
reaching the royal palace was no big deal for Asad as any resistance he met was blown to smithereens by artillery shells, courtesy of his army, upon arrival at the palace Asad looked up at the tall and beautiful building that housed the nobility of Crystonia, all the other buildings in the town had been affected badly by this attack but, the palace stood unscathed, seeing this Asad thought to himself with an evil smirk on his face

Asad: (thinking) so this is their royal palace, the one that houses the most beautiful woman in the world.

Asad looked over to his army and said

Asad : my brave soldiers, this battle is over, any fighting that is still ongoing is futile, but I think that you should also contribute to the battle.

Asad looked at the remains of Nefluk, he could still hear soldiers clashing in the distance so, he ordered his army

Asad : 10 of you stay with me, the rest go help our Ortanian brethren, oh and I want all our female soldiers to go and aid in the fight, prove to the world that the Ortanian women are just as capable as our men!

the soldiers nodded and with that a large part of Asad's army barged into the battlefield, further cementing Ortania's position as the victor, on the other hand Asad blast opened the gates of the royal palace, entering inside he ordered

Asad : if you spot their Queen, don't kill her only apprehend her.

to this a soldier asked

Soldier : but sir, don't you think killing their royalties would be a big hit to their morale?

Asad gave this soldier an awful death stare before saying

Asad : I don't like to repeat myself, understand?

the Soldier now intimidated by Asad said

Soldier : yes sir.

the soldiers along with Asad began exploring the palace for any hidden Crystonians, Queen Veronica was sitting in the throne room, the doors of the room were locked, when Asad arrived at this locked door, he looked through the key hole and what he saw made his heart beat wildly, sitting inside was Veronica all alone, her beauty made Asad hard, Asad turned around and began looking for his men, when he found them they all returned to the locked door as Asad whispered

Asad : their Queen is inside, set up a cannon, we'll blow this door down and then we'll apprehend the Queen, ok?

all the soldiers nodded, outside the fighting had largely ceased, although

some people were still causing violence, many soldiers as well as townsfolk had given up, every Crystonian soldier that surrendered was given the option to join the Ortanian army, most of them accepted with only a select few refusing, a similar scenario had happened in Asteronia as well, all the Crystonian soldiers that surrendered were given the option to join the Kingdom of Ortania as a soldier of the Ortanian army, people were also switching nationalities, making it clear that the fight was now over and that Ortania had won, back in the Crystonian royal palace, a cannon was placed at the locked door of the throne room, after loading it, Asad aimed it towards the gate and said

Asad : here I come.

Asad fire the cannonball, the door shattered like glass, despite witnessing how the door was torned down Veronica sat peacefully still believing that she being the Queen of Crystonia would be treated with respect by the enemy soldiers, if only she knew that an obsessed freak was coming for her, as Asad entered the room, he looked over to Veronica with the most disgusting smile on his face, as he walked up to her Veronica calmly said while standing up

Veronica : I see you have won the war, I respectfully accept my defeat.

Asad came up to Veronica's face and slapped her on the cheek so hard that she fell to the ground, Asad said while standing near her

Asad : you and all others of you're kind are the most disrespectful thing in this entire universe, don't ever say the word respect, for it is something that you never had.

lying on the ground Veronica began to tremble from fear, her eyes had went wide, Asad sat next to her, he began stroking her hair with his right hand and his dick with his left hand as he said in the most lustful tone ever

Asad : you're so satisfying and soft, I'm going to have so much fun with you.

Asad began laughing maniacally, Veronica's fight or flight instinct kicked in, she pushed Asad aside and made a run for the exit, but their her path got blocked by the Ortanian army, Veronica had nowhere to go and then she heard from behind her back

? : that was not very nice.

Veronica turned around and saw Asad standing behind her with the most angry look on his face, Veronica began to shake from fear as Asad walked up to her and said

Asad : now I'm going to make you scream, every second of my presence will be agonizing for you.

Asad looked over to his guards and said

Asad : restrain her, load her in a caravan and take her back to the palace, lock her up and leave the rest to me.

the soldiers did as told as Veronica screamed

Veronica : I'm the Queen of Crystonia, you can't do this to me!!

