get to the training site, me and Aliza will meet you there.

Humzah unwillingly decided to follow suit and soon he was at the training site with Aliza and Ashhad as Ashhad said

Ashhad : alright Humzah, since Aliza's the weakest member of our team, I want you and her to have a fight.

Humzah : you sure?

Ashhad : yes, unless you're scared?

Humzah annoyingly said

Humzah : fine.

Aliza and Humzah got face to face as Humzah asked

Humzah : ready?

Aliza replied

Aliza : ready.

Ashhad : and fight!

Humzah rushed to Aliza and delivered a well planned attack but she dodged it with her sword, Aliza replied with a kick and then two successive punches as Humzah backed off he said

Humzah : impressive.

Humzah charged again, this time he tried a more leftist approach but unbelievably, Aliza blocked Humzah again and this time she managed to get a critical hit with her sword, in the nick of time Humzah grabbed Aliza's hair and delivered an elbow right to her face, Aliza spew some blood as she said

Aliza : as expected, you are my equal.

Humzah aimed his sword at Aliza and said

Humzah : you're nothing, I was holding back before, but not anymore.

Humzah rushed at Aliza, he struck her right on the head and then delivered a slap on her face with the back of his hand, followed by a brutal uppercut, Aliza got back, blood dripping from her nose as Humzah said

Humzah : I advise you to surrender, you're too fatally wounded.

the last thing that Humzah expected was for Aliza to charge at him like a bull, but that was exactly what happened, just as Humzah got in her range of attack, she delivered an insanely brutal stab to the chest, Humzah screamed with pain as he backed off Aliza asked

Aliza : what'd you say?

Humzah : you little.

Aliza again came for Humzah, but this time Humzah deflected her attack although he received a minor scar on his left arm as Ashhad said

Ashhad : alright that's enough you to.

Aliza placed her sword back and asked

Aliza : so how did I do?

Ashhad replied with a smile

Ashhad : fabulous, you can go now.

Aliza left, as Ashhad proudly said

Ashhad : see that Humzah, I taught her ATPIC just one hour ago, with this technique she has achieved your level of strength, not to mention, Alyne, Hussnain and all the others, they have gone on another level.

Humzah : I see.

Ashhad : but let's put all that aside, Humzah think, just how strong you'll become if you learn this technique.

Humzah : I'd be unstoppable.

Ashhad : exactly, just promise me one thing.

Humzah : what?

Ashhad : promise me that you won't use this technique to harm anyone in our cabinet.

Humzah : I won't.

Ashhad : good, I'm making a new rule, from now on any fighting between cabinet members unless it is for training purposes shall be severely punished.

Humzah : does this rule apply to any prior quarrels?

Ashhad : if you want, I could do it.

Humzah : do it, I want to see Asad get punished.

Ashhad : Kainaat will be punished to mate, it wasn't a one sided affair.

Humzah : dammit you're right.

Ashhad : why do you hate my nephew so much, what has he even done to you?

Humzah : how do I explain it to you, your nephew is dead and that man who is acting to be your nephew is his murderer.

Ashhad : that is the worst lie I have ever heard.

Humzah : fine don't believe me, you'll see, someone will eventually believe me.

Ashhad : I will look forward to that day.

Humzah rolled his eyes as Ashhad asked

Ashhad : anyways, you wanna learn ATPIC?

Humzah : I guess I'll have to.

Ashhad : be real with me, I don't want laziness.

Humzah : alright fine, I'll learn ATPIC or whatever.

Ashhad : good let's begin.

thus started Humzah's practice, like everybody else Humzah got the hang of the technique very quickly but, he wasn't content with just learning it, he wanted to master it, as it turned afternoon, the friends gathered in the dining room for lunch, Humzah and Ashhad were still training as Kainaat asked

Kainaat : hey has anybody seen Ashhad or Humzah?

Zulqarnain : beats me.

Asad : Ashhad's probably asleep, as for Humzah niether do I know nor do I care about him.

Asad pour some water in a glass and began drinking it when Aliza said

Aliza : their at the training site, Ashhad's teaching Humzah ATPIC.

Asad nearly spat his water as he stood up, Alyne asked

Alyne : Asad, are you alright?

Asad : (thinking) what, Ashhad's teaching that smelly bastard ATPIC, oh God that's not good.

Alyne asked again

Alyne : hey Asad, you ok?

Asad looked back at Alyne and said

Asad : yes ... I'm just not hungry anymore.

Asad hastily left the dining room, he needed to see Humzah in combat as he feared that Humzah would get stronger than him and to his luck when Asad arrived at the training site, Ashhad and Humzah were about to start their 4th battle as Ashhad said

Ashhad : alright Humzah, we've had 3 battles and 3 training sessions, each time I came on top, this is our 4th and final battle, regardless of if I win or lose, our training ends after this, you have learned ATPIC and that's all that matters.

Humzah : you're going to bore me to death, quit your talking and fight me.

Ashhad : so be it.

Ashhad charged at Humzah and unbelievably Humzah blocked his attack, Humzah proceeded to deliver a kick to Ashhad's hip but, Ashhad replied with a kick to Humzah's face, Ashhad proceeded to deliver critical blows with his sword forcing Humzah into a corner, Humzah being a chubby giant grabbed Ashhad from his shoulders and threw him to the side, Ashhad immediately got up and said

Ashhad : you're done, take this!

Ashhad came running towards Humzah jumped in the air and brought his sword down with full force, seeing this Asad smirked as he thought to himself

Asad : (thinking) goodbye Humzah.

but as Ashhad came down Humzah did the unthinkable, using his bare hand Humzah grabbed Ashhad from his neck, using his sword he stabbed Ashhad in the stomach and then proceeded to deliver multiple powerful punches right onto Ashhad's face and then ended his assault with a overpowered headbutt, Asad was completely lost for words, he just silently stood their watching, Ashhad got back up but now, Ashhad was wobbling as he had taken severe damage, in a last ditch effort to win this fight Ashhad began running around Humzah at top speeds, hitting him with his sword from time to time in an effort to wear him down, Ashhad was using ATPIC to its maximum extent, Humzah smirked and said

Humzah : you can beat the whole world.

just then he brought his sword right in Ashhad's way, Ashhad fumbled and fell down as Humzah completed his sentence while putting his sword away

Humzah : but you can't beat your teacher.

Humzah helped Ashhad get back up as Ashhad said while scratching his head

Ashhad : what just happened?

Humzah : domination.

Ashhad laughed as he said

Ashhad : I guess that means our training is over.

Humzah : yeah.

Ashhad : so it's official, you are now the 3rd strongest member of our team.

Humzah : don't tell me Asad's above me.

Ashhad : no Zulqarnain and Kainaat are.

Humzah : let me guess you're 4th?

Ashhad : yep, and Asad's 5th.

Humzah : good, he won't be a trouble anymore.

Ashhad : don't hurt him, remember the rule.

Humzah : of course.

Asad was terrified by all of this, his heart started beating quickly and he began to sweat uncontrollably as he said

Asad : this is so not good.

Asad left the training site, on his way back to his room he kept thinking to himself

Asad : (thinking) how am I gonna fu*k Kainaat now, ugh I hate you Humzah.