Asad smiled and gave her a very sick and twisted reply

Asad : you're an empty bucket and my job is to fill you up, for you their is no glory, for you their is no right, for you their is nothing but to serve and accept your place as an inferior in this eternal hierarchy.

to this Veronica asked in tears

Veronica : why?!

Asad became quiet for a second before saying

Asad : cause you're all the same.

Asad began to leave and the soldiers apprehended Veronica, outside the battle was now over, staunch loyalists of Crystonia fled to an uncertain fate in Abison, but most of the people stayed behind, after re organizing old armies and assessing the new ones, Ashhad sent out letters to the people of Ortania requesting all the townspeople to donate as much as they can to ease the pain of the newly integrated people, Ashhad also gave a huge sum of emeralds for the rebuilding of the town, after ensuring that the rebuilding of Nefluk had begun and that everybody had enough food to sustain themselves during the rebuilding, Ashhad, his friends and their armies began making their way back home, Hussnain, Aliza and Zulqarnain had gotten far away so Ashhad was walking back alone, while walking he witnessed a strange scene, he saw that a group of soldiers were walking back and all of them were carrying an artillery but, one of them was carrying two artilleries, seeing this Ashhad got a bit curious, he walked up to the group and shouted

Ashhad : good day lads!

all the soldiers put down their artillery saluted Ashhad and shouted

Soldiers : all hail king Ashhad!

Ashhad walked up to the soldier carrying two artilleries, he looked down at the heavy machines and asked

Ashhad : soldier why are you carrying more than the rest?

the soldier stood without an answer, to this another soldier of the army said

Soldier : don't mind him your highness, he likes to take challenges.

another soldier said

Soldier : we told him we'd carry it but he insisted.

Ashhad looked back at the soldier in question and asked

Ashhad : is this true?

the soldier finally muttered

Soldier : ye ... ye ... yes your highness.

Ashhad was now sure that something was wrong so, he ordered

Ashhad : alright then, come with me strong guy.

the soldier got confused and asked

Soldier : me, your highness?

Ashhad : yes.

the soldier bent down to lift the artilleries as Ashhad stopped him by saying

Ashhad : no no no, leave them.

the soldier stopped and looked back up as Ashhad said

Ashhad : your comrades will take these back to the palace, come with me I have a special job for you.

the soldier did as he was told and soon he and Ashhad were on their way back to Stevenburg, after quietly following Ashhad for 5 minutes the soldier asked

Soldier : sir where are we going?

Ashhad : home.

Soldier : what about the job you had for me?

Ashhad : I was lying, I knew you were being forced to carry those two artilleries at once.

hearing this the soldier stopped and said

Soldier : I wasn't forced by anyone, I was carrying them to make up up for my negligent behavior during the attack.

Ashhad placed his hand on his shoulder and said

Ashhad : hey that's ok, everybody makes mistakes.

Soldier : mine weren't mistakes, they were outright violations of the law.

Ashhad : jeez, what did you do?

Soldier : when you guys attacked the town, I ran away, I remained hidden throughout the fight and only entered the town when fighting was over.

Ashhad : why, were you scared?

Soldier : no, it's a long story.

Ashhad : well I'm willing to hear it.

the soldier sighed and said

Soldier : promise you won't call me crazy?

Ashhad : I won't.

Soldier : ok.

Ashhad : you already know my name, what's yours?

Khizar : my name is Khizar Ahmed, I was born on March 15th 2077, my life was quite the ideal one, my family being from a higher class, I never had a problem regarding money, got good education, had loving parents and awesome siblings, but one day everything changed.


Khizar and his family were heading to the sea side, this was going to be the best picnic of Khizar's life, sitting on the backseat of his car were Khizar, his 9 years old brother Maaz and sisters Afia and Emaan, who were both 8 years old, Khizar himself was 10, his dad was driving while his mother was sitting next to him on the second front seat, as his mother said

Khizar's mom : now I want all of you to behave when we reach the sea.

Khizar's dad : aww come on sweetie, we haven't even reached our destination yet.

Khizar's mom : you know what they always say, better safe than sorry.

Khizar's dad : chill out, look how happy the kids are, your worrying will spoil the fun.

Khizar's mom : oh ok, it's just today I had a really bad dream.

Khizar's dad : oh come on Fiza, dreams aren't real.

Khizar's mom : I know, it's just that ... actually never mind.

Khizar's dad : Khizar, you brought the ball right?

Khizar : yes daddy.

Khizar's dad : good.

they kept driving until they got to a forest area, it was going to be smooth sailing from here as this route had little to no traffic, wanting to give his family a little spook, Khizar's dad began telling them an old myth

Khizar's dad : did you know, back in the days it was famous that cannibals lived in this forest.

hearing this Afia and Emaan got scared as Afia asked

Afia : daddy, did they really eat someone?

Khizar's dad : probably.

Emaan : oh dear!

Khizar decided to join the fun as he scared his sisters even more by saying

Khizar : and did you know their favorite meal was children.

both the girls were on the brink of crying

when Maaz buried the hatchet by shouting

Maaz : what's that in the distance!

both the girls got scared and began crying, Khizar and Maaz started laughing as Khizar's mom scolded them

Khizar's mom : Khizar, Maaz , that's enough!

Khizar : but daddy's doing it to.

Khizar's dad : listen to your mother Khizar.

Khizar's mom : you to Imran, stop scaring our kids.

Khizar's dad calmed his daughters by saying

Khizar's dad : now now buttercups, it was just a rumor, their's no way that .....

Khizar's dad saw something that left him dead silent, seeing this Khizar's mom asked

Khizar's mom : their's no way what?

Khizar's dad pointed at something, looking through the car's windshield, Khizar's mom saw someone lying on the street, it looked like a girl and she was completely covered in blood, Khizar's dad remarked

Khizar's dad : who could that be?

Khizar's mom : Imran, I think we should turn around.

Khizar's dad : nonsense, I'm sure this is some silly prank.

Khizar's dad pulled over near the girl, Khizar's mom worryingly insisted

Khizar's mom : Imran what are you doing, don't leave the car.

Khizar's dad got out of his car and as he walked up to this girl he asked

Khizar's dad : hey, you ok?

their was no reply or movement, due to the girl lying on her back, Khizar's dad couldn't see her face, assuming it to be a dead body he said

Khizar's dad : well seems like whoever this was their gone now.

Khizar's mom shouted from the car

Khizar's mom : Imran, get us out of here this instant!

Khizar's dad : alright alright, sheesh.

but as Khizar's dad turned around to go back to his car, the girl attacked him on the leg with a hatchet, Khizar's dad fell to the ground and began screaming in agony, seeing this Khizar's mom screamed

Khizar's mom : Imran!!

the girl bit Khizar's dad on the neck and using her freakishly sharp teeth tore of his skin, just then 6 to 8 men dressed in clothes made of leaf and wood, came running out of the bushes, these were the cannibals, using her hands, Khizar's mom somehow threw the girl of her husband, but just then 2 of the attacking men jumped on her and began to maul her like a lion, Khizar's dad also got attacked by 3 man, the cannibals ripped off their skin like cattle, and started feasting on their flesh, Khizar's parents screamed and cried out for help but no one came, Khizar and his siblings got out of the car and made a desperate escape attempt, the cannibals went right after them, due to their slow speed both Afia and Emaan got captured and killed, Maaz and Khizar had gotten quite far away, realizing that the cannibals were now far behind, both stopped to catch their breath, in the span of a few seconds, Khizar's whole life had been torn apart, Maaz catched his breath and asked

Maaz : Khizar * huff * * puff *, what do we do now?

Khizar was unable to answer as those savages had caught up to them and now they were coming right at them, seeing this both brothers again began to run, Khizar knowing that his life was on the line pushed himself beyond all bounds and started running at an insane pace, Maaz also followed suit but, the cannibals had now started using arrows, Maaz was unluckily hit by an arrow on his left leg, he fell to the ground and was unfortunately caught by the cannibals, Khizar kept running, he used all the stamina in his body to run, he kept running for almost an hour, even when the cannibals had lost him, he didn't stop, eventually Khizar stopped, but due to the tiredness he collapsed to the ground, when Khizar woke up he was in a hospital, sitting with him was his grandfather, Khizar had survived but his family was gone, niether their bodies nor their car were ever found.


Ashhad was left traumatized by Khizar's story, by now they had crossed the border into Stevenburg, as he said

Ashhad : I'm at a loss for words.

Khizar : many people say that, I'm insane, that what I saw that day was fake, some even blame me for murdering my own family and hiding them away.

Khizar grabbed Ashhad's hand and asked with teary eyes

Khizar : you believe me right?

Ashhad : what's not to believe, the suffering, the agony, it's clear on your face, you're not lying.

Khizar smiled, tears still in his eyes and said

Khizar : thankyou.

Ashhad : you said you had a grandfather, what happened to him?

Khizar : he died of old age.

Ashhad : did you ever get married?

Khizar wiped his tears off and said

Khizar : yes.

Ashhad : I see, are they ....

Khizar cut Ashhad off by saying

Khizar : they're the reason I'm still alive, otherwise what's the point of life, when no one loves you.

Ashhad : I bet you're children will be really happy to see you.

Khizar : I never had any children.

Ashhad : then why did you say they and not she?

Khizar : I was referring to all my wives.

Ashhad : what do you mean, all?

Khizar chuckled and said

Khizar : after the unfortunate demise of my family, my grandfather took me under his care, due to an injury it was discovered that I had gotten severe Hemophobia or in simpler words an extreme fear of blood.

Ashhad : I see.

Khizar : my grandfather was 71 years old when I started living with him, for 11 years he helped me get out of this trauma, I soon recovered but the Hemophobia never went away.

Ashhad : that's nice.

Khizar : by the time I turned 21, my grandfather had fallen severely ill, on his deathbed my grandfather had only one wish.

Ashhad : what?

Khizar : that I married the girl of his choice.

Ashhad : that's a great last wish.

Khizar : we lived in the mountains, close to our home was a village, that was where my bride was from, my grandfather never lived to see me get married and although, I did found the names and addresses of the girls that my grandfather had picked for me as potential brides, he never clarified which one he wanted me to marry, under the assumption that my grandfather liked all of them, I fulfilled his wish by marrying all of them.

Ashhad : and how many were they exactly?

Khizar : 5 very beautiful, very young and very sexy girls.

Ashhad : oh my.

Khizar : due to my grandfather's business, the families of all 5 girls happily married them to me, at first it was a bit strange but soon I got used to it.

Ashhad : I can understand, marriage is no child's play.

Khizar : especially when you have 5 wives.

Ashhad and Khizar giggled as Ashhad asked

Ashhad : how're things now?

Khizar : fantastic, my bond with all 5 of them is just as strong as the bond between any married couple.

Ashhad : you never even tried to have a child?

Khizar : no, cause if I had a child with one of my wives it would've made all the others jealous similarly, if I had a child with all 5 of them, it would've completely destroyed my budget.

Ashhad and Khizar giggled, by now they were just a few miles away from Stevenburg as Ashhad asked

Ashhad : might I ask what their names are, if you don't mind.

Khizar : their name are Edna, Ilsa, Lilith, Fiona and Joliet.

Ashhad : from there names they seem like pretty good people.

Khizar : they are, I've done my best to give them all the luxuries of the world, in exchange all I've ever asked for was affection and care.

Khizar took out a small slice of pie, he took a bite out of it and said

Khizar : and so far, everything has been going great.

Ashhad : well I pray that things between you and your wives stays good, after all you've endured a lot of pain and suffering.

Khizar looked up and smiled, they had reached Stevenburg as he looked over to Ashhad and said

Khizar : well, I'll be going now, see you in the battlefield king and thanks for your generosity.

as Khizar began to leave Ashhad said

Ashhad : hang on a second.

Khizar stopped as Ashhad asked

Ashhad : if you're scared of blood then why did you become a soldier?

Khizar : not all soldiers are supposed to fight, I make up for my absence during fights by carrying heavier loads as opposed to my comrades.

Ashhad : oh, now I see why you were carrying two artilleries.

Khizar : I pray that I don't get fired, this job is what makes up 50% of my monthly income.

Ashhad : you won't get fired Khizar, that's a promise.

Khizar : I appreciate that.

afterwards Khizar went his way, Ashhad also headed straight to the royal palace.